The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Chemical Sensitivity
Came looking for distinction between rhus tox. and ruta and then thought of new question. Has anyone had success treating chemical sensitivity with homeopathy.balval on 2011-03-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes I have had a couple of clients who were cured using homoeopathy. Each case was quite complex from what I remember, and all of them were also quite sensitive to the remedies, which made management challenging. This was until I saw Dr. Luc du Schepper talking about the diluted dosing in homoeopathy, and found this to be of great help with my very next client with this problem.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
See this link on the awesome homeopath Robin Murphy's web site for info on diluted dosing, also know as dosing for highly sensitive individuals.
yuanshen last decade
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