The ABC Homeopathy Forum
consultation for sweaty palms and foot and heat sensitivity
my name is sheikh ahmed and i am 26 years old boy. my problem is that i am very sensitive to heat and especially sun heat and warm room where i start to feel anxiety in chest and more importantly perspiration on palms and under foot. palms become wet . it happens more in summer and humid season and not in winter. i also feel very bad in hot room or blanket or when i put hands in pocket hands start to sweat a lot.ahmed666 on 2011-10-30
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silicea 200 weekly dose for one month
♡ akshaymohl last decade
i want to know if 200 potency will be right for me because my problem is very chronic. shouldnt i use higher potency like 1m.
ahmed666 last decade
i want to know if i can take three or four drops directly on my tongue or is it necessary to mix in water and then take the medicine
ahmed666 last decade
well i want to know can i use nux vomica30 for indigestion with silicea 200. I am using nux 30 once a day
sh.asim666 last decade
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