The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Another Diabetic confirms the reduction of his Blood Sugar level from 180 to 120 using Arnica 6c in the Wet dose.
I am copying below a thread from the Homeopathy and More Forum where a patient has just confirmed that after 10 years of suffering from Diabetes, he discovered that Arnica 6c in the Wet dose has helped him to bring his BS level down to 120 from 180.Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Type II
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
November 30 2010
To Gavini and Udaya
I was interested in Gavini's discovery that Ars Alb (Potency?) helped some Diabetic patients to alleviate that burning feeling in their soles.
Some patients have also complained to me about this same feeling of burning and a patient whom I have been treating for about a year first presented with a BS level of 535 and was taking Metformin in large doses and suffered from that same intense burning feeling caused either by his Diabetes or the drug or both. He was also suffering from weeping Eczema caused by an allergic reaction to the drug.
The remedy I gave him is my default Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken thrice daily for a week and reduced to twice thereafter. He reported in 24 hours that his burning feeling had stopped within a day and that his Eczema had all dried up. His BS level had also reduced down to 110. He later reported the BS at 100 and he now takes just the Arnica twice daily and seems to be almost cured as he had stopped the Arnica for 12 days as he had exhausted his bottle and his BS had only climbed to 115.
It can be presumed that his Pancreas had been kick started to process the BS with Insulin by the Arnica 6c.
He has resumed the 2 doses of Arnica 6c and his BS is stabilized at 100.
Re:Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Type
By: udaya kumar
November 30 2010
Dear Joe,
I always felt that Arnics's action apart from the blood is within the Edorcrine gland Adrinals. Pnacrease can go wrong only if Adrinals go wrong. At 6C I think Arnica has an excellent playground in Adrinals. It should work within each cells of Adrinals in order that it give such a drastic result as narrated by you. Blood pressure and diabnetis are caused by the insufficiency of endorcrine glands in particular Adrinals. The level varies and the intensity, severety, name, and description of the ailment also changes from blood pressure, to diabetes and from diabetes to tumors and from tumors to CA and from CA to modern auto immune diseases.
with regards.
Re: Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Typ
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
December 1 2010
Dear Udaya,
Thank you for your analysis of the etiology of Diabetes and Hypertension with which I agree.
It seems such a shame that medicine refuses to even consider using my therapy which I recently tried to introduce to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the Medical College who specializes in Diabetes. I informed him that I was a Homeopath which I practiced free of charge and that the reason for my visit was to see if I could persuade him to use Arnica 6c which I had found to be as effective as the drugs that were used to control Diabetes.
I related my experience with Arnica and told him that I can give him the bottle of water which I had taken with me and which I activated with just 2 drops of Arnica 6 to prove that there was no other drug used to make the remedy.
He informed me that he will have to submit the sample to some Oxford testing laboratory after doing tests in Colombo with dogs before he could use it on a Diabetic patient. I pointed out that as far as I was aware, dogs did not present Diabetes. He replied that he could inject dogs with Glucose to raise their BS level and then test my remedy on them. I then informed him that this would not be a disease and that my remedy would not reduce BS levels in dogs if used in the manner that I had detailed with proof of patients responses, one of which was a doctor's statement that she had replaced the Metformin with Arnica 6c.
It was obvious to me that medical doctors are only interested in using drugs supplied by Big Pharma and refuse to use an absolutely safe remedy even on a test basis to verify if my Joepathy could help a Diabetic.
My experience with Arnica 6c is that it will help about 80% of patients who present Diabetes both Type I and Type II and I do hope that it will be used by Homeopaths who read this post as they will be doing a service to suffering humanity.
Kind Regards
Re:Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Type
By: litap
March 9 2011
Dear Joe,
Here is yet another case of Arnica 6 c bringing the Blood sugar level to near normal within 15 days. I have been a diabetic for the last 10 years almost. I tried your Joepathy a fortnight back and to my surprise I find my BS level coming down to 120 from the earlier 180 a few months back. Kudos to you.
With kind regards,
Re: Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Typ
By: Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka
March 10 2011
To Litap
I am grateful to you for having confirmed the reduction in your BS level down to what can be considered as normal in just 15 days after using my default therapy aka 'Joepathy' for Diabetes. You stated that you have been a Diabetic for the last 10 years and that you used Arnica 6c just 2 weeks ago and discovered the reduction in your BS level. I would like to have more information on your history of Diabetes with BS levels and what drugs you have used up to now.
I hope that you will continue to use Arnica 6c in the Wet dose in the manner that I have prescribed it for the rest of your life.
It pains me when allopaths and even classical homeopaths belittle this therapy which I discovered accidentally in 2005 and which I have tried to promote as an effective substitute to treat Diabetes which, as far as I am aware, has not been successfully treated with other Homeopathic remedies in the manner that Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps them.
All I strive to do at my advanced age of 82 years is to share my discoveries with others in the hope that they like you will use it and confirm their response on a Forum open to the world.
I hope that you have read my article on Arnica the Miracle Remedy on my website where I shall include it to enable others too to benefit from it.
Thank you for taking the time to confirm your success with my 'Joepathy'.
Joe De Livera
♥ Joe De Livera on 2011-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This was posted by the patient a few minutes ago after my post above:
Re:Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Type
Edit/Delete this post By: litap
March 10 2011
Dear Joe,
Thank you for your words. I have posted my history and other details on the other thread and have been discussing these things with Udaya. My BS was hovering around 180-200 about a year despite allopathic medication. Now with Arnica 6c it has miraculously come down.
Yes, I shall continue with this medicine. I still have some other problems including insomnia which I wish, shall get cured soon with this remedy.
With regards,
Re:Arnica 6c in the Wet dose helps Diabetics Type I and Type
Edit/Delete this post By: litap
March 10 2011
Dear Joe,
Thank you for your words. I have posted my history and other details on the other thread and have been discussing these things with Udaya. My BS was hovering around 180-200 about a year despite allopathic medication. Now with Arnica 6c it has miraculously come down.
Yes, I shall continue with this medicine. I still have some other problems including insomnia which I wish, shall get cured soon with this remedy.
With regards,
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
i asked for arnica 6c shopkeeper gave me arnica mont 6 now can i use 3 drops in 400 ml boiled tap water for diabeties remedy
tcs1337 last decade
weather arnica 6c and arnica montano 6 is same for diabetic purpose
tcs1337 last decade
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