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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cough and cold


I am suffering from severe cough and cold with headache for the last few days. Nostrils are also closed. I have taken Bryonia 30 and Belladona 30, three times a day for the last two days which have indeed given a little bit of relief. Should I continue these medicines or any other medicine will help better.
  raja007 on 2011-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take sangonaria Nit.30 fivedrops per dose four times day and Ippecoc-200 one doze of fivedrop at night report after2 days.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dr. Mahfooz,

After taking the suggested medicines my blocked nostrils have opened thereby redressing the breathing problem but it did not help in bringing out phlegm. Should I continue these medicines or any other suggestion.
raja007 last decade

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