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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

3 year old with a cough

i have a 3 year old girl. yesterday morning she woke up and she couldn't open her eyes (they were red & running tears), her nose was blocked, she was coughing and had an ear pain. i gave her 200c (1pill) of allium cepa and within 20 min all symptoms disapeared both mentally and physically.
Now she is waking up with a cough as if something is stuck. Her nose is a bit blocked too but not running. What should i give her?
  lvl80 on 2011-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well if the Allium cepa was helpful and not suppressive, usual practice would be to repeat the remedy.

However, repeat doses must be in water not as dry pillules

Dissolve 1 pillule of 200c into a 1/2 cup of water. Stir very thoroughly (like whisking and egg) and then give her 1 teaspoon.

If this does not help, then the remedy was only palliative, and a new one will have to be found.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
ok, i gave her 1 teaspoon as you recommended. Is this the way to use all remedies for her?First udilluted and then into water? Or they should always be dilluted? I am new in homeopathy, I have a physician that helps me but I can not find him anytime I need him. He prescribed allium cepa for her a few months ago (she tends to have ear pains when her nose blocks. I would like to start learning the basics of how to use remedies. Thank you so much for the fast reply. It was really helpful!
lvl80 last decade
Pillules tend to be quite aggravating for patients, so they should always be dissolved in water before being given.

Typically, you would make a 'dosing bottle' to administer from. This would mean dissolving 2 pillules into a mixture of alcohol and water (1 part to 5) that is within a small bottle with a dropper (15-30ml capacity is fine). All doses would be given from this bottle.

To give a dose, the bottle should be hit firmly against the palm of the hand twice, then 1 drop placed into a quantity of water (I often start at 1/4 to 1/2 unless the patient is known to be very sensitive), stirred and then 1 teaspoon taken out. The rest of the cup is thrown away.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
OH! I had no idea. Imagine that my doctor prescribed to take the pillule without dissolving it at all.
I have 3 questions.
1. This dillution is used only for children (until what age?) or for adults too?
2. When my daughter is ill only one drop of this dillution is it enough?
3.Do I have to repeat this dilluted dose again, if yes how often?
lvl80 last decade
1. Everyone should be given our medicines in this way. Each step can be adjusted according to the individual's reaction and should be when the case is reassessed.

2. Homoeopathy is a non-physical medicine. There is already nothing physical in the pillule you are giving her. It has been diluted 1 drop in 100, 200 times. Further dilution does not diminish its power. If the medicine is right, it will be enough.

3. Only repeat the dose if she relapses after improving. During a true acute, you can repeat several times even in a few hours. However, let us know if you need to repeat more than 3 times.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am starting to understand how it works. Two last questions. What if the potency of the pillule is 30c? My daughter is calcarea phosforica. My doctor recommended to take 1 pillule of 30c per day for 30 days last year (she is allergic to milk) I didn't dillute it with water. I was told to give it to her with an empty stomach. It worked very well. She can now drink milk with no problem.
1. Did I have to dillute it the same way I should do with a 200c pillule?
2.My husband has the same problem but hasn't used any remedie yet. Can he start with calcarea phosforica (30c for 30 days)? If he drinks a glass of milk he will vommit it, when he drinks milk in a small amound (in his coffee) or eats cheese his belly grows, he has gas, sometimes diarhea and gains weight. He is diagnosed with lactose intolerance.
I don't know how to thank you for your help! I really trust homeopathy because I have seen amazing results and I want to start using it more, but I don't have a physician here that I can trust.
lvl80 last decade
1. Dilution (split dose) is the correct way to give all potencies and medicines. Some people will not aggravate on the pillules at certain times, and then will aggravate very strongly at others. It is better not to take the risk. It is most important for repeat doses though, as the pillules will not continue to help when undiluted.

2. If you use a remedy for single symptoms, you will likely suppress them. Treating one symptom in isolation from the rest of the patient's symptoms is dangerous. Suppression drives the energy causing that symptom back in towards the centre, creating pressure in other areas which results in either new symptoms, or their other chronic symptoms worsening. It is possible to make someone incurable if this is done repeatedly.

You very often hear people pronouncing the wonderful effects of homoeopathic medicines given for just one symptom or one part of their overall disease. Then you see them complaining about other symptoms being worse, or their normal chronic problems suddenly start to show new characteristics. This might take a few weeks or a few months to happen. This is called suppression, and suppression occurs when the natural outlets for the disease are blocked without the underlying cause being addressed. Suppression is terrible, and is practiced by orthodox medicine routinely (they actually boast about it).

Some 'homoeopaths' boast about it too, despite it being made clear in all our literature that cure and suppression are mutually exclusive.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Tue, 14 Jun 2011 01:10:03 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I really can not thank you enough for your help. You made everything so clear. I will definately follow your instructions about dilution. My little girl is already feeling better. I repeated the dose (dilluted) yesterday morning. The coughing stopped, mentally was excellent but her voice became heavier and she does a heavy breathing from the nose. Should I repeat the dose or wait?
lvl80 last decade
Wait a bit longer to see if she recovers on her own now. If she relapses repeat.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Today my daughter starts to have the same symptoms. She is coughing, her nose is running, she is whining, luckily she slept ok all night, but her eyes are running too. What should I try? I will repeat Allium Cepa as you recommended, but is it possible to make things worse in the end if this wasn't the right one to take in the first place?
[message edited by lvl80 on Wed, 15 Jun 2011 07:14:36 BST]
lvl80 last decade
Yes it is possible that her condition is being suppressed. Give one more dose but if she relapses again a better remedy needs to be found.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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