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uncomfortable inhibiting sweat
I am looking for some advice. I am a first year homeopath so I know a little of the subject and am trying to heal myself!I suffer from awful sweating mainly under my arms but also hands, feet, back and face. This is brought on or made worse by tension and emotion and it is something that began when I was about 11-12 (puberty).
I have taken Puls, Nat Mur, Hep Sulph, Merc and a range of other remedies over the past year but nothing is working. Latest one to try is Pilocarpine.
I even resorted to botox injections under my arms last year to prevent the sweat but it didnt work (helped a little).
Please help - it is most uncomfortable, I long to be able to wear nice clothes instead of black all the time so the damp doesnt show up.
I look forward to some advice!
Love and Light to all
waterfall on 2005-05-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is not a homeopathic answer. But I have the same problem as you. There is a product called Maxim. I use it on my underarms. You can use it once every night or every other night. It really seems to help. I only use it every few nights. You can find it at coradhealthcare . com.
Hope this helps, I know its not a homeopathic answer that you may be looking for but its something.
Hope this helps, I know its not a homeopathic answer that you may be looking for but its something.
naydies last decade
DO NOT USE ANY PRODUCT THAT STOPS YOU SWEATING. I don't know what this Maxim is, but if it stops perspiration, don't use it, please.
Waterfall, as a homeopathic student, you must know that you need to provide detailed info. before anyone can suggest remedies for you to consider.
Waterfall, as a homeopathic student, you must know that you need to provide detailed info. before anyone can suggest remedies for you to consider.
Minsa last decade
Yes, I know that it is not considered a good course of action but it is an option. I unfortunately have not found a homeopathic option for me that works. I was just throwing out options. Like I had already stated, its not homeopathic just an option.
naydies last decade
Body Odour can be very quickly eliminated with Johnson's Baby Shampoo.
I have used it for the last 25 years or more and discovered that if one passes the hands immediately after shampooing the head, under the arms and perhaps massages the bubbles into the armpit, Body Odour will be eliminated.
I believe that this shampoo which does not irritate the eyes and is the reason why it is recommended for babies, prevents the bacteria that are ever present in the arm pit, from multiplying thereby eliminating the cause of BO. This shampoo is nearest to the chemical composition of the skin and if you use it you will discover that BO will be history with the very first application of this amazing shampoo.
I have used it for the last 25 years or more and discovered that if one passes the hands immediately after shampooing the head, under the arms and perhaps massages the bubbles into the armpit, Body Odour will be eliminated.
I believe that this shampoo which does not irritate the eyes and is the reason why it is recommended for babies, prevents the bacteria that are ever present in the arm pit, from multiplying thereby eliminating the cause of BO. This shampoo is nearest to the chemical composition of the skin and if you use it you will discover that BO will be history with the very first application of this amazing shampoo.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
More info to follow when I have more time! Already tried all sorts of things like Driclor which irritate under arms terribly and dont have much else effect so wont be using stuff like that again!
waterfall last decade
More info here it is!
The problem started around puberty when I was 11 (I am now 26 F). I was a very confident and outgoing person but I developed a cyst on my face around that time and became very withdrawn because of bullying at school about it. I endured 18 MONTHS of antibiotics and eventually came out in a drugs rash, so the ABs were stopped and I was given several steroid injections into the cyst and put on Roaccutane for about 6 months which cleared up the cyst but left me with quite dry skin.
So modalities: better in the cold, open air (but not always), better when relaxed i.e. at home with family, better at night
Worse in the heat, worse when tense and worse emotional like laughing or crying.
Have tried to de tox from the horrendous amount of ABs with ptobiotics, Carcinosin and diet changes.
Any advice would be really appreciated -this is something I have suffered from for more than half my life and it is so awful, if you have never experienced it I am so glad for you but you will have no idea how uncomfortable it is.
Thanks to all in advance.
Love and Light
PS: Joe - thanks for the tip!
The problem started around puberty when I was 11 (I am now 26 F). I was a very confident and outgoing person but I developed a cyst on my face around that time and became very withdrawn because of bullying at school about it. I endured 18 MONTHS of antibiotics and eventually came out in a drugs rash, so the ABs were stopped and I was given several steroid injections into the cyst and put on Roaccutane for about 6 months which cleared up the cyst but left me with quite dry skin.
