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how to recover from over -masturbation side effects after quitting it? 4


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how to recover from over -masturbation side effects after quitting it?

i m 16 now and over-masturbating from last 4 years,everyone said that it was good for health but know i m suffering from its disastourus evil effects like eraly ejaculation,curved penis ,my penis lying on either side of my legs,visible penis even after wearing underwear,one of the penis balls lying higher,sadness,loss of self respect ,shameful,want to be isolated,and many more mental and physical side effects.i want to recover and have decided never to do this(masturbation) in my life again and i will stick to my words as far as i know myself irrespective of any thing.after quitting can i be normal like before,i want to spend a normal life .will i be able to do so plzzzzzzz help me and tell can anyone recover from these evil side effects of masturbation after leaving it and if i can then tell the recovery process.hope for help plzzzzzzzzzzzzz understand the gravity of the situation and help me to recover??????
  jeah walia on 2011-08-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Major side effects of this masturbation are
1. Light headedness
2. Frequent muscle cramps
3. Dizzy and fatigue
4. Frequent seizure of blood resting on my arm or sitting for long.
5. Loss of hair
6. Palpitations and anxiety
My fear is the question if i can have a normal life again even though i get married and start to have real sex. Will these symptoms occur again at every ejaculation after sex? I need help. Thanks to all who responded to my last update.
doyin last decade
As far as i know, if you can have normal life again, and got married, These symptoms will not occur again, because i know recently that, though it is seeming same, there are different process in ejaculation in masturbation and ejaculation in real sex.

This is the latest info which i found by extensive searching in the internet.

Please keep yourself firm in your words and completely give up that habit.

good luck, don't be depressed.
abc1234 last decade
I am a little depressed cause it looks this masturbation is stealing my joy. The more i try to stop the longer i do it. But now. There s a total stop to it now. Because i want my life back. Even when i get married i will minimize my sex life for only child bearing and romance more than sex. But i need to know how long it will take me to fully recover cause after three weeks i did it thinking the side effects wld have gone but it came back. Just 27 and,Am lazy, depressed and anxious. Its only when i do yoga and drink brown tea(lipton) thats when i forget most of my anxiety. (TEARS) i dont want this AGAiN! Am tired. God am tired of this punishment of sin. Forgive me.
doyin last decade
Get relaxed dont be so worried. It is very good that u quiet that bad habit earlier. Dont be upset.

Kali Phos 12X 4tabs twice morning and night after 15 min of meal And Anacardium 200c 2 drops a dose daily at 15 min before sleep time will cure your probleb brother.

Stop taking tea or coffee

report me after 7 days

ur depression will less obviously and some sexual improvement u will found.
I will offer my next advise to u after taking those medicines for 7 days


Dr. Showrav
Chemist and Homeopathic practitioner and researcher
Dr. Showrav last decade
i hav been in dis habit for da last 6 yearz,nd n0w im 19 bt in dse yearz frm 2010 to 11,i tried to cut down da frequency of masturbati0n'here are da thngs dat helpd meh
1.willp0wer'u hav to strengthen ua wilp0wer 1st and forem0st of ol'
2.then try n0t to watch p0rn0graphy or any explicit tings dat mite ar0use u.and ab0ve al take SHILAJIT SAT available at swami ramdev patanjali stores.take it for 1 year'wit h0t water or milk
nick999 last decade
Tnx all for ur response. I must say my fatigue,muscle sprains and cramps. Pelvic pain are all gone now. Sleeping well too, the only but, remaining is the fact i still have anxieties and ive stopped masturbating for two weeks now i think it gives me chest pains now especially during eating solid foods. I discovered this chest feeling after i took a sleeping multivitamin pills. How do i get rid of this anxiety,cause during sleep or quiet enviromment i feel my heartbeats. Maybe because am too curious or timid of this side effects When i get my bp checked its normal. I need ur responses.
doyin last decade

There are only three medicines of this world can help u to leave this bad habit totally forever directly and instantly without any side effects and to give u back ur previous sex life, hopefully all of them r from homeopathy!!

Salix Nigra Q Agnus |*@4@*Calc Phos 200X

Take any one of them according to ur symptoms given below...

use any of them to cure urself. If any one have constipation problem with ur masturbation habit pls take Agnus Cast Q 5 drops with a cup of water daily morning and evening after 30 min of meal every day before 3 month of ur marrige. It can Give ur total sex life back to u.

use Salix Nigra Q who have problems in brain without masturbating a day, feeling like to much wild and horny for having masturbated or sex and he cannot sleep or concentrate his mind in a work carefully. Taking that medicine 10 drops with a cup of water three times a day before 30 min of meal gives him back his normal life and makes even stronger erection and good timing during sex.

