The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair loss
1)I am 32 year old male & single.2)My hair line has receded quite a
bit and hair is evenly thin all over the head.
3)I am suffering from severe a)Dandruff b)hair loss & c) Greying as well.
4)The occipital part of the head is severely affected.
5)I started loosing hair since last one year,& since then i have tried all herbal treatment,but not tried any allopathy treatment bcoz of side effects. And as far as homeopathy is concerned, tried only R89 drops, but No improvement.
6)My hair is so thin that my scalp is easily visible, specially the occipital area.
7)I am having heredity problem, its genetic.
Dear Doctors ,
Please help me out.. ASAP.
[message edited by sohel_m on Wed, 23 Nov 2011 17:03:42 GMT]
sohel_m on 2011-11-20
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