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Posts about Acne, Rosacea

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Rosacea, Adult Acne

I have been diagnosed with Rosacea. I have been fighting with it for last 10 years taking allopathic medication. Recently I switched to Homeopthic medication. Its been a month and I am noticing more acne with yellow liquid forming on my cheeks and nose area. Is it normal?, is the medication working. If its normal how long will it continue to come out. Thanks
  lamhe73 on 2003-03-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What exactly are you taking? Is it a single remedy or a combination remedy?
katie 2 decades ago
I have been prescribed three different medeication and the intake for each medication is once a day, ie. Morning, afternoon and night time. I hope this will help. Thanks
lamhe73 2 decades ago
Please do not be disturbed by the oozing from the acne.
Do tell your Homoeopath about the same.
It will take atleast six weeks for a turnaround since you have been having these for the past ten years.
I am sure your Homoeopath will cure this problem.
Dr.Venugopal Gouri
DRVenugopal 2 decades ago
I've herd that taking oil of oreganol works great for rosacea. also is great for acne, take interally and ex. dab a little on acne it will kill the virus. may sting a bit.
ST.Louis 2 decades ago
Try belladonna 200 or sulfur 200. This will alleviate the problem.
Dr ajaz
bradshaw1 2 decades ago
I am also suffering from Rosacea for the last four years now. Since it is more than one year since you posted to the forum; any progress? Could u find any cure for it?

Hyderabad, India
ramkyc 2 decades ago
I have successfully treated Acne and Chalazions with Arnica M 30c and it is possible that it should also help with Rosacea, especially the edema under the skin, the pimple like lesions and the red patches which are perhaps due to a reduction in the flow of blood on the facial tissue.

Arnica is known to thin the blood and to ease the flow in the blood vessels and it is very likely that it should help this condition.

Dose 2 balls Arnica M 30c to be taken three times daily for a week and the result can be evaluated if the user posts the reaction on this forum.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
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amilynn 2 decades ago
Hi, Has anyone had any success with sepia! Have been taking it for about six weeks and am feeling a little dispondant!
clarey B 2 decades ago
I've read a lot about the Rosacea-Ltd system. But never see any information on where to get it?
Do you know if it can help with the ocular conditions related to rosacea?
bella 2 decades ago
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amilynn 2 decades ago
From 1989 to April 2005, I used different treatments for my Rosacea through expert dermatologist and Doctors, I studied a lot about Rosacea and Rosacea Treatments but my Rosacea convert to stage one to third, a very serious condition. Now Allah help me and I am completely heal up to Rosacea and I left all antibiotics, homeopathic medicines and all kind of medicines. May and June are very hot seasons and I feel comfortable and face every one without Rosacea. The treatment is very simple, not expensive; not more than two weeks but it require two basic things,
1) Patient History
2) My monitoring of patient for improvement through emails.

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Sohail Kakar last decade
God said in Holy Quran that “ I create cure for every disease” now it is the human job to find out the cure for every disease.
Yours Rosacea Treatment Plan

A. Allopathic Treatment
If you have eyes rosacea, papule, pustule, pimples, bumps and whiteheads/ blackhead acnes on face then please get one short-term course of Doxyaycline Hyclate 100 mg OR Minocycline (Minoderm) 100 mg from your dermatologists/ doctor.

Doxyaycline Hyclate 100 mg. (Dose = 1 + 0 + 1 capsule)
Minocycline (Minoderm) 100 mg. (Dose = 0 + 0 + 1 capsule)

Direction for taking Doxyaycline Hyclate Up To Reduction of internal rosacea, eyes rosacea and whiteheads/ blackhead acnes

a) When you eat your breakfast (minimum two slices of bread medium size) then after 1:30 hours of breakfast, take one capsule of Doxyaycline Hyclate with minimum full glass of water. (Doxyaycline Hyclate is not recommended for pregnant woman) Don’t take any food or cold drink up to 30 minutes after taking Doxyaycline Hyclate.
b) Take other one of Doxyaycline Hyclate with full glass of water before 25 minutes of your dinner. After 25 minutes, you must eat your dinner/ two slices of bread. Remember don’t take any food or cold drink 1 hour before your second capsule.
c) Don’t lie down for 30 minutes after taking Doxyaycline Hyclate.
d) Breakfast to dinner time will be minimum 10 hours.
Doxyaycline Hyclate is low potency medicines same as Tetracycline so don’t worry. By this way, you will get 100 % result to treat your internal rosacea, eyes rosacea and whiteheads/ blackhead acnes.