Who have no other problem thn masturbating as a habit can use Calc Phos 200X 3 or 4 tablets after a gap of 4 days at morning in empty stomach with a cup of hot water.

During the taking periods of those medicine it develops ur sex organs and also develops controlling power of brain on it, so u might feel sometimes there is no sex feelings in u at all but when u need ur sexuality back just stop the medicine before 3 months and u can run it on full power like a mighty machine.

In fact I researched those medicines to prove there safeness, took them for near about 6 months of each and experienced like a real manhood in myself later. So without any hesitation u can take ur medicine among them!!

Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Tue, 22 Nov 2011 19:22:46 GMT]
Dr. Showrav last decade

Take China off 200c for one month daily a dose in morning empty stomach 30 min before meal. Brush ur tooth after breakfast.

Take a dose of 2 drops of Sulpher 1M or 200c

Take Conium 200c for next one month. U can hope ur sexlife is totally back to u.

Do not take any other tablets meanwhile completing this course. SHELAJIT SAT is mainly made from minerals and other chemicals which is so effective for temporary use but in near future I have found several side effects of it in Kidney, liver, prostate, brain and Ureters. So using Homeopathic medicines for curing this problem is the most safest way.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
only take 1.avena sativaQ
15 drop with 1/2 cup of hot water/millk three times a day after the food
Dr.Abhay kumar jha last decade
dear doyin,

take China off 200c 5 dose each day morning 1dose regularly. It will free u from heart palpitition problem and all others.

leave all other medicine while u r taking that medicines.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
showrav'w0t?? shilajit is made fr0m chemicals?hey man r u so dumb'its da m0st natural medicine present til date.and listen to me ayurvedic medicines are m0re useful in dse c0nditi0ns'n0t h0me0 0nez'Kali ph0s c0ntains 0nly 1 mineral ph0sphate'bt shilajit contains 84 minerals fulvic acid,humic acid dat als0 in i0nic form so it is easily digested'and mixes into our bl0odstream'i hav been using it for 2 yearz!and n0w i am energetic'i havent had cold or cough or ne odr disease for 2 yearz'and jus for da rec0rd h0meopathic medicines are slow.
nick999 last decade
Dear nick,

If u call a Chemist dumb bcs i told shilajit is made of chemical n minarels thn i feel so srry bcs of ur huge lac of knowledge. In chemical language we call all minerals n acids are chemical. when several minarels as u said 85of them are in contract of each other n more thn 2 organic acids are mixed with those minarels it definitely cause some chemical reaction n makes new complex chemicals. So, it is a complex substance. It is so fool of u to deny tht.

u told u r using it for two years, so if i have power to cure u permanently thn y u r taking it till now, bcs whn u leave medicine thn after few months ur previous prblems will appear. So tht is not called perfect curing.

u said it is easily digestable but when a patient is suffering from digestion coplexion, thn will not give u 100% output bcs it uses digesgion system to work.

Homeopathic medicine needs blood sream n sencitive neurons only to work bcs it is noncomplex liquid moleculer medicine substance, and it heals total body, not a ororgan, what it does just do that permanently.

So think now who is dumb??

Homeo medicine is non complex alchoholic or water dilution which is always made from a pure natural one substance at a time, so its work process is very simple.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
W0t?i am using it for tw0 years and i will take it for my lifetime!and no the sympt0ms d0nt reappear at all'i am using it till n0w bk0z it is an anti aging substance!yea i knw it uses da digesti0n system!but it also strengthens it!it increases metabolism,nitric oxide level increases which causes vasodilation,leading to enormous blood flow which cures all da symptoms of masturbation'like numbness in the feet'headaches,minerals and acids dont react in this case because the acids present in silajit are mainly derived fr0m plants.and dse are diff. Fr0m mineral acids'undastand?
nick999 last decade
And by the way are u a doctor or a chemist? be specific coz chemists dont write DR. before deir name.
nick999 last decade
Homeo medicines dont need the digestive system'w0t r u sayin my friend?so basicaly ua saying dat h0meo medz are n0t administered orally?or are u sayin dat h0meo medz are injected intraven0usly or what?
nick999 last decade
Dear Nick,
1st I have passed my MSC in Chemistry and thn I completed DHMS and now I m studing BHMS.

A Chemist can easily b a good homeopathic Dr. If he realy loves to help others.

Mr. Nick u told shilajit mainly derived from plant, but the word 'mainly' clarify that it is a mixture and there is more than one ingredient in it. So it is complex matter and all acid can give same group or reaction thats y they r called acid as an example a black goat and a white goat, they have difference in colour but there name and work are from same group like always.

Homeopathic uses Digestive system to digest food but not to digest it self bcs after digestion in liquid molecular form the foods are carried by blood to each cell of a living being but our medicine goes inside of a body already in a molecular form so it uses absorption but no digestion babe. Pls read more about Homeopathy and know more thn come to argue with others. Bcs there is a old saying that, Little learning is a dangerous thing!!