So modalities: better in the cold, open air (but not always), better when relaxed i.e. at home with family, better at night
Worse in the heat, worse when tense and worse emotional like laughing or crying.
Have tried to de tox from the horrendous amount of ABs with ptobiotics, Carcinosin and diet changes.
Any advice would be really appreciated -this is something I have suffered from for more than half my life and it is so awful, if you have never experienced it I am so glad for you but you will have no idea how uncomfortable it is.
Thanks to all in advance.
Love and Light
PS: Joe - thanks for the tip!
waterfall last decade
does your sweat have any particular odour?
what are you thirsty for - I mean what drinks do you crave?
Food cravings or ones that upset you?
Urination and bowels normal or anything to report?
what are you thirsty for - I mean what drinks do you crave?
Food cravings or ones that upset you?
Urination and bowels normal or anything to report?
erika last decade
Depending on how hot/stressful the day has been there can be either pretty much no odour or a bit whiffy but nothing I can describe other than a normal 'unlcean' sort of odour.
I dont drink tea or coffee (hate the stuff) or fizzy drinks, I usually drink water or fruit juice and rarely alchol, and I dont have a particular craving for any apart from when I am thirst I just crave water to rehydrate.
Food cravings - like most women chocolate is a must sometimes but no regular cravings. My diet is wheat/dairy/gluten free as much as possible, and I mainly eat a vegetarian diet although chicken or tuna once every week or two.
Urine normal, bowel movements tend to be mostly quite soft - not quite dirarea (which I cant spell).
I am also taking the pill (Norimin), have been for about 2 years.
I dont drink tea or coffee (hate the stuff) or fizzy drinks, I usually drink water or fruit juice and rarely alchol, and I dont have a particular craving for any apart from when I am thirst I just crave water to rehydrate.
Food cravings - like most women chocolate is a must sometimes but no regular cravings. My diet is wheat/dairy/gluten free as much as possible, and I mainly eat a vegetarian diet although chicken or tuna once every week or two.
Urine normal, bowel movements tend to be mostly quite soft - not quite dirarea (which I cant spell).
I am also taking the pill (Norimin), have been for about 2 years.
waterfall last decade
I'm stuck here, which means I haven't yet got enough symptoms - explain more about your good self and let me see more sound very healthy and have presumably taken sulphur as well already? silica? calc carb?
erika last decade
Yes, have tried Sulphur, Silica, and Calc Carb in various potencies!
Other symptoms include various eruptions, always very itchy, mainly on my right leg at the front at the level of my ankle, and sometimes on my elbows but they are ok at the moment. Also a rash on the back of my neck which is better than it was but is also something I have had since about the age of 14 on and off.
I dont particularly like the sun I get burned very easily and I dont tan quite pale complexion. I have red/brown hair (was born strawberry blonde), blue eyes, am about 5ft 6 and weight 9.5 stone.
I have a twin sister; she has no problems with sweating.
I do have quite a lot of stress in my life, very busy job, studying, my second job as a bar maid some evenings, try to get to the gym when I can, family issues and try to have a social life too and see my partner when I can.
I cant think of anything else at the moment but if I do I will post it!
Thanks for your time!
Other symptoms include various eruptions, always very itchy, mainly on my right leg at the front at the level of my ankle, and sometimes on my elbows but they are ok at the moment. Also a rash on the back of my neck which is better than it was but is also something I have had since about the age of 14 on and off.
I dont particularly like the sun I get burned very easily and I dont tan quite pale complexion. I have red/brown hair (was born strawberry blonde), blue eyes, am about 5ft 6 and weight 9.5 stone.
I have a twin sister; she has no problems with sweating.
I do have quite a lot of stress in my life, very busy job, studying, my second job as a bar maid some evenings, try to get to the gym when I can, family issues and try to have a social life too and see my partner when I can.
I cant think of anything else at the moment but if I do I will post it!
Thanks for your time!
waterfall last decade
will have a think and get back later - pls post any more info in the meantime...have you tried sepia or thyroidinum?
erika last decade
Tried Sepia - for period pains I think, 30c. Havent tried Thyroidinum - you recommend? If so what potency?
