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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

heart palpitations (?)

I am 28 year old woman and I experience heart palpitations for a few months now.

Lately they usually appear late at night about 10.00 -01.00 am (only when I'm not asleep)and when I'm sitting.
They are sudden and in the past they were usually very short and ending up with cough forcing itself to the outside.

Sometimes it's just a sudden and very short feeling as if heart ceased and it dissapears imeddiately. It is placed under my breastbone. Heart palpitations are also connected with very clear feeling in my breatsbone or around it.
I'm also having a feeling of something stuck in my gull or in the breatstbone. I believe these all feelings, heart palpitations are connected to each other.

I used to have great nervous problems since I was 7 and in my teenage years. I'm still having anxiety and I had one big panic attack over 4 years ago. Over 7 years ago I had great nervous problems focusing on my heart, especially at night, including feelings as heart would cease and burning sensations in the left side of my chest.
I also tend to crook my back too much so I reckon it may influence the heart feeling as well.

Lately after palpitation I feel a very ligh pain and discomfort a bit over heart region on the left side of chest. Also I got a slight feeling of not enough air for my brain in that time.
Straightening up my back helps a lot. However I feel a bit helpless because today I felt quite good and had a short run over two hours ago.

I admit I'm not in a good shape lately but never had heart palpitations because of physical effort directly.

I'm a quite slim person of an average height.

Can someone advise me which homeopatic medicine is helpful in such cases?

Thank you
  Mag889 on 2011-08-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

It is important to describe all your problems in as much detail as you are able. One word answers and short sentences are not particularly helpful. Discuss each problem one at a time, providing (as a minimum level of detail) the following information.

1. What exactly happens?
2. Describe all sensations and pains. Each pain or sensation should be described in such a way that allows us to imagine having the same pain.
3. What causes the problem to get worse after it has started occurring?
4. What creates some relief for the problem?
5. What triggers the problem into occuring?
6. What time of the day or night does the problem occur?
7. When did the problem start? What was happening in your life at that time? Did some specific event or treatment take place just before the problem started?


You should address each problem separately using the above 7 questions as a guide. Do not put all your complaints into each of the 7 questions. Discuss one problem at a time.

As well as this, please describe any traumatic incidents that have taken place in your life. Discuss anything that has had a lasting impact on you mentally, emotionally or physically.

Discuss the way that you manage or deal with your problems, or any problems that occur in your life.

Discuss any patterns you have noticed in your behavior especially concerning your disease.

Discuss any part of your life where you feel stuck or unable to change and grow, especially where this occurred around the beginning of your disease, or as the disease evolved.

Describe your childhood and the kind of environment you grew up in, with reference to your relationships with your family, your school experiences, and any serious childhood diseases.

If your earlier discussions have not mentioned these already, please describe:

1. The specific foods that you crave (not just like) or hate
2. The specific drinks that you crave or hate
3. What your sleep is like
4. How the weather and the temperature affects you
5. What kinds of things in the environment you are particularly sensitive to
6. What your general level of energy is like
7. What your level of sexual energy or desire is like
8. Describe your menstrual cycle

9. Also give these details

a) Body type and build
b) Skin colour and texture
c) Areas of the body tends to perspire on
d) Odour of sweat, body, stool, flatus, urine
e) Colour of stool, urine, sweat

10. Give any reactions to vaccines or medical drugs.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
1. I'm having short heart palpitations (usually about 10.00 -1.00 at night)mostly when I'm sitting or stooping. Also I feel a pressing/congestion or discomfort sensation inside and around my breastbone, sometimes covering all upper chest causing breathing harder. I also feel 'flu like' pains in my limbs and joints from time to time. Lately I have sneezing and running nose problem apparently of an alergy, however I've never had any sort of allergy before. 4 weeks ago I had a root canal tooth done which is a second root canal I had.

when I was 25-27 I had extreme bladder problems and couldn't get rid of infection for a long time. It was so severe it did not let me to sleep at night.

