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Constitutional remedy for share market addiction
Looking for constitutional remedy for the following:Recently a close person, a very bright and nice person became addicted to internet share market and lost heavy money. For five years he had kept this activity away from a very close and loving family. The trauma resulting from the addiction drove him to go to a therapist and also confide and apologise with family. He is married (love marriage) and has loving parents. At work, he has done very well in spite of this. But there are problems in career due to visa status he has to be dependant on wife for visa for the next 5 years. The whole thing apparently started immediately after he broke with the previous girl friend, may be to cover up for some financial loses when he was still a student with meager income and partly to forget the love loss. The wife is craving for money type and the recent situations has caused tremendous emotional stress.
He has taken Nux Vom 30 twice.
Want to give constitutional remedy which will take the addiction permanently away. Ever since the habbit started he has been having back pain near the neck, going to physiotherapist and having digestive problems. Since the breakup, it was only the emotional stress that has lead him to this. With the wife pressing for money, the addiction can come back again. Any suggestions?
veenalearning on 2011-10-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
There is no specific remedy for this problem. Our provings never created a share market addiction as a symptom. You must go underneath this behaviour to understand what is driving it. When you do understand that, then a remedy can be given to cure this, the underlying cause.
This is a kind of gambling. The reasons a person gambles must be addressed, rather than trying to give a specific for the gambling itself. Gambling is just a symptom, the person must be changed at a deeper level to help them permanently.
Nux-vomica could be a remedy for a gambler. The feeling of Nux-vomica is 'I have lost or I am about to lose those things that provide security (money/job/home) and I must make up that loss quickly, or I must work fast to prevent that loss'. The Nux-vomica state revolves around this sense of loss, and the need to get back to their position of safety as fast as possible.
So the Nux-vomica gambler would be gambling to stave off or repair the loss of their security. It would be a crisis, a critical situation that requires fast action, staying up all night, living on alcohol and coffee, impatient and hurry. Don't get in his way, he has a goal that must be reached now!
This is a kind of gambling. The reasons a person gambles must be addressed, rather than trying to give a specific for the gambling itself. Gambling is just a symptom, the person must be changed at a deeper level to help them permanently.
Nux-vomica could be a remedy for a gambler. The feeling of Nux-vomica is 'I have lost or I am about to lose those things that provide security (money/job/home) and I must make up that loss quickly, or I must work fast to prevent that loss'. The Nux-vomica state revolves around this sense of loss, and the need to get back to their position of safety as fast as possible.
So the Nux-vomica gambler would be gambling to stave off or repair the loss of their security. It would be a crisis, a critical situation that requires fast action, staying up all night, living on alcohol and coffee, impatient and hurry. Don't get in his way, he has a goal that must be reached now!
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I suggest you the following medicines
1. Acid Phosphoric-200 6 pills 2 times a day
and Bach Flower medicines as below
1 Cherry Plum 2. Rock Rose 3. Star of Beltelhem
5+5+5 drpos in 1/4 cup of water 2 times a day
This will help to out of the situation.
R.P. TAmhankar
I suggest you the following medicines
1. Acid Phosphoric-200 6 pills 2 times a day
and Bach Flower medicines as below
1 Cherry Plum 2. Rock Rose 3. Star of Beltelhem
5+5+5 drpos in 1/4 cup of water 2 times a day
This will help to out of the situation.
R.P. TAmhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you R.P.TAmhankar,
Phosphoric Acid is when you have mind prostration. When you are unable to do any thinking. Here the person seems to be able to do OK. Will Calc Phos work better? Asking for suggestion
Phosphoric Acid is when you have mind prostration. When you are unable to do any thinking. Here the person seems to be able to do OK. Will Calc Phos work better? Asking for suggestion
veenalearning last decade
It seems that the advice is based on the premise that the person has lot of prostration and wants to make money from share market without engaging in a productive activity.
It is quite improbable that a homeopathic remedy will impart skill to a person who is good for nothing.
It is quite improbable that a homeopathic remedy will impart skill to a person who is good for nothing.
♡ kadwa last decade
The person is highly educated. Has a very good job and is performing very well in the job place. This started as a hobby and caused great trauma. He is otherwise a very gentle, kind, very attached to family and even now. The medicines needed for preventing a similar situation from arising.
veenalearning last decade
Actually his wife needs counseling, she wants her hub to earn more than what he is capable of. He is not smart enough to explore other means of making money. She should be cautioned that this may lead to her hub's depression.
♡ kadwa last decade
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