The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Staphysagria helped me for masturbation.... Help me Dr. Mahfoozurrehman
Dear Dr. MahfoozurrehmanI took Staphysagria 1M 1 month back for stopping my masturbation habit.
This remedy worked for me. I did masturbation only twice in a month as compared to doing daily masturbation.
However, there is no improvement in my erections. Pl. advise what to do
ajitk on 2011-07-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Staph is a good selected remedy for you. you must take it for continuous 3month in 1M potency after a gap of 15 days.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
DR mahfuj please help me..............
Hi I am rahman, male, 30years, facing Premature Ejaculation Problem and erectile disfunction, My details are as follows please help me ....
1)Age :- 31
2)Status :- single,
3)I am Mastrubating Since I am 12-13 Years Old and Still Continue..... even i masterbate dayly 4/5 times
4) Whenever I See any nude girl pictures or even some television scenes i got erection and i am not able to control myself and i will do mastrubation. Also While doing intercourse i am ejaculate after 5/10second. when i want to sex with my girlfriend, Due to that i am not able to satisfy my girlfriend. Please tell me any remedy for that. I m taking acid phos-200, staphysagarga-200 dayly 2 dose 3drop... but i think.. that is not perfect medicine. cause i don't feel any improvement....
Hi I am rahman, male, 30years, facing Premature Ejaculation Problem and erectile disfunction, My details are as follows please help me ....
1)Age :- 31
2)Status :- single,
3)I am Mastrubating Since I am 12-13 Years Old and Still Continue..... even i masterbate dayly 4/5 times
4) Whenever I See any nude girl pictures or even some television scenes i got erection and i am not able to control myself and i will do mastrubation. Also While doing intercourse i am ejaculate after 5/10second. when i want to sex with my girlfriend, Due to that i am not able to satisfy my girlfriend. Please tell me any remedy for that. I m taking acid phos-200, staphysagarga-200 dayly 2 dose 3drop... but i think.. that is not perfect medicine. cause i don't feel any improvement....
rahman50 last decade
You are still young. Its nothing to worry about. When you get older this virility will wane dramatically and you will wish you could get it back. Why do you think Arabs are allowed more than one wife ?. We are the unfortunate ones. I'm an old man now but I remember what it was like.
goldtopia last decade
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