Direction for taking Minocycline (Minoderm) Up To Reduction of papule, pustule, pimples and bumps.

a) Take one of Minocycline capsule with full glass of water before 25 minutes of your dinner. After 25 minutes, you must eat your dinner/ two slices of bread. Remember don’t take any food or cold drink 1 hour before your this capsule.
b) Don’t lie down for 30 minutes after taking Minocycline capsule.

B. Homeopathic Treatment
If you are not interested in antibiotics capsules then try homeopathic medicines.
Chose one of these medicines best matches to your symptom. Potency may be 3x or 6x or 30C.
a) Silica : For pustules or pit forming acnes on face.
b) Thuja : For acnes on nose and face.
c) Hepar Sulph : For pimples having white pus.
d) Aurum Ars : For pimples on face.
e) Belladonna : For inflamed pustular acnes.

Direction for taking Homeopathic Medicine

a) Don’t take any food or drink 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after of your homeopathic medicine.
b) First take only one dose (3~5 pellets) of Nux Vomica 30C under your tongue then after one day start one of the above homeopathic medicines.
c) Take 3~5 pellets of 3x or 6x under your tongue, three times daily for two weeks.
d) Take 3~5 pellets of 30C under your tough, three times daily for 5 days.
e) Don’t touch your fingers to pellets.
f) Keep all homeopathic medicines away from smell and perfumes.
g) Homeopathic medicines may be used in pregnancy.
h) If you are no better after two weeks or 5 days, change medicine.

C. Avoid Milk, Milk Products, Sweets, Vitamins and Iron Supplements during taking of capsules/ homeopathic medicines otherwise yours medicine reaction will be neutralized (ineffective). When you will stop taking capsules/ homeopathic medicine then again drink and eat these products as normal.

D. Get Pure, Unrefined, Natural Coconut Oil, 25 to 50 ml enough. (It will stop redness, dryness and itching forever)

Direction for Coconut Oil

a. When your acnes and pimples are stopped then start coconut oil massage. Dry your face before applying coconut oil and lie down on bed. Get coconut oil in your two fingers and massage your nose, deep nose corners, checks, chine and forehead (Rosacea Affected Areas) thoroughly with mild pressure up to 10 minutes (Set Clock) giving upward and outward stokes. During massage increase oil quantity for easy and smooth massage. These 10 minutes is only for Rosacea Affected Area, not for remaining face. If you like to massage your remaining face with coconut oil then massage your face with small amount of coconut oil up to 5 minutes.
b. After massage immediately get a piece of Ice Cube in polythene beg (Milk Grade) and move the ice beg continuously over nose, deep nose corners, checks and forehead to cool down the temperature of rosacea affected area (Important after massage). When ice cube is melt down then get one another Ice cube in polythene beg for remaining face. Don’t wet your Rosacea Affected Area and face directly by Ice Cube. This massage will be once in 24 hours at bed time in night. This massage is not recommended in day time.
c. Don’t touch coconut oil to your eyes; if oil touches eyelids, eyelashes or eyes sides then clean it by clean wet cotton swab.
d. When wakeup in morning, don’t wash your face with soap/ shampoo. Only wash your face by tap water. Close your eyes tightly.
e) Massage daily up to two week then, as you required for maintenance, minimum two days a week on Saturday and Sunday. It will keep your face soft, neat and clean.
f) In very hot summer days, use one Ice Cube beg before massage and one Ice Cube beg after massage on Rosacea Affected Area.

Note:- Keep it in mind that antibiotics, creams and laser therapies are the temporary cure having side effects in prolong usage. I suggest antibiotics only once for short period up to reduction of acnes then coconut oil will help you forever. I had dry spots on my checks from 1989, which was converted into Rosacea in 1992. I used different treatments for my Rosacea through expert dermatologists and Doctors. At last I had stage three rosacea and I could not face any one. Personally I took capsules first, my acnes reduced then I start coconut oil massage with ice beg therapy and fifth day of my massage I left capsules till now. My face is still soft, neat and clean (No Redness) from April 2005. May and June are the hottest months in Karachi, Pakistan having 43 oC Maximum Temperature with 70 % humidity and I had no red face during that days. (Doxyaycline is of Tetracycline family. Both are ok but in past, I used both separately and I found Doxyaycline only more effective). The capsules will prepare you for coconut oil massage otherwise coconut oil will increase yours papule, pustule, pimples and whiteheads/ blackheads acnes. The real medicine is not Doxyaycline/ Minocycline; the real medicine is Coconut oil and Ice beg therapy.


