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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cough and Throat Problem

i am suffering from Cough right now and my throat becomes dry and worse condition and feeling some fever due to this.....
and phlegm comes out in the morning.....
and i am generally effected by cold... season changes... dust....from childhood....

so suggest me some beneficial medicines.

I will gretful to you.

  preetmca on 2011-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You should take Bryonia 30. 3 doses for 2 days.And also take steam inhalation 2 times a day.Let me know after that.
[message edited by desha on Mon, 07 Mar 2011 12:42:42 GMT]
desha last decade
i take 2 to 3 glass of water from morning......
preetmca last decade
Ok.Take above medicine as I mentioned.You will get relief.
desha last decade

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