2. Palpitations are short and sudden with feeling of my body freezing of a shock. I cannot make a breath but I don't even think about it then. The shorter the palpitation, the more I feel it only in my breatbone area. If it's longer (like 6-8) seconds I feel my heart pumping very hard and fast like having a problem with an obstacle of some sort. Palpitations seem to happen quite periodic but hard to say if there's a pattern for it. With palpitation I sometimes get impression of likely to lose conscience but it never happens. Sometimes after the attack I feel light pains around my heart and in upper left chest area. Discomfort in my breastbone and in the gull area. After some attacks (usually in public places) I feel forced to cough which makes me feel better.
Psychologically I experience anxiety and fears of sudden death or a sudden attack of someone (like a terrorist attack)with feeling of unavoidable death. Or a feeling I'm doing something wrong (especially reffering to my mom) in my life and I cannot help it. Despite all this I usually fall asleep normally but lately I feel tired after waking up and being low on energy and sometimes having mild vertigo that disappears after a 3-4 hours.
I am suspected of hyperthyroidism or other sort of thyroid problem but haven't made a blood test yet.

When palpitations occur more often I'm having fear of going out because I don't know if it won't happen again and I'll be helpless. I still have a sensation of fear of public places and strange people.

I also have feeling of 'heavy legs' and arms with wondering and boring pains and congestion sensation in my joints especially after waking up when I get up. I feel like I don't want to move or go anywhere because it feels so hard. However I exercise lately (including yoga) and run. Most of pains dissapear later afternoon and at night.

I started sneezing frequantly and having running nose at home and outside for last couple of weeks apparently because fo some sort of a plant (never had allergy before). The only place I felt there is no allergen in the air was a dentist office. I sometimes feel irritating itching in my nose and then enforced sneezing, other times it's just extremely running nose, sometimes after waking up.

3. Heart palpitations seem to appear more often when: I'm croocking my back too often, I experience some intense emotions but I cannot express them or I don't realize them at first, using a computer longer than two hours in a row, thinking of it a lot, feeling endangered by imagined things (like robberers), feeling supressed by circumstances or having no choice.

Limbs pains are clearly worse whan I go to sleep very late, don't get much move during a day

Sneezing appears to come and go and it seems to get slightly worse in the open air but it's not a rule.

4. Heart and anxiety problems: I feel relief when exercising and doing relaxation exercises and biofeedback, listening to mild music, eating food that I like, walking with straight back all the day (sometimes I just get this very good mood and all problems seem like they never existed in the first place)

Exercises seem to relief most of muscle pains but joints I don't know. Thay just stop feeling pressed.

I get a slight relief beeing indoors but still can get running nose.

5.Heart palpitations: I think experiencing negative emotions and thinking of problems I apparently cannot solve, or thinking I may get a palpitation attack again and I'm like a hostage of this condition. Than it's even more likely it will happen in a few hours. I think crooking my back triggers it a lot too. Hovewer it can be so sudden I can't really tall what causes it to happen.

I cannot tell what physically triggers limbs and joints pains except lack of movement.

I do not know what triggers allergy and sneezing, probably some sort of a plant and it's pollen.

6. Heart palpitations lately occur at night about 10.00 -1.00. But the 1 or 2 second ones appear also during daytime quite randomly but i'd say not earlier than 11.00 a.m. They don't appear every day, sometimes they dissaperar for days, sometimes they tend to apear day by day when I feel tired.I sleep deep and never experience it at night.

Limb pains and joints constriction usually from the morning until about 3 p.m.

Allergy problem is present all day long randomly, except time when I sleep.

7. I had emotional problems since I was 7 I'm pretty sure they were triggered by parent's divorce and I suspect some earlier paret's conflicts/passive aggressive behaviours. After my parents divorced me and my sister were moved to my mother's parents where I was living for 3 years. I remember having anger problems back then as well as lots of anxieties so I wasn't able to make any friends back then too. I was nervous most of the time. I never felt any major support either from my parents or my grandparents who seem to had their own deep emotional problems.

After coming back to my mother I still had fear of people and going out home which made me having friends quite difficult and until now I had just a few friends. I was experiencing anxiety thruout my teenage years and when I was about 19, being abroad (with my father and his new family) I had an episode of fear that my heart would cease. I had this during a few nights in a row with heart nervousness and burning sensation in the heart. When I was 24 I had a major panic attack when alone at home and I thought I was going to die. Since than I started having more discomfort feelings around or inside my chest. First sort of 'palpitations' or just a 'heart cease' attacks started whan I was about 25 or 26 but thay were quite rare and I was tending to forget about them. Now it's impossible to forget. I overcame most of my fears but they still linger throughout all my life. I have great fear of flying but I flew on a plane a few times.
Before my parents divorce my family had a trip abroad and I did not fear of the plane at all, having good fun all the way. When I grew up flying fear became gradually stronger.

