The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Urgent: Dr. Sameer: Suspected measles without rash, ear infection
Dear Dr. Sameer,I suspect my 5 year old son has contracted measles (his 10 yo sister just had them and recovered nicely with home treatment) BUT he started out with fever and earache, massive purulent greenish ear discharge. Today is day 5 of fever and pain, spots inside the mouth but still no rash! We have given him Aconite, then Pulsatilla, the kali bi due to the stringy discharge. The pain did not subside, and to help him sleep we reluctantly gave him Ibuprofen.
I am wondering is the ibuprofen has suppressed the rash.
He has also received olive leaf extract and vitamin C as well as echinacea/astragalus extract.
When the pain is suppressed he is happy and active, otherwise completely miserable and says he will never recover.
Kiran was born 8.8.2005, no drugs, no complications, 3.8 kg, gained weight nicely
no vaccinations
was 2 weeks overdue, skin flaked after birth
8 weeks neonatal jaundice, cleared with me drinking dandelion tea
Breastfed until 4.5 years of age
Severe ear infection at one year of age, tried homeopathic treatment for 3 weeks with no success, loss of right eardrum due to rupture and discharge
Antibiotics-was very unhappy about that but it stopped the progression-we were worried he'd lose his hearing
Tried many rounds of homeopathy to help recurring ear problems, at 2.5 years stopped goat milk, improvement. After a homeopathic remedy eczema started, 2.5 years up to now (improved somewhat)
Very skinny, small for his age, weighs 18 kg
Eats very little, fussy
Likes Idly, yogurt, sweets, mango, banana, apples, corn chips (salty)
very intelligent, excellent memory (reads astronomy books!)
affectionate but independent
doesn't like showers but baths ok
eczema now better, use to be in elbows, worse from anger, heat (we now live in a tropical climate which he dislikes). received combination medicine (normally I don't like this but was desperate) of Graphites, Petroleum and Lycopodium and improved.
must always be busy
likes cool air, worse humidity
still likes blankets
sometimes talks or laughs during sleep
has regular ear discharge from right ear even when not acutely sick, smells cheesy, yellow-green, thick
likes running, exercise
fear of death, talks about death and reincarnation often
curly brown hair
had chickenpox at 2 yo, cleared up with Rhus Tox
I hope you can help him! I am worried about the measles virus remaining active if he doesn't get the rash.
Should he have sulphur??
Thank you so much, your help is much appreciated.
[message edited by annika on Mon, 02 May 2011 12:29:18 BST]
annika on 2011-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dr Sameer,
we gave him sulfur 30c yesterday, one dose, he seems improved but still no rash.
He had a very smelly nowel movement after the sulfur.
He still had some ear pain but was able to cope without pain medication, however had to sleep with his head on my tummy...
His fever is lower, but his lymph nodes in the neck are still enlarged and hard.
I am still concerned he hasn't fully eliminated the measles- or would the ear discharge make up for the absence of rash?
I look forward to your reply.
we gave him sulfur 30c yesterday, one dose, he seems improved but still no rash.
He had a very smelly nowel movement after the sulfur.
He still had some ear pain but was able to cope without pain medication, however had to sleep with his head on my tummy...
His fever is lower, but his lymph nodes in the neck are still enlarged and hard.
I am still concerned he hasn't fully eliminated the measles- or would the ear discharge make up for the absence of rash?
I look forward to your reply.
annika last decade
I wanted to mention about his reaction to food. Dairy seems to increase mucus, wheat used to increase the itch.
He was off dairy, sugar, eggs and wheat for 2 years but it didn't improve his skin much.
Only a spa trip to Avene, France, where he had mineral water baths for 3 weeks, first aggravated and then cleared the skin temporarily. The rash came back when he had egg after a week.
Now his skin is much better, the main complaint is the ear discharge, and the lack of appetite/failure to grow.
There is a also gas/flatulence.
He usually has a bowel movement once a day, can only go at home. It is formed but soft and smelly.
He loves all the foods that weren't recommended, eggs, bread, chocolate, ice cream.
There are sensory issues, food has to be smooth- any lumps are unwelcome. Fruit juice with pulp s rejected..
I forgot he has also been complaining about ear noises since he got the acute infection last week: Whooshing, then banging. His hearing is affected.
Thank you!
He was off dairy, sugar, eggs and wheat for 2 years but it didn't improve his skin much.
Only a spa trip to Avene, France, where he had mineral water baths for 3 weeks, first aggravated and then cleared the skin temporarily. The rash came back when he had egg after a week.
Now his skin is much better, the main complaint is the ear discharge, and the lack of appetite/failure to grow.
There is a also gas/flatulence.
He usually has a bowel movement once a day, can only go at home. It is formed but soft and smelly.
He loves all the foods that weren't recommended, eggs, bread, chocolate, ice cream.
There are sensory issues, food has to be smooth- any lumps are unwelcome. Fruit juice with pulp s rejected..
I forgot he has also been complaining about ear noises since he got the acute infection last week: Whooshing, then banging. His hearing is affected.
Thank you!
annika last decade
PLease help- I don't know where to go with this, have stopped seeing doctors because all they give here is antibiotics, and if you're not vaccinated you're like some criminal...
annika last decade
Parents Health:
Mother: hypothyroid, tinnitus
Father: healthy
Grandparents: bronchitis, depression, arthritis
Mother: hypothyroid, tinnitus
Father: healthy
Grandparents: bronchitis, depression, arthritis
annika last decade
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