The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Psoriasis cure with homeopathy
I have been suffering from psoriasis for a year now and tried many medicine. Its like every month I have to go for LFT and CBC test and take medicine. Now I understood that it wont be possible in a long run. Hence would like to know if homeopathy treatment for Psoriasis is curable and how long does it takes??joy1234 on 2011-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Can you post some pictures of the patches?
Tell us more about the problem, in as much detail as possible. Also, let us know of other diseases / problems you may be facing. Let us know what worsens / relieves your problems.
Let us know about the season you prefer the most. Do the complaints get worse in any particular weather?
I would like you to know that Psoriasis is perfectly curable in Homeopathy and there are no adverse side-effects.
Depending on the state and duration of the problem, the cure may take anywhere between 3-12 months.
[message edited by Niel Madhavan on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 08:56:48 CST]
Can you post some pictures of the patches?
Tell us more about the problem, in as much detail as possible. Also, let us know of other diseases / problems you may be facing. Let us know what worsens / relieves your problems.
Let us know about the season you prefer the most. Do the complaints get worse in any particular weather?
I would like you to know that Psoriasis is perfectly curable in Homeopathy and there are no adverse side-effects.
Depending on the state and duration of the problem, the cure may take anywhere between 3-12 months.
[message edited by Niel Madhavan on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 08:56:48 CST]
Niel Madhavan last decade
Till the age of 22, I never had any decease as such. After that I changed my place to bhubaneswar where this decease stuck me. At the initial days, I was not aware that its such a dangerous decease. But once I know, I immediately went to one dermatologist.
After 3-4 months my condition improved a lot and apart from scalp and back, patches were gone from other places. Still I was taking medicines, but the scalp was hard to control. After a year of treatment, I went to another doc and he said the medicines I was taking has side effects, and give me some alternative medicines. After taking those my patches almost vanished from all places except scalp and relived me for a month.
But after that, this started coming in huge and by that time I heard about homeopathy treatment. I consulted one, but could not give him time as the decease started spreading.
1. This decease get worse in winter condition.
2. I am very anxious
3. I get tensed very soon
4. Try to put everything into logical point of view.
5. Very punctual.
6. Love eating non-veg, sweets.
7. Feels thirsty always.
My parents say that, homeopathy medicines would worsen your condition first before giving cure and it would take time to start showing its action. I am ready to do as much sacrifice as possible but it should take me to a better condition day by day.
Please suggest me how can I get back my earlier life.
After 3-4 months my condition improved a lot and apart from scalp and back, patches were gone from other places. Still I was taking medicines, but the scalp was hard to control. After a year of treatment, I went to another doc and he said the medicines I was taking has side effects, and give me some alternative medicines. After taking those my patches almost vanished from all places except scalp and relived me for a month.
But after that, this started coming in huge and by that time I heard about homeopathy treatment. I consulted one, but could not give him time as the decease started spreading.
1. This decease get worse in winter condition.
2. I am very anxious
3. I get tensed very soon
4. Try to put everything into logical point of view.
5. Very punctual.
6. Love eating non-veg, sweets.
7. Feels thirsty always.
My parents say that, homeopathy medicines would worsen your condition first before giving cure and it would take time to start showing its action. I am ready to do as much sacrifice as possible but it should take me to a better condition day by day.
Please suggest me how can I get back my earlier life.
joy1234 last decade
What are the patches like?
Any discharge from them?
Do they break into cracks?
How is your stool?
Can you post some pictures of the patches?
Any discharge from them?
Do they break into cracks?
How is your stool?
Can you post some pictures of the patches?
Niel Madhavan last decade
I dont have pictures handy. Bt the patches are like the size of the finger tip, red with silvery skin over them. Some of them joins to get bigger.
They dont break into cracks.
They are itchy, bt applying oil make some relief from this itchyness.
The scalp patches are generally hard with some thick layers.
The stool used to be hard due to which I got some bleeding before. Now its soft after taking some medicines, acidic, there is no blood, bt presence of mucus and bacteria fould in stool test.
They dont break into cracks.
They are itchy, bt applying oil make some relief from this itchyness.
The scalp patches are generally hard with some thick layers.
The stool used to be hard due to which I got some bleeding before. Now its soft after taking some medicines, acidic, there is no blood, bt presence of mucus and bacteria fould in stool test.
joy1234 last decade
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