Limb and joint pains seem to come and go whenever I feel helpless or stuck in my life being unable to change something. Usually this is connected either to money problems or feeling that my behaviour does not satisfy my mother and no matter what I do, she always finds a way to bug me about one more thing. My father lives abroad and I stopped having regular contact with him whan I was 7 and therefore I feel like we come from different worlds and do not relly understand each other even if my father is willing to make a contact. I also get impression that he doesn't really care about me or my sister.

The only sickness I was getting in my childhood is flu. I was getting flu usually one, twice a year that lasted usually a week or shorter with fever, cough and running nose. I used to have very high fever when I was about 9 and 12.
Once I felt very bad after one vaccine but I do not remember which one. My mother tried to avoid me and my sister getting vaccines eventually. Also, when I was 7 approx. until 11 years old I was having bedwetting very often.

In short: whenever I'm starting feeling better with my life some minor anxieties seem to appear and my mother always gets in the way and make my anxieties even bigger until I feel I do not really know what to do. All my life I felt like my mother was two different people (happy or angry) and my dad just tried to have a minimum contact with me and my sister.
So it's like a lack of any emotional independence, especially from my mom. I also have a haunting feeling of not baing able to make things come to an end whan starting a project, writing a story or just a learning course. Somehow ending of something associates with feeling of death so deepely that I cannot go through that.

About 7 years ago I was going to a psychologist consultations and last year I went to another one but I couldn't afford a full therapy. I was taking lots of homepathic medicines that seemed to help but never to the full scale.
I also have great problem with taking medicines reguraly because after a while I start being a bit paranoid about them. I rememebr one medicine that contained ambra grisea that I was taking quite a long and it seemed to help but not with the major fears I was experiencing.

Foods: I like sweets and sweet cookies very much and have sweets craving a few times a week. Every once a while I crave for sour or salty food. I used to like apples very much but last few monts I totally stopped liking them. I love fresh green peas which I can eat a lot at once.
I hate salami, pork, anchovy, capers, seafood (except fish) - especially I do not tolerate shrimps, semolina porridge, cooked spinach without any additional spices or other foods. I especially hate brussels sprouts and liver.

Drinks: I do not crave any drinks especially, but I like almost all kinds of teas, I sometimes prefer a pulp fruit juice instead of water. I sometimes want to drink red wine. I like only dry/semidry red wine after which I usually feel better.
I avoid drinking coffe because I become very anxious even after a few sips. I hate sweet/semisweet wines.

Sleep: described earlier

Weather: I prefer sunny days but not too hot. I like being at the sun for 15 mins a few times a day. I feel bad when sun is shining directly on my head i feel like wearing a tight helmet then weaker and slightly disoriented.
I tend to get a mild depression when there is no sun in a few days in a row.
I feel worse when it's humind and hot. Breathing is more difficult then and i feel weak and sleepy.
Howling winds make me anxious. I'm afraid of thunder storms and prefer to stay inside even when a storm is still far away. I fear of getting hit by a lightning.

Envirionment: I like order but I have probblems with keeping order around myself. I do not like domestic works but I do them and like the outcome. I cannot tolerate drunk/badly behaving people around me. The same talking loudly in public places or looking extremely bad dressed.

Energy level: My energy level is never high or very rarely. Usually I feel tired lately or just enough strong to do some everyday tasks. I feel much better in sunny days. I crave to have much more energy every day.

Sexual energy: I usually have very good or even extreme level of sexual energy. However I've been experiencing problems with coming to satifactory finish of an intercourse but it always starts very good.

Menstrual cycle: Usually regular but sometimes tends to get shorter of 3 or 4 days. Recently I'm having great pains in my uterus, lower back region on the first /second day of the period.

a)Slim of average height
b)light white skin, smooth with some moles
c)armpits, groin, feet, palms
d)odour usually quite offensive and sharp, body odour in general tends to be normal, stool not very offensive, depending if I feel nervous or not, flatus very offensive lately, urine sometimes has a sharp smell
e)stool: brown or dark brown, urine: straw yellow, sweat: transparent

Thank you for a reply I hope I provided all essential information.
Mag889 last decade
nawazkhan last decade
No, I've never taken or heard any of these.
Mag889 last decade
Thanks Mag889, Your kind answer is greatly appreciated.

