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Cold and cough - 7 week infant 44My 2 1/2 month boy infant has suffering with cold and cough, I taken to nearest homeopath, but he denied to give treatment till 6month. He advised to take to allopathy treatment. Symbtoms are : sneezing, cough, difficult in Breathing. Anyone can help me 1cold and cough in infant 28 mo old infant cold- congested coughing 18 mo old infant cold- congested coughing 14week old infant with cold and cough 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

cough and cold in infant

My son (1.5 Years old)is suffering from cold. there is rattling sound but he is unable to expectorate.sometime there is a discharge of yellow mucus from the nose.there is no sign of fever.i have tried spongia 200, antimony tart 200 and bryonia 200. there is a sign of relief but no permanent relief.
  gopal18 on 2011-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls do not use 200 it will dry your cough...

try arsenic alb 6 and Ipecac 6 6 hrly alternate for 3 days...

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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