The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Enlarged Tonsils & adenoids
I am trying to see any homepathic cure for enlarged tonsils & adenoids for my 5.5 yrs old son. He used to get cold frequently last and now jus from last 3 months he has developed larged tonsils and adenoids and having problem in breathing during night. Please provide any suggestion if it's curable by homeopathy.Thanks in advance.
tanda on 2005-06-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Enlargement means that the gland concerned is working hard.
Which could be due to many reasons ,, one is recent vaccination.
If posssible avoid surgury as this will drive any problem into the lungs.
Get some Calc phos 6x and try night and morning for 5 days .
If no success wait a week and try Bryta Carb 6x on the same basis.
Which could be due to many reasons ,, one is recent vaccination.
If posssible avoid surgury as this will drive any problem into the lungs.
Get some Calc phos 6x and try night and morning for 5 days .
If no success wait a week and try Bryta Carb 6x on the same basis.
keypass last decade
Thanks keypass for your response. I have already tried Bryta Carb and it didn't make any improvement, do you still want me to tru Calc Phos?
tanda last decade
If you still find after you use the 2 remedies Baryta Carb 6x and Calc Phos 6x, that they did not help your sons enlarged tonsils, you can use Bell 200 c succussed in water in the following manner.
Take a 500ml bottle of water and decant 100ml. Drop in 3 pellets of Belladonna 200c and it should dissolve in a few minutes. Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizz like when you open a bottle of soda. This action is called succussion and should be done 6 times before you give a teaspoonful of the water to your son twice daily.
Stop the medication as soon as he is OK. It should not be used for over 5 days at the most as it is a high potency which is only used for acute problems.
Please record response on this forum if you decide to use this remedy.
Take a 500ml bottle of water and decant 100ml. Drop in 3 pellets of Belladonna 200c and it should dissolve in a few minutes. Hit the bottle hard on your palm or a cushion and watch for the water to fizz like when you open a bottle of soda. This action is called succussion and should be done 6 times before you give a teaspoonful of the water to your son twice daily.
Stop the medication as soon as he is OK. It should not be used for over 5 days at the most as it is a high potency which is only used for acute problems.
Please record response on this forum if you decide to use this remedy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
thanks Joe DE Livera,
I have bell 200 liquid, will that be OK. How is bell 200 c different than regular bell 200.
I have bell 200 liquid, will that be OK. How is bell 200 c different than regular bell 200.
tanda last decade
Put just one drop of Bell 200 into 400ml of water and proceed to potentize it as I advised in my last post.
Bell 200c and bell 200 is the same potency.
After your son has taken this remedy for 3 days please post response for further instructions. After he is completely OK I will indicate a remedy which will increase his resistance to catch colds and throat infections.
Have you consulted a doctor for his problem and if so what treatment did he prescribe ?
Bell 200c and bell 200 is the same potency.
After your son has taken this remedy for 3 days please post response for further instructions. After he is completely OK I will indicate a remedy which will increase his resistance to catch colds and throat infections.
Have you consulted a doctor for his problem and if so what treatment did he prescribe ?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Dr. says, his tonsils & adenoids are big and adviced to take some nasal spary or get tonsils & adenoids out.
tanda last decade
Since as you state your son has been suffering from Tonsilitis for some years you may consider doing a culture of the bacteria on his tonsils. This is to eliminate the dreaded Beta Haemolyticus Streptococcus which can cause damage to the joints, heart and kidneys, if it is not treated with a long course of Penicillin. You can have this culture done at any laboratory in your city to eliminate this bacteria and if it is negative, we can take it from there.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Please help!
My son is almost 5 and for the best part of the last 2 years, has been a 'bad' eater - takes forever and seems reluctant to swallow his food, which we are convinced is caused by his enlarged tonsils (which the Dr confirmed is the case). He also snores very very badly at night and has a bit of sleep apnea, which would probably indicated enlarged adenoids. He is very slight in constitution, quite often weak and lethargic. He is quite a passive child in general, and loves just watching TV. He is always quite pale,cold, is long and lean in body shape, quite tall. He often gets colds and has a constant 'wet' cough in the winter, that no remedy seems to shake. He also hates drinking any liquid, often complains of belly-ache..I do feed him very nutritious meals (I am studying nutrition) and though this helps a bit, it doesn't reduce his chronic 'problems'. He seems to be constantly tired, which might suggest that his sleep is disturbed in the night by his bad snoring/breathing. Any suggestions? Thanks
My son is almost 5 and for the best part of the last 2 years, has been a 'bad' eater - takes forever and seems reluctant to swallow his food, which we are convinced is caused by his enlarged tonsils (which the Dr confirmed is the case). He also snores very very badly at night and has a bit of sleep apnea, which would probably indicated enlarged adenoids. He is very slight in constitution, quite often weak and lethargic. He is quite a passive child in general, and loves just watching TV. He is always quite pale,cold, is long and lean in body shape, quite tall. He often gets colds and has a constant 'wet' cough in the winter, that no remedy seems to shake. He also hates drinking any liquid, often complains of belly-ache..I do feed him very nutritious meals (I am studying nutrition) and though this helps a bit, it doesn't reduce his chronic 'problems'. He seems to be constantly tired, which might suggest that his sleep is disturbed in the night by his bad snoring/breathing. Any suggestions? Thanks
Nathalie01 last decade
Dear Nathalie01,
Give your child 1 dose of CALC CARB 200, and do not repeat it,
also report back about the conditions.
