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[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:27:24 GMT]
starface last decade
You have never been 'manageable'. No you cannot give a remedy to stop someone ruining treatment, since they ruin whatever treatment you give them. You don't work hard at this, you seem incapabale of following directions and you are not committed to being a patient. So no, there is no remedy for this, as every remedy given will be disrupted by what you insist on doing.

You really should be seeing a counsellor as well. Your delusion that you can do this all on your own is actually a big part of your problem. Perhaps a counsellor and a homoeopath working together might be able to help you - either that or you travel overseas to a clinic where patients stay and sleep in the clinic, and the homoeopaths can actually monitor and control the medicines you take.

It is really a matter of committment, of which you currently have none, and discipline, of which you also have none. Yet you expect other people to devote time and energy and resources to you, while selfishly squandering those resources. Then you keep demanding more and complaining that 'nobody wants to help' but it seems to me that the more sick you are, the more attention you get. So you are simply ensuring that no help ever gets through, thus maintaining your illness and all that comes with it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:30:16 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:27:19 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:27:18 GMT]
starface last decade
Aurum is one of the most noble of remedies - the one who is the most responsible, the most reliable. He will protect his charges and duties unto death. All lays upon his shoulders, and he takes this seriously. Responsibility that when he fails at, he must die because he cannot stand the thought that he failed.

Although this is a pathological attendance to duty and responsibility, it still makes them the kind of person that you might want supporting you. This doesn't exactly make it a positive state, a healthy one, but in some situations it could be considered an advantage.

Most disease states are actually appropriate in a few situations. It becomes disease when the person cannot help the behaviour in all situations, even when inappropriate. So people stuck in those states will often seek out those suitable situations, so that they can cope and operate in a way that appears normal.

As usual your reasons for dismissing remedies is illogical, and based on poor or non-existant knowledge of the remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:27:14 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:27:11 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:27:12 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:25:53 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:25:49 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:25:46 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:25:39 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:25:37 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:25:32 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:24:30 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:24:21 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:24:19 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:24:17 GMT]
starface last decade
No it is you. You just have no idea what remedy it is. It is the same old stuff you always talk about. And your BDD is actually worsening now, to include other parts of your body. This shows that you are probably suppressing your disease - although with which remedy who knows as you have made such a huge mess of your case now.

You are mostly using remedies to create artifical effects that temporarily neutralize your symptoms (palliation) or create new effects directly related to that remedy (proving) and most commonly you simply get placebo effects. That is you talk yourself into believing something is happening because you want it to.

Nobody who was getting well from a remedy would spend this much time talking about themselves, or about their symptoms. A curative remedy causes you to forget what the problem was - when you take remedies you become even more obsessed with them. There would be no constant talking about two sides of you, no constant reappearance of the exact same issues that you have raved on and on about endlessly.

With the likelihood of suppression beginning to appear, you are actually running the risk of becoming incurable now. Suppression eventually makes it almost impossible to cure a person.

Of course you will probably continue to talk yourself into believing you are getting benefits. Suppression will become pathology and tissue change at some point - then things become really difficult.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:23:31 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:23:25 GMT]
starface last decade
Well I have warned you. You will continue doing this, no surprise there.

You don't understand what palliation or suppression is. You are interpreting palliation as cure - really you are just looking to 'feel good' for short periods of time. Just like orthodox drugs will give you.

You can see how you are worsening - now you are projecting your own symptoms outwards on to others. You are becoming so deeply mired in your delusional state, that you are beginning to believe yourself healthy and that it is actually others around you who are displaying symptoms. You are becoming much sicker.

Of course you can't tell, the person with the disease rarely can when it is their mind and their perceptions that are being altered. Your BDD expanding to encompass more of your body, your Social Anxiety now increasing to include other people around you. You are moving onto such a dangerous ground now.

You are on the slipperiest path there is - full of arrogance, immune to advice, and convinced that you can see the truth behind your own mental disease. Taking remedies like candy, creating provings and suppressions. Meanwhile you slide further and further towards probable disaster.

Of course you will persist trying to prove that you are right, that homoeopathy is easy and you can just take this remedy today and that remedy tomorrow and a new one the day after that. Every day you will marvel at how much 'better' you feel, while you continue to believe your body changing shape and that people around you are acting like robots, that avoiding people and sitting in your room alone with no job and no hope for any meaningful life is somehow a healthy way to exist.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 05 Nov 2011 06:18:26 GMT]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:23:23 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:22:18 GMT]
starface last decade

[message deleted by starface on Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:09:00 GMT]
starface last decade

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