Crataegus Oxyacantha is a great homoeopathic remedy for your problems, please explore.

Many many prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
Oh, I know Crataegus as Hawthorn. I never took it as a homeopathic medicine but I was eating special 'candies' made of hawthorn from time to time or having a herbal medicines containing it. But not regularly.

Do you recommend both or one of these medicines?
Mag889 last decade

I would like to only recommend homoeopathic Crataegus Oxyacantha Q, 4 drops in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. By God willing, your heart palpitations will disappear like anything and this remedy will solve so many other issues.

Please report progress after 3 days.

A bundle of more prayers for your speedy recovery.

nawazkhan last decade
Thank you very much for your kind reply. I will report later on.

Mag889 last decade
You are more than Welcome and Good luck!
nawazkhan last decade
Do you know what remedies you have taken in the past. Can you list them?

I will continue working on the substantial emotional and mental aspects of your case, while you experiment with the pathological medicine you have been prescribed.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The remedy that seems most indicated is Aconite, which is a very common prescription for anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Sometimes this remedy is overused by those prescribers who don't understand the need in homoeopathy to individualize every patient's problem. However if you have not been given it, that is where I would start as it is the simplest answer.

Aconite shows for the following symptoms:

Sensation the hear will stop or cease beating
Sensation of something being stuck, of a foreign body
Palpitations worse for sitting or stooping
Fear of SUDDEN DEATH (one of the main symptoms of Aconite)
Palpitation with fainting
Fear of going out
Fear of strangers
Feeling of helplessness
Heaviness in the limbs
Fear of lightning

Phosphorous has alot of very similiar fears and symptoms, and might need to be differentiated.

Dr. Sankaran on ACONITE in his book 'Soul of Remedies'. You won't necessarily show every single aspect of this remedy of course.

The main feeling of Aconitum is of a sudden, intense threat from outside that comes suddenly and goes suddenly. For that moment the person, who is otherwise calm becomes intensely restless, panicky and nervous. This feeling of a sudden threat is seen in the fear of walking across a busy street, fear of accidents, of suffocation, in presentiment of death and in the delusion that he is about to die. Mentally this is expressed as a fear of death, anxiety and restlessness etc., while in the physical sphere, we find a racing pulse, palpitation and flushing of face alternating with paleness, etc.
Aconitum is excitable. The patient can flare up suddenly, can get frightened very easily. Pain can drive him beside himself and again this excitement will be manifested suddenly and violently, with great restlessness - an acute panic reaction.
Great nervous excitability is the most important component of Aconitum. We must look for an excitable person and not a calm one, if we are to prescribe Aconitum - one who cannot take anything easy; everything excites him. Here it comes close to Nux vomica, Chamomilla, Staphysagria, Coffea and Graphites. But Aconitum is also very very restless. There is anxious restlessness. Pierre Schmidt feels it is the most important remedy for anxious restlessness. Nux vomica, Staphysagria, Coffea or Ignatia are not so restless. Aconitum just can't sit still. He tosses about. This is similar to Arsenicum and Rhus toxicodendron, it is only much more intense, vigorous, sudden and acute. It is a sudden burst of excitement, fear or anxiety with great restlessness. He doesn't know where to go or what to do, his mind is ruled over by tremendous anxiety and fear. Then this whole state disappears as suddenly as it had come without leaving a trace.

Aconitum avoids crowds, crossing the street, indeed any other situation that would cause excitement of mind. The proving reads: 'Fear to go where there is any excitement'. Sudden, intense fear from trivial causes is characteristic. It is not the insecure feeling of Calcarea or the terror of Stramonium nor the anxiety about health of Arsenicum, Nitric acid or Kali arsenicosum. It is an intense, sudden, panic state - something severe - the end, death! The rubric 'Predicts the time of death' is a combination of 'Clairvoyance' with 'Intense fear of death'. But as I said earlier, this is not the permanent state of Aconitum. Soon the excited state passes off and the normal state re-emerges.
But even in his normal state, Aconitum is hurried. As the proving reads: 'He does everything in a hurry, runs about the house'. His speech is hasty, jerky and excited: 'Great impatience', 'Wants things at once', 'On attempting to think of one thing, another thought intrudes, this is soon supplanted by another one and so on'.
Excitability can also make him cheerful, laughing, singing, dancing. But here too, the slightest trifle can change his cheerfulness to anxiety: 'Alternate attacks of opposite states of humour'; 'Fitful moods'. It is this cheerfulness of Aconitum that differentiates it from Argentum nitricum and Arsenicum. These phases of excitable cheerfulness are not seen in the later remedies.
He can at times become very irritable, violent, intolerant of contradiction, shrieking, censorious but will cool down soon. It is this sudden excitability that brings on such a state. There can also be episodes of intense sadness which pass off soon, accompanied by the anguish, restless, moaning and groaning of Aconitum.

