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Premature Ejaculation



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pls. Help Insomia ,Hair greying and premature ejaculation,mental unrest -excessive thinking

Dear Doctors ,

see below my history and problems ...

i am A 28-year-old married male from India is having problems regarding insomnia (since 2007, but worse for the last year), hair loss and premature graying, premature ejaculation

1) In 1996, I happened to know about sex and I started masturbation since 1996, 1n 1996 even though I masturbate I used to have erection for very long .
2) Observed from 2000 (by masturbation) that I my erection go soft the sooner and premature ejaculation, i got married 10 months back , but i am having satisfying sex life , my wife is away i used to meet her in every 3 months .though i get soft erection but it stays for 4-5 mins ...but still i find problemtic...i could see some fuilds coming out when i talk to her while mentioning some sex related stuffs.
3)apart from that my lifestyle is simple , not that much stressful .
4)sleeping issue (i believe for the last 4 years my sleep is deterioting day by day )now a days i get sleep for hardly 3-4 hrs .my mind keep on thinking something while in sleep , it is in unrest position .in day time , if i am not doing anything mind starts thinking something ..while in Bus , travel , while in alone ...even talking to someone ..my mind starts thinking something else in between ...
when i get out of sleep , i never feel fresh ..my eyes remain red ..and dark circles around eyes ..
5)i'm a hardworking professional ..good at work ..care for deadlines etc..
6)cool by nature ...helping .
7) i observe lot of sweating even in cold weather sometimes , mild joint pains ..
8) i feel less confident ..my face turns red and hand shakes if i have to do anything which is not done earlier ..even get angry/furios if i have to deal in fight situation ..heart beats fastly ...
9)for the last couple of years , i had observed that i do not get comman cold (sardi)problem even in chill weather or any situation ,although i used sneeze sometimes .
10)i have a habit of shaking legs slowly even i seat , relax ..
11)i also have the habit of chewing tobaco....
12)without fan i could not sleep ...i feel hot most of the time ..
13) i have a habit of skipping meals also..
14)these problems are not hereditic ..no one in my family have these problems ..
15)introvert ...due to these problems
16)one thing to be noticeable ...on my very early age i.e 13-14 yrs ..i had seen my beard ,moustache etc coming ..and my voice getting changed ...first voice became girlish then after some 2-3 yrs it became bolder and had hoarness in voice ....
17)get tired very soon , mild joint pains ..feel headache at least once in a week or after some continuous work ..
18)eye sight o.k so far ...
19)i had jaundice and malaria but normally cured after few days in childhood ..
severe ,can feel by moving my hand over head and have seen small red pimples (bumps).
20)My mind in sleep does not stops it is still active and keep on thinking something ..thoughts are good , no fear ,day to day stuffs ..'i wish' like thoughts. after 2 days of incomplete sleep , i get good sleep in next day at least 5-6 hrs .
21)most of the time i masturbate to get sleep ..earlier i used to get sleep after masturbating ..but now a days i do not get even i masturbate ....
22)i get sex desire if i see porn or talk sexual stuffs ...
23)i used to do sex with my wife at least 2-3 times daily but she is away(at home , i used to meet her once in 3 months for 8-10 days) now a days so can't but when i talk to her i feel desire ..
24)Some time , i get water from my eyes if i have to concentrate hard on anything like listening ,in front of commputer ..
25)I'm a bit sensitive like if i listen anything against me ..i feel lot ..
26)My constipation(no)/digestion is O.K
27)i am punctual ..and care for work ..
28)i keep on bending my back ,hand,finger,neck joints to feel comfortable ..
29)pattern of masturbation is slightly diff in my case - i use my thumb and revolve it around the head ..i do not use up and down method ...hence i also faced problem in first intercourse as the foreskin was not settled ..after few days it slipped though and is o.k .
30)posture pattern - i used to bend my neck a bit most of the time , and when i stand i used to keep more pressure on one leg and keep other slightly bend ..i feel uncomfortable keeping both legs in correct position ...some times legs shivers.also..
31)my lips are red ...they are as they are from beginning ..
32)I had Chicken pox some 3 years back though..
33)I am seeing hair greying right from the age of 12-13 yrs and have ignored initially.

past medical history & treatment

i am suffering to these problems and for sleeplessness i visited pyshcologist few 10 months back and had taken few mild sleeping pills for 3 months ...

I had taken insomia treatment from phychologist(he says Anxiety dis-order and mind unrest an issue) in pune for 3 months .doc advised me to take mild sleeping pills , i took but condition became as usual no improvement , later he edvised to take CBT therapy ...which i ignored..

From the age of 15, started masturbating daily. Now days weekly 4-5 times
Masturbate. At the age of 15 I do for long time but after 1998 I do premature
Ejaculation, lot of worries, stress, tensions in the life. Mind is excited and heart beats
fastly and body is warm and awake most of the time.
Height 5’6”.
Weight 60 Kg.
Looks Athletic. Body loosened due to alcohol, now due to no physical work or exercise.
i am non veggie ...like non veg much ..normal diet patterns ..non spicy non fatty
1)pre mature graying - 40% head hair , beard and chest hair gone greyed !! very worried about this --this has worsened self-esteem and self confidence..
2)hair loss -homeo doctor says -male patterend baldness M shape ....very thin hair ..
3)insomia -as described earlier
4)pre -ejaculation - i am not sure about this ..but it looks like i get soft erection and ejaculate in quickly..so far not much problematic married life but i fear lot for this also !!

Current medication undergoing

I had seen one Homeopath last 10 days back , he had presscribed few medicines also ...i am taking them , i am not getting some sort of even an average sleep and have not seen imprevemnt in dandruffs reduction at present..he reckons all your problems are more related to your mental conditions and would be O.k in few days .

I would appreciate if you could advise me what needs to be done to cure my hair problem,insomia and ejaculation issue.
I am very depressed due to all this now a days.
  DasNeedHelp on 2011-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you know the remedy your homeopath is giving you.
kadwa last decade
no i don't know ..he has given 2 bottles -3 times 7 drops in a day ...3 bottles 2 pallets a day ....1 white powder every tuesday and friday at bed time...
DasNeedHelp last decade
All Doctors,
pls. could you look at this case and advise me -thanks
DasNeedHelp last decade
the cure is very very simple please read carefully it worked 4 me when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze VERY hard lower part of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this sperm can not come out
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
vishnu5 last decade

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