a) Minimize Sun Exposure. Use sunglasses to protect your eyes by ultraviolet radiations.
b) Keep distance to heat during cooking.
c) Stay cool in hot weather, humid days. Wash your face, hands and foots with cold water in afternoon. Reduce your body temperature. If possible put a piece of Ice in tab and take bath of normal cold water in afternoon or in evening in hot summer days only.
d) Always avoid hot water, use luke warm water in winter and cold water in summer.
e) Use mild baby soap/ shampoo once a week on face.
f) Don’t use any cosmetics during this treatment. After treatment always use those cosmetic products on face, which are made for sensitive skin, check expiry date and made of a good company.
g) Cover up your face in windy/ cold days, limiting your time in cold weather.
h) Use pure coconut oil in dry winter for your face (With Ice Cube In Polythene Beg), hands and body at night. If required use that moisturizer in day time, which is made for sensitive skin.
i) Never treat your face harshly by towel.
j) Always tell to your Eyes Doctor that you were affected by Rosacea. Please treat your eyes always to an expert doctor because most of eyes drops make reaction with Rosaceian eyes.
k) Eat and drink normal diet as a normal person after stopping of capsules. Don’t avoid any food, fruits, vegetables and milk products etc. If you avoid, you will become weak and your skin will be weak. These are the God gifted items, important for every one health and skin fitness. Further more consult your diet expert.
l) Always use sensitive skin shaving gel for shaving.
m) Avoid alcohol forever.


Q) My face is almost free of bumps or pimples and acnes right now?

A) It is good; now you are ready for coconut oil massage with ice beg therapy. Your face redness will be completely stopped/ Cleared become soft, neat and clean.

Q) Normal routine diet will affect rosacea?

A) I think not too much, if you avoid, you will become weak and your skin will be weak. Avoid Milk, Milk Products, Sweets, Vitamins and Iron Supplements during only taking of capsules/ homeopathic medicines. When you will stop taking capsules/ homeopathic medicines then again drink and eat these products as normal.
Q) It is possible that I just massage the coconut oil and followed all your other directions without taking capsule?
A) If you have no pimples and whiteheads/ blackhead acnes on nose and checks then you are ready for coconut oil massage with ice beg therapy. Your face redness will be completely stopped/ Cleared become soft, neat and clean. If you have pimples and whiteheads/ blackhead acnes then take antibiotics for few days to stop acnes as per direction of your doctor.

If you not understand any thing clear, feel free to contact.

Engineer Sohail Khan Kakar
Karachi, Pakistan.
Khanjee last decade
Hi everyone.
This site have helped me
find tremendous amount of information about acne treatments.

Most recommended
Mike_strong last decade
To Sohail Khan Kakar,
Does the coconut oil and ice bag remedy work on acne rosacea? Doesn't it make the skin too oily? Looking forward to your response.
fogarty last decade
Follow my instructions, First you treat your acnes.
Khanjee last decade
i'd also suggest you find a dermatologist and seek her/his opinion...good luck! mine saved me!
razzy59 last decade
I'm 37, living in Santos (Brazil), close to the beach. I have acne on my shoulders and upper back. I go to the beach everyday. What should I take to get rid of it?
aidacrc last decade
I’ve been training for 8 months and my face started breaking out three weeks after I started using creatine. I’ve had success using SkinB5, which is a powder that I mix with my shake and it cleared my acne in 4 weeks.

If I stop using supplements my acne clears. If I use supplements, I have acne and more strength. If your suffering acne like I did I recommend skinb5. com it cleared my face and back acne very quickly.
mjasse last decade
I've always had pink undertones in my skin but recently they've become a lot more pronounced. So much so that even if I pile on makeup you can still see it coming through. I'm becoming more and more afraid that it's rosacea like all the others. And I search all the relevant information on the internet. And I get a clear picture of what Is Rosacea? What Causes Rosacea? via the article in the website rosacea.dormitory and I have get a clear picture of this sickness and am sure I am not suffer it.
happyallthelife last decade
Brother Sohail please contact me at 03358065298...i need your help..i am so tensed...
Saad99 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.