The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Pilonidal cyst/Hidradenitis Suppurativa Page 12 of 12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,
I haven't needed a remedy in a while. I'm very happy about that. Unfortunately, the pilondial cyst I have has turned very dark again. The area is extremely dry and feels almost like a blister. The cyst itself feels hard.
Physically, I recently got over a yeast infection of the skin. I have also been more fatigued then usual. Mentally, I have been overwhelmed as I recently started a new job (where I work 40+hrs/wk), I am also interning as a requirement of my educational program (where I work 12 hrs/wk), and I'm still in my graduate program (that takes up a lot of time as well). I am honestly struggling to acquire a healthy balance for myself and that worries me. I am trying to get it together. I think with time, I it will get easier but right now, things are very chaotic (mainly surrounding time management and self care).
Other than that, I have no other changes to report.
I haven't needed a remedy in a while. I'm very happy about that. Unfortunately, the pilondial cyst I have has turned very dark again. The area is extremely dry and feels almost like a blister. The cyst itself feels hard.
Physically, I recently got over a yeast infection of the skin. I have also been more fatigued then usual. Mentally, I have been overwhelmed as I recently started a new job (where I work 40+hrs/wk), I am also interning as a requirement of my educational program (where I work 12 hrs/wk), and I'm still in my graduate program (that takes up a lot of time as well). I am honestly struggling to acquire a healthy balance for myself and that worries me. I am trying to get it together. I think with time, I it will get easier but right now, things are very chaotic (mainly surrounding time management and self care).
Other than that, I have no other changes to report.
lillybag last decade
I have another change to report. The cyst had significant drainage yestrday. The contents was a combination of blood and pus. The pus was yellow. Currently the size has decreased, the area is sore, and it is also still very dry. The skin appears to be tight.
I am taking tylenol when needed for pain. not using any other remedies at this time.
I have another change to report. The cyst had significant drainage yestrday. The contents was a combination of blood and pus. The pus was yellow. Currently the size has decreased, the area is sore, and it is also still very dry. The skin appears to be tight.
I am taking tylenol when needed for pain. not using any other remedies at this time.
lillybag last decade
Dear Crystal,
Please, you must take it easy, the world is not going to run anywhere.
Your current condition is due to overwork and exertion. You should calm down.
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.
Many prayers for you.
Please, you must take it easy, the world is not going to run anywhere.
Your current condition is due to overwork and exertion. You should calm down.
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,
I need help. The area around the pilonidal cyste is very dark . The center where the cyst is looks pale pink. The whole area hurts and is very painful. The cyst has a sinus tract about 2 inches below the cyst. The sinus tract was bleeding bright red blood this morning. Is the area infected? Please help.
I need help. The area around the pilonidal cyste is very dark . The center where the cyst is looks pale pink. The whole area hurts and is very painful. The cyst has a sinus tract about 2 inches below the cyst. The sinus tract was bleeding bright red blood this morning. Is the area infected? Please help.
lillybag last decade
When was your last period?
Please give more details of all current activities, mind and physical symptoms.
Please give more details of all current activities, mind and physical symptoms.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,
I recently had my period. It stopped this past weekend. Mentally I feel calm and very centered. I have been getting very good sleep lately. Physically my weight has been fluxuating. Up and Down within like 10 lbs in a month. Within the last couple of weeks I have been stressed out (work school ect) but I feel better now. The pain associted with the cyst echos throughout my body and up my spine. It is a throbbing pain. A few days ago I felt like I was getting an ear infection. I had pain on the right side of my jaw around my ear. I slept that night with heat on my head. that helped significantly. At the moment I'm having difficulty sitting down because of th pain on my rear from the cyst.
I recently had my period. It stopped this past weekend. Mentally I feel calm and very centered. I have been getting very good sleep lately. Physically my weight has been fluxuating. Up and Down within like 10 lbs in a month. Within the last couple of weeks I have been stressed out (work school ect) but I feel better now. The pain associted with the cyst echos throughout my body and up my spine. It is a throbbing pain. A few days ago I felt like I was getting an ear infection. I had pain on the right side of my jaw around my ear. I slept that night with heat on my head. that helped significantly. At the moment I'm having difficulty sitting down because of th pain on my rear from the cyst.
lillybag last decade
When I got home from work, the cyst started to drain signficantly. Initially it was a cloudy/pale yellow pus then it was cloudy with blood. The area is not as painful now that the pressue has decreased however the color is still the same. Matter of fact, the circle around the cyst is getting extra dry now that drainage has begun. Any thoughts on whats happening?