One can get a fairly good idea of an Aconite person. He is very excitable. Can flare up all of a sudden. Can get frightened very easily. Pain can make him beside himself. This excitement will be manifested suddenly and violently - violent anger, violent fear etc. with great restlessness; will go up and down, pace back and forth and show an acute panic reaction.
The Aconite person who is calm can suddenly flare up and start shouting, can get frightened and start moaning and groaning and can get so panicky that he can start throwing his arms widely about.

Not only his health, but also the health of people around him causes him great concern; a problem with anyone and he does not react in a cool manner, but always in a panicky, jerky fasion and will raise a big hue and cry, get worked up - pace back and forth - summon all the doctors and may even land himself in the hospital after that - so great is his excitement!
No wonder that HAHNEMANN wrote, 'whenever Aconite is chosen homoeopathically, you must above all, observe the moral symptoms, and be careful that it closely resembles them, the anguish of mind and body, the restlessness, the disquiet not to be allyed.'

The great nervous excitability is the most important component of the mental state of Aconite. One could almost say it is contraindicated in calm people; we must look for the excitable person - one who cannot take anything easy, everything excites him. Here it comes close to remedies like Nux vomica, Chamomilla, Staphysagria, Coffea and Graphites.
(Rubric: BESIDE oneself)
This nervous excitability is linked with other components so as to make Aconite a unique remedy, different from the others.
Rubric: EXCITEMENT, nervous; Aconite should be added to the sub-rubric 'palpitation, with'.
The first of these is restlessness. Anxious restlessness. Pierre Schmidt feels it is the most important remedy for 'RESTLESSNESS, anxious' (SR). He is excitable and becomes very, very, very restless. Nux vomica is not so restless nor is Staphysagria. or Coffea or Ignatia. The anxious restlessness is a feature which is most prominent in Aconite alone. He just can't sit. He tosses about.
It is like Arsenicum and Rhus tox - only it is more intense, more vigorous, more sudden, more acute. It is not the constant physical restlessness of Rhus tox. Nor is it the desire to pace back and forth as in Arsenicum. It is a sudden burst of tremendous excitement, fear or anxiety with intense internal restlessness. He does not know where to go, what to do with himself; his mind is just concerned and ruled over by a tremendous anxiety and fear. And then as suddenly as the whole state came, it just disappears, leaving almost no trace of itself. It comes and goes like a storm.

Here it may be compared with Argentum nitricum which also has these sudden anxiety attacks. The only difference is that in Argentum nitricum the anxiety attacks appear in some fixed situations, for instance passing a certain point, in closed places, high places, before engagements, before a journey etc. In short, Argentum nitricum has more of the phobic kind of neurosis and Aconite, anxiety neurosis - with non-specific yet intense anxiety attacks.
Naturally, anything that causes more excitement of the mind is bound to aggravate the situation further. Hence in these times Aconite avoids crowds and crossing the streets. The proving reads 'Fear to go where there is any excitement'.
We have already seen two aspects of the Aconite personality viz. nervous excitability and restlessness. We have also seen the suddenness of effects. And we have a hint about the anxiety and fear of Aconite - termed anxiety neurosis. Let us go further.
Fear, fright, anxiety - dominate the sudden attacks of the Aconite excitability. Fear, tremendous fear, sometimes non - specific, sometimes specific, sometimes a definite fear of death. But in any case, sudden, intense fear from trivial causes is characteristic. It is not the insecure feeling of Calcarea, nor the terror of Stramonium, nor the anxiety about health of Arsenicum, Nitric acid or Kali ars.
No, it is the intense, sudden panic state that something is going wrong, something severe, something inexplicable, as if it is the end, it is death. Great restlessness accompanies these states with anguish.

