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extreme social phobia
PRESENT SITUATION ...i am 22 yr short,fair, fat, flabby,ambithermal since the time i took 'long looks ' for height because i got menarche at d age of constitution changed after this ayurvedic hair also curled up ...before that i was skinny with straight hair.though my parents are of normal height.i love junk food.i drink 5 glass of water a day.3 chappati a day.sedentary lifestyle,lazy,fatigue whole day,unrefreshed sleep.
weeping tendency on being angry,introvert,loss of confidence,fear of going out alone and meeting people,irritated easily,easily tensed,depressed feeling,on being worried think about problem by walking in my room .want to keep door always closed.
i m suffering frm this problem since 15 yrs ...
My biggest problem is that I have intense stage fright and social phobia for the past 15 years or so. Get anxious with the
thought of making a public appearance and always try to avoid the situation. While making a public appearance heart
palpitates, not able to focus, speach slurs, too anxious and self concious and just feel like escaping from the situation.
There is no abnormal sweating as I have seen in other cases. However feel comfortable with my close frns.
Get anxious if others are observing me. Also gets anxious when confronted with unknown situations and when doing things for
the first time specially when others are observing. Afraid of taking part in any competion because of this.
Lack of self confidence and inferiority complex in almost everything.
Not very comfortable going out alone specially if going to that place for the first time or if I have to do some job there
like submitting bills,shopping etc. Prefer going anywhere in company. Though otherwise feel very confortable if alone at home.
Not comfortable with unknown people.
If people are talking softly behind me and laughing, I have the feeling that they are talking about me and making fun of me.
This makes me anxious and self consious.
I have Obssession to have good sense of humour and wit. When in group if somebody cracks some joke always keep thinking why
it didn't click to me.
Critical to others making fun of me in a group and therefore fear people who are very vocal and make fun of others in group.
But otherwise I enjoy in the company of people I am comfortable with and looks and feels like a normal person.
Afraid of taking responsibility.
There is extreme CONSTIPATION since 5yrs.also have fissure problem sice a month.gas formation in stomach with rumbling
I had been masturbating from the age of 9yrs.sometimes lascivious thoughts occupy my mind due to which i feel very guilty
For some years observing that my memory has deterioted. Also not able to concentrate for long while reading or attending
presentation. Mind wanders sometimes even if somebody is explaning things directly to me. Also recently I am observing some
hair loss.
Childhood histroy
Childhood not very happy. We lived in joint family and there used to be fights between my parent and my grandmother. This led
to tension my family due to which my mother used to talk about these matters to mea lot due to which i remained sad all d day.
. She used to scold me for very small reason.
In school I was not so happy student, AVERAGE acadmically as i take a lot time in understanding and learning, didnt had much friends and was timid and introvert.
social phobia in schoold days also
nivibeg on 2011-09-21
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