When I got home from work, the cyst started to drain signficantly. Initially it was a cloudy/pale yellow pus then it was cloudy with blood. The area is not as painful now that the pressue has decreased however the color is still the same. Matter of fact, the circle around the cyst is getting extra dry now that drainage has begun. Any thoughts on whats happening?
lillybag last decade
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Berberis Vulgaris 1x, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 4 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
I hope you are well. A lot has happened since my last post. I had my gallbladder removed on April 19 th due to chronic pain and inflammation from a single large stone (3cm). The surgery went well no complications but since the surgery I missed my period. Had blood test and home test, confirmed not pregnant. Was told by physician to continue birth control until pack ends as period should come back then. Over the last several months I have not experienced any problems from my pilonidal cyst but starting yesterday it has started to swell. Not sure why. No drainage as occurred only slight pain. Please help!
I hope you are well. A lot has happened since my last post. I had my gallbladder removed on April 19 th due to chronic pain and inflammation from a single large stone (3cm). The surgery went well no complications but since the surgery I missed my period. Had blood test and home test, confirmed not pregnant. Was told by physician to continue birth control until pack ends as period should come back then. Over the last several months I have not experienced any problems from my pilonidal cyst but starting yesterday it has started to swell. Not sure why. No drainage as occurred only slight pain. Please help!
lillybag last decade
Thanks to our creator, I am doing fine.
Please take Staphysagria 200C, one daily dose, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
Please take Staphysagria 200C, one daily dose, for 3 days.
Many prayers for you.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Unfortunately I don't have that remedy. I would have to order it and I need something soon. The pain is intensifying. The swelling has gotten worse and the area around the Abcess has gotten dark again. Would anything else help me for now until I can order tge remedy you suggested ? The pain is so intense I am starting to feel very sick like I want to throw up. I can't sleep on my back because of the pressure. Please help
Unfortunately I don't have that remedy. I would have to order it and I need something soon. The pain is intensifying. The swelling has gotten worse and the area around the Abcess has gotten dark again. Would anything else help me for now until I can order tge remedy you suggested ? The pain is so intense I am starting to feel very sick like I want to throw up. I can't sleep on my back because of the pressure. Please help
lillybag last decade
Let's take Sulphur 200C, one daily dose, for 3 days.
Also, Hypericum 200C, 2 times a day, for 3 days.
Good luck.
Also, Hypericum 200C, 2 times a day, for 3 days.
Good luck.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
Hi Nawaz,
The cyst burst today. The lump is still there but there was a lot of drainage. It had a putrid smell ... Just awful. Intially the pus was bloody then as more poured out it was cloudy ( yellowish gray). There was also a good bit of clear liquid that came out too. I was exhausted after it happened, slept for 5 hrs unexpectedly. Now I see the size has reduced. The lump of the cyst is still there. The skin is very sensitive still. The area around the cyst is still dark. Physically I feel better. Am also able to walk better again since the pressure is gone. I have completed the remedy you suggested. Is there anything else I should take now?
Thank you for helping me.
The cyst burst today. The lump is still there but there was a lot of drainage. It had a putrid smell ... Just awful. Intially the pus was bloody then as more poured out it was cloudy ( yellowish gray). There was also a good bit of clear liquid that came out too. I was exhausted after it happened, slept for 5 hrs unexpectedly. Now I see the size has reduced. The lump of the cyst is still there. The skin is very sensitive still. The area around the cyst is still dark. Physically I feel better. Am also able to walk better again since the pressure is gone. I have completed the remedy you suggested. Is there anything else I should take now?
Thank you for helping me.
lillybag last decade
I have:
Belladonna 200c
Arsenicum album 200c
Calcare Sulphurica 200c
Alumen 200c
Mercurius solubilis 200c
Berberis vulg tincture
Calendula tincture
Sulphur 200c
Hypericum 200c
Belladonna 200c
Arsenicum album 200c
Calcare Sulphurica 200c
Alumen 200c
Mercurius solubilis 200c
Berberis vulg tincture
Calendula tincture
Sulphur 200c
Hypericum 200c
lillybag last decade
Please take Arsenicum album 200c, one daily dose, for 3 days.
Also, wash the area with Calendula Q, 11 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of warm mineral water, after each BM.
More prayers for your good health.
Please take Arsenicum album 200c, one daily dose, for 3 days.
Also, wash the area with Calendula Q, 11 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of warm mineral water, after each BM.
More prayers for your good health.
