The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Ignatia or Staphisagria?
Hi, thanks for reading this.I've been taken Staphisagria remedy for about 2 days now, at the advice of my Homeopathic doctor, but I'm feeling worse(deep sadness ocured, depresion).
Before that, last year, I was taking Ignatia, and that was making me feeling perfekt. My Homeopath doctor says that even so, if it hasn't changed me completely, then its not Ignatia the remedy.
Can I try by myself now Ignatia?
What can I do to stop the efects of Staphisagria?
Many Thanks,
Aalee on 2003-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Change homeopathics.
I don't know much about this but writings indicate if a remedy works and then stops you likely need a miasmic remedy to get it started again.
Good Luck!
cleome 2 decades ago
If Ignatia did better but not completed it is better to think of its complementary ie NATRUM MURIATICUM
akbarkp 2 decades ago
Hi aalee,
I also was taking staphysagria and i too felt the same symptoms as you, feeling sad and depressed but one week later i felt great, then to my surprise the week after that began feeling anxiety and depressed again. Went back to my homeopath and she has no wput me on Ignatia. 200 potency at 1 per week.
I also was taking my staph at high potency 1 per week.
I am sure you will get better soon.
I also was taking staphysagria and i too felt the same symptoms as you, feeling sad and depressed but one week later i felt great, then to my surprise the week after that began feeling anxiety and depressed again. Went back to my homeopath and she has no wput me on Ignatia. 200 potency at 1 per week.
I also was taking my staph at high potency 1 per week.
I am sure you will get better soon.
sonia- taylor last decade
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