For ur knowledge I m adding that read Boericke's meteria medica's Thiosinamin medicine thn u wil know that our medicine is also Injectable by injection and from mouth u dont always eat man but sometimes it is used to drink. Drinking and eating r not the same as urinating and stooping r not!!

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
showrav'ok'dude ua vei c0mplex'and i suggest u research m0re b0uh silajit'u jus hav a luk'u prescribd so many medicines'bt i t0ld b0uh nly 1 medicine'and u t0ld dat h0meo meds are m0lecular bt silajit has all its ingredients in da IONIC form'and ionic form m0re soluble dan m0lecular form.
nick999 last decade
Only in liquid form minerals can stay as Ion. Did u mixed that Shilajit with water before swallowing it?

If u may know that there are many complex Ions can be but in molecular form each molecules stay in natural state and complex molecule can not be created. So its work method is so simple and more effective n fast. I prescribed more medicine bcs some of them will cure him and other will prevent the disease from coming back to him after he stops the medicine.

In Mother Tincture form medicine starts to show its work inside a body in about 10 min(extra maximum 15 min can be needed bcs of medicine quality) and it works strongly inside a body in full of its ability about 4/6 hours. When I prescribe several medicine I always try to maintain prescription with at least of 4/6 hour gaps bcs each medicine can do its work success fully without conflicting with others.

Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Fri, 02 Dec 2011 22:09:03 GMT]
Dr. Showrav last decade
Ok''we are arguing 0n tw0 diff. Branches ayurveda,h0meopathy'b0th da medicines ie yourz and mine are effective in their own branches'awrite??ok'tankz for arguing'g0t to kn0w a l0t fr0m u'hey btw my father and grandfather b0th are d0ct0rz in h0meopathy''and tanx al0t again for da info'hey n0 hard filings kay?
nick999 last decade
feelings r same here for u nick bro....
nothing was personal.
I came to know about shilajit bcs I also wanted to use it for patients but after knowing its restrictions in research n treatments I have came to an conclusion that it was not just perfect for all requirements of my patients.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
the cure is very simple when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze hard bottom of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this you can not ejaculate.
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze bottom of the pipe very hard with ur hand fingers around the pipe with the other hand squeeze top of the penis hard
its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hand at the same time squeeze
when i say bottom of the penis its very lower part of the penis
if u dont ejaculate for few months u wuold start to get better the advantage is u get the satisfication but do not lose energy
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy
[message edited by vishnu5 on Sun, 11 Mar 2012 03:45:10 GMT]
vishnu5 last decade
Really want to thank everyone for ur responses and support over the weeks. Youve all been helpful. Two weeks i have stopped masturbating, and am seeing changes gradually. Without the use of drugs. But one thing still making me curious is the fact that i still have some little problems. All these are gone:
1 fatigue
2. Pains/cramps/ tingling
3. Weakness
4. Weak erection
5. Sleepless nights
The only but i have now,are
1. I feel weak in my joints,elbow,knee,ankle joints especially in my sleep period. Until i wake up and sit for like an hour with plenty water. Then it goes by morning.
2. Anytime i have hard excretion. I feel muscles at the back of my head expands. Or like someone placed a finger on it, but goes affter the excretion. Hard excretion.
3. I feel light headed and dizzy staring at things for long. Or just stressing my self even after exercise. Or after taking much water
4. I still have anxieties too. And leads to heavy heartbeat like it close to my chest.
Will these symtoms go with time completely? I dont want to buy a sexual recovery herbs or pills cause of its man power over sex function. I have deemed a year for my self before ejaculating again. But on sex now. Plz i need views and opinions on these symptoms.
doyin last decade
Who is the Dr. that u r on going treatment with now in this forum or whose prescription u r following now?

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr saravanan. Is the one prescribing herbal plant for me. But I've not bought them yet.
doyin last decade
now i am 22 year old boy,when i was 13 i used to masturbate 3 or 4 times daily,i continued this process for 4 years,then i stopped doing this,but after it i feel that i am suffering from poor health now,my body gets weakened day by day,i get tired soon,mostly pain in my lower back,legs,arms and other part of body,my knees just look like an empty cap having nothing inside,..sometime blurred vision,when i even talk about sex or romance with my girlfriend i got severe pain in my back, i think i lost all of my energy dut to over masturbation and hand practice in my early age,and im not able produce baby in future...sir plz suggest me something that what should i do now??is there any chance of my recovery,,could i enjoy good healthy and sexual life in future?can i satisfy my life partner sexually in future after marriage,may i able to produce baby in my life in future??sir plz suggest me something i am in great trouble plz help me...what should i do now..????i would wait for your answer...
ashman last decade

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