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
waterfall last decade
No I don't totally recommend thyroidinum but I think it is worth considering and you reading about it to see what you think. I will look further into remedies and come back with recommendation or more questions.
erika last decade
ok - various eruptions, itchy, please describe more (not just place but appearance etc.). what is your personality? how does the weather affect you? have you any emotional problems that have been ongoing since puberty? can you describe your periods?
any headaches? any other symptoms....
where do you live and how does this affect your perspiration?
any headaches? any other symptoms....
where do you live and how does this affect your perspiration?
erika last decade
curious to know - you say you have tried the remedies mentioned, but for how long and in what potency?
also you mention the gym - are you very keen on exercise, better for it, worse for it??
do you perspire at night?
also you mention the gym - are you very keen on exercise, better for it, worse for it??
do you perspire at night?
erika last decade
Eruptions are usually red and dry, kind of scabby looking. If I scratch too hard they bleed - and it is quite easy to get carried away and scratch for ages but then it bleeds and stings.
My personality is generally good natured but I do have a tendancy to get a bit down, I have been on anti depressants a couple of times due to relationship break ups mainly. I do have a bit of a temper but it doesnt come out too much - worse around my period. I used to have a terrible temper as a teenager but have mellowed over the years! I was very unhappy as a teenager and sort of took it out on my family.
My periods are really painful ad heavy when I am not on the pill but not so painful and quite light when I am on it. I am on it now - have been for about 2 years.
I have more energy when the days are longer but I am not keen on the heat as I overheat easily and burn easily in the sun. I prefer the coolness of winter but not the darkness. But I dont like it too cold! Nice and warm is good! I live in England - I dont think it has any effects.
I do like the gym, sometimes it is an effort to go but I always feel good afterwards. I work out quite vigourously and it does make me perspire quite a lot. But afterwards when I have cooled off it reduces. Except if I go to the pub or something where I am not totally relaxed and then it is the same as always, I feel damp and uncomfortable.
I am scared of thunderstorms and I get really tense and actually drip with sweat if there is one - no matter what time of day or night.
I dont perspire at night but first thing in the morning I do.
I have taken Sulph 30 over a few weeks then 1 dose of 10M. Merc 200 - 1 dose.
Calc Carb 30 and 200 over about a week.
Silica 10M - 2 doses in 6 weeks.
Latest to try was Pilocarpine 6c twice daily for 1 week and Nat Mur 30c daily for 1 week.
My personality is generally good natured but I do have a tendancy to get a bit down, I have been on anti depressants a couple of times due to relationship break ups mainly. I do have a bit of a temper but it doesnt come out too much - worse around my period. I used to have a terrible temper as a teenager but have mellowed over the years! I was very unhappy as a teenager and sort of took it out on my family.
My periods are really painful ad heavy when I am not on the pill but not so painful and quite light when I am on it. I am on it now - have been for about 2 years.
I have more energy when the days are longer but I am not keen on the heat as I overheat easily and burn easily in the sun. I prefer the coolness of winter but not the darkness. But I dont like it too cold! Nice and warm is good! I live in England - I dont think it has any effects.
I do like the gym, sometimes it is an effort to go but I always feel good afterwards. I work out quite vigourously and it does make me perspire quite a lot. But afterwards when I have cooled off it reduces. Except if I go to the pub or something where I am not totally relaxed and then it is the same as always, I feel damp and uncomfortable.
I am scared of thunderstorms and I get really tense and actually drip with sweat if there is one - no matter what time of day or night.
I dont perspire at night but first thing in the morning I do.
I have taken Sulph 30 over a few weeks then 1 dose of 10M. Merc 200 - 1 dose.
Calc Carb 30 and 200 over about a week.
Silica 10M - 2 doses in 6 weeks.
Latest to try was Pilocarpine 6c twice daily for 1 week and Nat Mur 30c daily for 1 week.
waterfall last decade
this is helpful - thanks. Now pls tell me more about the painful periods - were they painful always, how long the flow - is it bright red, dark. was pain before after or during - when di the pain improve. these symptoms need to be about your periods before you were on the pill! give as much detail as poss re pains, mood etc..
erika last decade
I had my first period at 11 and then didnt have another one for 6 months! Then they started regularly but I dont remember them being particularly painful.
I went on the pill at 16 for conctraception which was fine for about a year when I started breakthrough bleeding - which got so bad I would bleed for 3 weeks and come off for 1 then on for 3 and I became anemic.
Tried various pills since then plus the injection which made me extremely depressed.