♡ nawazkhan last decade
This has been going on for 2 years + and she still isn't cured? How is homeopathy better than surgery? She could have just gotten a cleft lift surgery and her pilonidal cysts would've been gone and she would've been healed in a matter of 4 weeks permanently. Is the success rate of homeopathy medicine always this long or is her case just different?
goawaypilo last decade
1. id fortheluvofjulez
2. age 30
3. sex f
4. single/married single
5. weight 210
6. height 5'6"
7. country usa
8. climate hot/humid
9. list of your complaints
hidradenisitis in right axilla
pilonidal cyst
10. since how long are you suffering from each complaint
hs for about a yr and a 1/2
pilonidal at 17 yrs old-never flared again
11. diabetic or non-diabetic non diabetic
12. desire sweets/sour/salt usweets
13. thirst thirsty often- i drink a lot of water, spe
14. tongue and taste i do not know how to throughly answer this question but i have never had any issues with taste- often have white film on tongue
15. current bp (without medicine and with medicine)
i do not know
16. what exactly is happening?
17. how do you feel?
18. how does this affect you?
19. how does it feel like?
20. what comes to your mind?
21. one situation that had a
big effect on you?
22. how did that feel like?
23. what sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. what are you showing by that gesture of your hand (habits or actions)?
i often speak with my hands, use them as expression
25. current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
currently- zinc, turmeric and probiotics
i have taken bactrim, amoxicillin and all sorts of antibiotics but they are all horrible
26. family background
parents divorced at 16
do not speak to brother, ill relationship with mother, closer to father, but he passed away
27. educational qualifications of the patient
currently attending graduate school
28. nature of work, what do you do for living?
office assistant for local university
29. desires, likes and dislikes for food
i do not like beets, cucumbers or celery, cilantro- they taste dirty and soapy to me
30. name of foods which increase your problem
tomatoes and peppers have always given me reflux
31. mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. how are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
i like art and music
problem solver
32. aggravation (increases-time, season,)& amelioration (decreases) i cannot recall previous 3 times flares happened- assuming it's food consumption related or stress related
33. attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. location of the disease
35. side of the problem (right or left), (upper or lower part of body) right axilla
36. color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, saliva etc.
depending on the day usually browns, light browns and yellows
for females only
37. when is the period during the month approx date? any monthly cycle issues? regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
no cycle issues
always regular
comes at the beginning of the month- lasts about 5-6 days not heavy
left ovary pains (not often)
38. are you pregnant? if yes, please give pregnancy start date? any current issues? not pregnant
2. age 30
3. sex f
4. single/married single
5. weight 210
6. height 5'6"
7. country usa
8. climate hot/humid
9. list of your complaints
hidradenisitis in right axilla
pilonidal cyst
10. since how long are you suffering from each complaint
hs for about a yr and a 1/2
pilonidal at 17 yrs old-never flared again
11. diabetic or non-diabetic non diabetic
12. desire sweets/sour/salt usweets
13. thirst thirsty often- i drink a lot of water, spe
14. tongue and taste i do not know how to throughly answer this question but i have never had any issues with taste- often have white film on tongue
15. current bp (without medicine and with medicine)
i do not know
16. what exactly is happening?
17. how do you feel?
18. how does this affect you?
19. how does it feel like?
20. what comes to your mind?
21. one situation that had a
big effect on you?
22. how did that feel like?
23. what sensation do you experience in that situation?
24. what are you showing by that gesture of your hand (habits or actions)?
i often speak with my hands, use them as expression
25. current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
currently- zinc, turmeric and probiotics
i have taken bactrim, amoxicillin and all sorts of antibiotics but they are all horrible
26. family background
parents divorced at 16
do not speak to brother, ill relationship with mother, closer to father, but he passed away
27. educational qualifications of the patient
currently attending graduate school
28. nature of work, what do you do for living?
office assistant for local university
29. desires, likes and dislikes for food
i do not like beets, cucumbers or celery, cilantro- they taste dirty and soapy to me
30. name of foods which increase your problem
tomatoes and peppers have always given me reflux
31. mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. how are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.
i like art and music
problem solver
32. aggravation (increases-time, season,)& amelioration (decreases) i cannot recall previous 3 times flares happened- assuming it's food consumption related or stress related
33. attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)
34. location of the disease
35. side of the problem (right or left), (upper or lower part of body) right axilla
36. color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, saliva etc.
depending on the day usually browns, light browns and yellows
for females only
37. when is the period during the month approx date? any monthly cycle issues? regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
no cycle issues
always regular
comes at the beginning of the month- lasts about 5-6 days not heavy
left ovary pains (not often)
38. are you pregnant? if yes, please give pregnancy start date? any current issues? not pregnant
ForTheLuvOfJulez 9 years ago
♡ nawazkhan 9 years ago
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