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Arnica Montana:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chocoholism and Bulimia helped by Arnica 6c in the Wet dose.

I am copying a post I made on the ABC forum addressed to David Kempson on my experience with 2 ladies who were both overweight and were also addicted to Chocolates which I believe will be of interest to many members.


Homeopathic chocolate remedy
From Joe De Livera on 2011-11-01


Please do not be intimidated by my post as although it is yet at a question stage, I was wondering it the poster had any reason for the question which may have been to quell an affinity for Chocolates.

I have had some amazing results in curing this addiction which can be best described as 'Chocoholism' in 2 ladies both obese who just could not do without a bar of chocolate daily. One of them was also a bulimic for some years and often overate at meals and puked it out often.

I prescribed my default therapy for weight loss:

Nat Phos 6c 2 tablets taken tds

and added Arnica 6c in the Wet dose which I hoped would help them with their penchant for Chocolates.

I was just amazed that within the space of just 3 months that both ladies are now quite normal and they have lost 8 to 10kg and are continuing to lose weight gracefully. They are both amazed that they have both lost that urge for the next chocolate and in the case of the bulimic one she does not overeat anymore. They both exercise on a daily basis.

I do wish that tests are done with:

Nat Phos 6x for Weight reduction and

Arnica 6c in the Wet dose as the antidote for:




Bulimia or overeating.

It would make a fascinating study which I would commend to your attention as you have the facilities to carry these simple tests out to verify my own research. Do not think that you are doing this favour for me alone as you will do it for the whole wide world. Imagine how your own population in Australia is counted as being just next to the US where every other person is Obese. You will be doing those who are obese the greatest favour in their lives by prescribing Nat Phos 6x after meals to reduce their weight.

I have evidence now that Nat Phos 6x taken immediately after food works by accelerating the passage of food down the gut thereby ensuring that the components that promote the formation of fat are not permitted to stagnate and be picked up into the blood.

I have just persuaded a friend who runs a rehabilitation center for Drug addicts to use Arnica 6c in the Wd and he has reported that the addicts seem to have responded better than the therapy they have been undergoing so far.

  Joe De Livera on 2011-11-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Bumped up to enable more members to read this thread.
Joe De Livera last decade

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