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Am 26 yrs old and suffering from hair loss pls help
Hi, I 26 yrs old and suffering from hair loss on top and upper back side of my head from last one year. I first discovered thinning of hair in Dec,07 on my left side of forehead this may be due to hectic office hrs as I worked late in night for continuous 3-4 months and couldnt get the good sleeps. It got worst in the year 2008 in that side of head . Other than this I don't have baldness on my head at that point of time. Till now I was used only homeopathic medicines Abrotanum 30, Ceacnotus 30, Lycopodium 30, Rosmarinus 30 (After reading it from Nirogdham patrika these medicines are used more for maintaining the black color in hair as per the magazine). Then I also started taking arnica plus as well as 200 potency of these above mentioned homeopathic medicine daily (I took the 200 potency medicines daily instead of weekly basis). This made my hairs pure black in color which were never be like this (hairs had slightly brownish look when oil is not applied when applied look black ). In Feb 2009 I started feeling severe itching on my head, when I used to scratch my head then hairs started coming out in my hands and sometime blood also comes. Since then my hairs becomes thinner and thinner my skull started visible from top and also nature of hairs become plastic ness, kinky, rounded shaped hair started growing instead of straight hairs, hairs dont grow much in length and grow in like curvature manner, hairs are not round in shape in which normal hairs used to grow, u can say hair were growing like flat shape hairs. Now hairs come out easily out of my head when I try to pull them now the current state of my hairs are look like bit plastic in nature, thin, dont grow large, grow at very minimal rate and sheer black in color Hair on sides and lower back side of my head still very much in good condition and in large amount and growing long. Please suggest me some good medicines which cure this problem so that my hairs become healthy again. I had suffered from jaundice in 2009. I have also checked for thyroid and reports are negative.Can someone pls suggest me good medicines to cure this problem. I am also attaching the photos
abhinav2 on 2011-05-30
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