Dr.Sajid Mahmood
Give your child 1 dose of CALC CARB 200, and do not repeat it,
also report back about the conditions.
Dr.Sajid Mahmood
♡ drsajid last decade
Thank you Dr, I am currently giving him Agrap Nut 3x/day for a week, following another practionner's advice. Shall I wait to finish this first or should I stop Agrap and give him only what you recommended? Thanks again for your prompt reply.
Nathalie01 last decade
Hello Dr Mahmood,
My son is much better now, although he's just caught a bad cold. His sleeping and eating are much much better, hardly ever snores now. I think agrap Nut was good for now. I will try Calc Carb if it comes back. Thanks again. Nathalie
My son is much better now, although he's just caught a bad cold. His sleeping and eating are much much better, hardly ever snores now. I think agrap Nut was good for now. I will try Calc Carb if it comes back. Thanks again. Nathalie
Nathalie01 last decade
Natalie, Could you please provide some details about agrap nut, I searched for it in the internet and I could not get any information. I have a 3 year old daughter with a similar condition as your son.
Thank you,
Thank you,
jose1234 last decade
My son (7 yrs. old)has large adenoids. Doctor said she could remove them but rather hoped he would out grow them. I gave him several doses of baryta carb and his monster snoring and gargling stopped but he still felt tired during the day. He still slept with his head tilted back, mouth open and at times sounded like Darth Vader. I started giving him astragalus root each night about four weeks ago. He stopped complaining about 'being up all night' and said he felt rested. (I skipped one night during that first week and he complained the next morning of having a hard night.) For the last two nights I have skipped giving him the pill and he had no problem breathing though he still sleeps with his head cocked back. Kim
mrschucher last decade
Hi Jose, I'm not a practionner myself, but it looks like the remedy agap Nut or Agrap nut (spelling?..) did the job. He took it in 30 strength, 3 times a day for about a week - 10 days and it worked almost immediately. I guess if you searched this website or other general homeopathic sites you would find the remedy mentioned. I should mention that I also used castor oil rubbed on the outside of his nose and around his sinuses as well as over his liver area, before he went to sleep every night, at the same time that I used the homeopathy, so maybe the two together worked well? it was organic castor oil and I just rubbed a little bit after his bath every night for about 2 weeks. Good luck. NAthalie
Nathalie01 last decade
Hi again, Jose, I just checked on Helios pharmacy online (UK) and they have agraphis nut. which I think is what you are looking for. N
Nathalie01 last decade
Hi Nathalie,
Thank you for your reply.
I went to a local store to get the agraphis nut, but they did not have it. ( I will order it online), In the store they suggested that the problem described about my daughter could be due to cow's milk allergy. For now I am not sure about it, I am planning to stop milk and milk products for about 3 weeks, if there is not improvement I will try the agraphis or the astragalus root, or probably seek professional help.
Kim, thanks for your response too.
Thank you for your reply.
I went to a local store to get the agraphis nut, but they did not have it. ( I will order it online), In the store they suggested that the problem described about my daughter could be due to cow's milk allergy. For now I am not sure about it, I am planning to stop milk and milk products for about 3 weeks, if there is not improvement I will try the agraphis or the astragalus root, or probably seek professional help.
Kim, thanks for your response too.
jose1234 last decade
Hi Jose,
If it's not the milk you may want to check the fruit she eats especially the apples. They have a high amount of pesticides in them even after you peel them. Several people I spoke to said they felt fullness in their throat after eating store bought apples and my son ALWAYS had a hard time breathing after eating them . I've switched to organic and he does fine.
If it's not the milk you may want to check the fruit she eats especially the apples. They have a high amount of pesticides in them even after you peel them. Several people I spoke to said they felt fullness in their throat after eating store bought apples and my son ALWAYS had a hard time breathing after eating them . I've switched to organic and he does fine.
mrschucher last decade
Tonsil and adnoids
Surgery was done when he was 4 year old Oct 2016
Now son is 5 year old his Adnoids is regrow and enlarged lot. And
X-RAY is also showing he has chronic sinusitis The symptoms he has is
Chronic sinuse, Dry nose,
snore in the night,
he get cough and cold very fast, and had cold go prolong then he had ear infection
I need your advice one of homeopathic Doctor proscribed following medications is this priscription is good please help me
Weekly dose Belladona 200M 12 pills for once week for 4 week, than next day morning pulsatia 200c 10 pills, Afternoon Nux.200c 10pills, night belladonna 200c 10 pills.this whole medications is for month
[Edited by Ritika2 on 2018-02-05 04:16:06]
Surgery was done when he was 4 year old Oct 2016
Now son is 5 year old his Adnoids is regrow and enlarged lot. And
X-RAY is also showing he has chronic sinusitis The symptoms he has is
Chronic sinuse, Dry nose,
snore in the night,
he get cough and cold very fast, and had cold go prolong then he had ear infection
I need your advice one of homeopathic Doctor proscribed following medications is this priscription is good please help me
Weekly dose Belladona 200M 12 pills for once week for 4 week, than next day morning pulsatia 200c 10 pills, Afternoon Nux.200c 10pills, night belladonna 200c 10 pills.this whole medications is for month
[Edited by Ritika2 on 2018-02-05 04:16:06]
Ritika2 7 years ago
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