They started becomming painful about 5 years ago which is why I tried the injection Depo Provera which stopped my periods completely - I was on it for about a year. Then I came off for about a year and took no contraception and suffered painful periods so I tried it again for about 9 months and noticed my mood getting lower and linked it to the injection so stopped it again.
When I am not on the pill I get terrible pains the day before I start, and over the first two days of being on. Then it decreases. The flow is for about 7-8 days and is heavy for the first two with quite dark blood and clots, like lumps of jelly.
Interestingly the I can have one really bad period and then the following one is not so bad and then the following one is worse again - it seems to run in alternate months!
I get irritable around the time - which gets better when the flow starts, I am quite intolerant and find things annoy me whereas normally I wouldnt mind. I am normally quite easy going and cheerful but I do get quite grumpy around my period - and crave chocolate!
Anyway - a quick recap:
First period - 11
No period for next 6 months
Started the pill - 16
Came off the pill - 17
Tried various pills to see if any suited me till the age of 19/20.
First started Depo injection - 20
Came off because of depression - 21
No contraceptive pills till 22 when tried the injection again.
Came off after 9 months because of depression again and tried various pills before settling on Norimin which I have been on for the last 2 years.
Phew! Hope that makes sense!
I went on the pill at 16 for conctraception which was fine for about a year when I started breakthrough bleeding - which got so bad I would bleed for 3 weeks and come off for 1 then on for 3 and I became anemic.
Tried various pills since then plus the injection which made me extremely depressed.
They started becomming painful about 5 years ago which is why I tried the injection Depo Provera which stopped my periods completely - I was on it for about a year. Then I came off for about a year and took no contraception and suffered painful periods so I tried it again for about 9 months and noticed my mood getting lower and linked it to the injection so stopped it again.
When I am not on the pill I get terrible pains the day before I start, and over the first two days of being on. Then it decreases. The flow is for about 7-8 days and is heavy for the first two with quite dark blood and clots, like lumps of jelly.
Interestingly the I can have one really bad period and then the following one is not so bad and then the following one is worse again - it seems to run in alternate months!
I get irritable around the time - which gets better when the flow starts, I am quite intolerant and find things annoy me whereas normally I wouldnt mind. I am normally quite easy going and cheerful but I do get quite grumpy around my period - and crave chocolate!
Anyway - a quick recap:
First period - 11
No period for next 6 months
Started the pill - 16
Came off the pill - 17
Tried various pills to see if any suited me till the age of 19/20.
First started Depo injection - 20
Came off because of depression - 21
No contraceptive pills till 22 when tried the injection again.
Came off after 9 months because of depression again and tried various pills before settling on Norimin which I have been on for the last 2 years.
Phew! Hope that makes sense!
waterfall last decade
ok - I read around folliculinum, sepia,lachesis, lil.tig., aristolochia clem, hypothalamus and pituitrin and a few others and could not conclude that they were suitable - have a read and see what you think.
HOWEVER I actually initially strongly recommend you take Phos-Ac or China to counteract the past and present heavy fluid loss (periods and perspiration) to try and rebalance your body's fluid/perspiration etc. I think Phos-Ac would be the most suitable. Take 30c three times daily for 3 days (3 times daily =one am, one around noon, and one evening). and see how you go on that.
come and report back after about 1 week.
HOWEVER I actually initially strongly recommend you take Phos-Ac or China to counteract the past and present heavy fluid loss (periods and perspiration) to try and rebalance your body's fluid/perspiration etc. I think Phos-Ac would be the most suitable. Take 30c three times daily for 3 days (3 times daily =one am, one around noon, and one evening). and see how you go on that.
come and report back after about 1 week.
erika last decade
I have improved greatly over the past week - especially over the past couple of days! I dont think I am out of the woods yet, I still do get a bit clammy and I havent really found myself in an emotional situation which would normally set me off.
I hope I continue to improve and the improvment holds - thats what I am worried about now!
Any further suggestions to keep up the good work?
Thank you Erika!
I have improved greatly over the past week - especially over the past couple of days! I dont think I am out of the woods yet, I still do get a bit clammy and I havent really found myself in an emotional situation which would normally set me off.
I hope I continue to improve and the improvment holds - thats what I am worried about now!
Any further suggestions to keep up the good work?
Thank you Erika!
waterfall last decade
waterfall last decade
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