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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have been advised to take staphysgaria.Is staphysgaria the main remedy for people who cannot express their anger/throw things around/excessive sexual fantasies/masturbation/fear/No ability to say no to people/avoid conflict/aggresion Thanks
  Afraid on 2011-06-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is 'a' remedy for those things, I would not say the main remedy. A medicine is not selected purely on the basis of mental symptoms, but on a combination of mental, emotional, physical, historical, and familial characteristics.

There could be other medicines with those mentals, but would be more indicated if the physicals were more in line with them.

Some of those symptoms are far too general and unindividualised to be used to determine a remedy ie. masturbation, fear, aggression - these are common things that are found in every remedy.

Is there a reason you don't trust your homoeopath enough to believe his prescription is the right one for you?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No specific reason. Well I feel a bit misunderstood by him. He only prescribed the remedy on a few of my symptoms and ignored the rest I feel. Do not agree with the whole staphysgaria remedy profile, but did not want to bring this up to him.
[message edited by Afraid on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 05:38:04 BST]
Afraid last decade
I can see from your other post why you doubt this practitioner.

To be fair, the patient will not usually see the remedy they need - it takes an objective observer to see it clearly. Very often patients will in fact disagree with it. So in itself that doesn't mean the remedy is wrong for you (or right or anything for that matter).

No one person has everything that is contained in a remedy. It is impossible. Many of our remedies have thousands of symptoms, sometimes tens of thousands. It is only important that the remedy covers what is unhealthy in your case (the disease, whether mental emotional physical or even spiritual).

Treatment is at first about faith, then it is about trust. Without those it may be hard to stay with this homoeopath.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Why did I do what I just did again? To renew the guilt feelings in me so that I can feel bad? Good job mind, you succeded. Please stop replying to the bad guy who isnt worth your time. I knew in advance you will leave me at some point. People always do this to me or better said I do this to myself. I sabotage everything

Please criticise me and tell me how bad I am.

Hope a few doses of nat mur 50M will straighten me out and make me be able to put this behind me and stop waisting your time.

My apologies
[message edited by Afraid on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 08:48:29 BST]
Afraid last decade
Ah I see. Yes, you are very deceitful man. I am annoyed that you played me for a fool again. So you just come on to the forum making new identities over and over posting the same questions pretending to be other people - do you seriously think anyone here will ever help you doing this? I spend alot of valuable time here trying to help genuine people in need, without you tricking me into wasting yet more time on your questions.

Nat-mur wont help you. 50M will be incapable of doing anything - hardly anyone ever reacts to that potency. You are not only wasting my time but you are flailing about in the world of homoeopathic medicines with not a single clue about what you are doing. If it wasn't so sad it would be comical.

You really need to see a counsellor or a psychologist. With that kind of support perhaps you would be fit to be seen in a homoeopath's practice. Until then, you are simply going to keep getting sicker and sicker - and you clearly wish to stay that way.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 09:40:26 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am sorry for what I did.After I got your reply I could not contnue anymore because I felt to bad. I never tried to play you for a fool on purpose and dont understand why you would think that. I could have easily continued and gotten some much more needed information out of you, if I wanted, but did not do so because I simply dont feel good doing such things.

I have a tendency to make myself look less smart than I really am, and thank you for always finding something negative about my choice of remedy. Yes gall acid, paris quad and berrylium fit me much more, sure sure

I dont wish to get help anymore, I am dissapointed for being left alone again, for always being misunderstood and hurt despite my best efforts.

If all you are saying is true. I wonder why ignatia is helping me, especially with my BDD... oh yes I am sick, I am probably just imaganing it.

I am going to try it in 1M potency. I guess I just said mentioned the 50M to get a reply from you hopefully /bad me again

Why did it have to end the way it did? I am really sorry and would wish to correct it.

My only other new user account I posted with is jbrown7 and Afraid, oh and rejected.again
Afraid last decade
Could I maybe just get to hear why natrum muriaticum is so out of question for me? They are perfectionistic, closed, easily get hurt, anxiety, and feel ugly on the inside..BDD? and their delusion is... If I am perfect I will be loved? which I am pretty sure is mine... I also said something along those lines myself... when I said 'I will only go back to society when I am perfect'

I dont find any other remedy that covers all my issues as does natrum muriaticum... it even covers claustrophobia, fear of snakes, fear of death, hypochondria

I read they can be decitful when they want someone, and also get so angry when someone hurts or rjects them that they would wish to kill that person

Why did I always get anxious and unsure when I didnt hear from you after a few days and wished to get some reassurance that all is well? I read natrum muriaticum is like that because they fear they have gotten rejected/hurt again, DESCRIBES ME

and you call it comical? I just dont understand

Well I am probably not worth the reply after all I have done
[message edited by Afraid on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 11:54:25 BST]
Afraid last decade

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