The physical symptoms of this state are clear - tremendous palpitation with great anxiety, the face becomes red and hot, respiration is oppressed, limbs feel weak. There is moaning, groaning, howling, loud whining or weeping. Easily startled and very sensitive to noise. [It should be added to the rubrics: HEAT and DISCOLORATION, red, of face in anxiety and excitement, (Mat.Med.Pura)]
As I have already said, this state is not the permanent state of Aconite. It soon passes off and then comes the normal state, the steady state of the Aconite person, which has some characteristics too as we shall see.
One thing that is marked in an Aconite person even in his normal state is 'Hurry'. The proving symptom reads: 'He does everything, in a hurry, and runs about the house' He is hurried in movements, in his occupation and in walking. His speech is hasty too. Great impatience. Wants things at once.
The excitability can work the other way too and this person can be a cheerful person, laughing, singing, dancing, 'Becomes gay, and inclined to sing and dance'. But here again he is excitable and the slightest trifle can change his mood from cheerfulness to anxiety. So we have moods, changeable and variable. The proving reads, 'Alternate attacks of opposite states of humour.' 'Fitful moods' (Phatak)

am pointing out the cheerful side of Aconite to convey the idea that Aconite person is not always in a panicky state. In fact it is this cheerfulness that could distinguish it from Argentum nitricum or Arsenicum.
See rubric 'SMILES, never' (Arsenicum): and also 'CHEERFUL' (Argentum nitricum is not there) (SR). This makes the Aconite person quite good company despite his excitability. Rubrics: 'AFFECTIONATE; LOQUACITY.'
The speech is hasty; or jerky. Excited speech. Rapid change of thought, wandering speech, jerking suddenly from one to another subject.
Rubrics: SPEECH, hasty. THOUGHTS, wandering, rapid, quick.
The wandering thoughts is an important aspect of the Aconite mind. The proving reads, 'On attempting to think of one thing, another thought intrudes, this soon supplanted by another and so on.'
One more dimension of the excitability of the Aconite person is his easy irritability. This person can get very angry, suddenly. He can shout or even become violent. This can be excited by trifles.

One other very prominent feature of Aconite is its 'Clairvoyance'. The clairvoyance of Aconite is manifested in its 'Prophesying'. So an Aconite person can get intuitive feelings about people, future, events, things. So, he can read faces, and predict events. Also he can get internal feelings, also things which may not have any foundation in logic or fact.
Rubrics: CLAIRVOYANCE; PROPHESYING; DREAM, as if in a; FANCIES, excitation of; FEAR, death of, predicts the time.
The last rubric 'Predicts the time of death' is a combination of 'Clairvoyance' with 'intense fear of death'.
The sleep of the Aconite person also shows symptoms of his excitability in the form of Somnambulism, Talking in sleep. The dreams of Aconite reflect the same excitability and anxiety. The dreams are:
DREAMS, anxious, clairvoyant
The sleep can be very restless. Sleepless from anxiety-with constant agitation and tossing. Sleepless - restless - constant tossing. Starting in sleep. Light sleep. Lies on back with the hand under the head or sleeps in a sitting posture with head inclined forward, can't lie on the sides.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Great selection, David. Coming from you, it surprises me a bit! I was expecting some rare remedies :-)
Ayeshhaa last decade
Well whatever is indicated is indicated - small remedy or polycrest I have no bias :) (well hopefully not much)
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Good Luck Ayeshhaa! Nice comments from you and many prayers for the patient.
[message edited by nawazkhan on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 13:01:44 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
Thank you for advices from other doctor.
I could not get hawthorn medicine in my local homeopathic pharmacy. I ordered it and will have it on Tuesday.
Meanwhile I made blood test and it occured that my TPO level is much too high 177,8 IU/ml. My friend doctor said she suspects Hashimoto disease.
I forgot to mention that I got very thin about 2 months ago but recovered to my normal weigh lately. My TSH and FT4 levels are normal.

Do you recommend any new medicine with this concrete blood result?
I reckon this high level of TPO is why I feel so sensitive and offended by some people and smells in public places.
Oh and I think it's important that I cannot stand smell of rose except from a natural flower. Any other, natural or artificial rose scents make me feel very uncomfotable and I want to run away to somewhere where this smell is absent. I also have great dislake of cigarette smoke.

If this gives some better insight I'll be grateful for help whit lowering my TPO levels to normal.

I will read about Aconite and see it it fits me as well.
Mag889 last decade
To brisbanehomoeopath

Remiedies I've been taking:
Arnica montana - frequently
Arsenicum Album - seems it helped a bit but did not hit the right problem
Digitalis Purpurea - helps with heart condition as well
Zincum Metallicum - seems to be helping with heart
Belladonna - helps when I feel overwhelmed in public places with lots of people

As to Aconite - it is 90% what I experience however I'm not so restless and fast as described. I'm more like feeling tired and my body seems calm only my mind is racing. But my body is too tired to do everything I'm thinking of so I feel dissapointed. I get sudden bursts of excitement only when I get very angry or very rarely when something extremely positive happens. And I like to sleep when I'm sleepy. Other symptoms fit very well but is it enough to designate this medicine?
Mag889 last decade
Additionally: I was taking Aconitum Napellus for a while about a month ago and a few times before but regarding other problems.
Mag889 last decade
I wish you-Mag889 well with Brisbanehomoeopath.
nawazkhan last decade
When did you stop taking Arnica? That could be causing some side effects.

What potency of Aconite did you use? This is important in terms of getting a good result.

How did you administer the dose? Were you using dry doses or Split dose? This is important in terms of managing the improvement.

What reaction did you have to Aconite?


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2-4 granules or 2-4 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I did not stop taking Arnica. I'm taking it once or twice a day 5CH and/or 9CH in sugar granules, 5-6 granules at once. I even tried 200CH potency for a short while but stopped taking about a month ago.

I don't exaclty remember Aconite potency. It could be either 9, 15 or 30 CH.

And I'm exactly talkng about Aconitum Napellus, because as I checked, there are many kinds of it...

I did not feela ny major changes except maybe a better mood but I did not notice my anxiety was gone totally. However, good mood was likely to keep longer than usually without bad thoughts disturbing it.
Mag889 last decade
You must stop the Arnica right away. You will harm yourself taking daily doses, especially of the dry granules.

You have not taken the right potency of Aconite, which it seems did help to a degree. You also must start using the Split dose or every remedy you take will become ineffective and also will create side effects. This method of dosing is the one suggested by Hahnemann in the later editions of the Organon of Medicine. You can also read about it on Dr. Du Schepper's website.


Get hold of Aconite 200c, and you can begin taking it immediately. However you cannot take any other remedies at the same time, especially the Arnica. Make sure you create a dosing bottle as I explained in the previous post.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thank you for your advice.

But I got recomendation of another remedy by dr Nawazkhan. should I then take only Aconite and resign from Crataegus Oxyacantha?
Mag889 last decade
Oh, one more thing that is happening to my body recently (I guess everything is important however private it is on a public forum :])
My breasts has grown past few months incerdibly! They are one size bigger and not only before period as it was happenign but they stay bigger all the time! I'm not sure what it means, except it happened when I met my new partner.
My mother experienced similar thing when she was thirty something so I guess these are genes and/or my hormone system working in some magic way.

I'm happy with that but I do not understand why with all this I'm having some thyroid connected issues.
Mag889 last decade
There are more indications for Aconite than for Crataegus in my opinion, but it is your choice which way you go. The only important thing is NOT to mix remedies. Only take one at a time.

When assessing the reaction to a remedy, you are looking for improvement on ALL levels, most importantly the mental and emotional, with more local symptoms generally aggravating first, then improving as the state in the centre (in the person themselves rather than their 'bits') gets better. With the Simillimum comes calmness, clarity, restful sleep, consistent energy, amongst many other benefits.

As long as you get this result from a remedy, it doesn't matter who prescribes it. We have confidence in our prescriptions on the basis of how similar the state you are presenting in, is to the state that the remdy is known to produce/cure. While the only true way to know if a remedy is the right one is to take it, we can assume alot from the way your whole case matches the remedy (on paper at least). Nobody here can know for sure what will or will not work until it is tried, but I at least try to make my choices with as much backing from the materia medicas as I can.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Can I use herbs when taling homeopathic medicine?
I've been doing this anyway.
I like to drinking nettle tea from time to time and melissa. Also started taking a herbal mix medicine to clense myself from any potential paracites ( I don't know if I can name the concrtete name of the medicine here?)

Thank you for your advice
Mag889 last decade

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