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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My body is one that is prone to allergies of all natures. In July of this year, due to stress, a poor diet and working regularly with strong chemicals (bleach etc), what I thought was my eczema broke out and progressed to all of my arms to the armpits, the back of my knees and thighs, my neck and chest and also my eyelids. It was pretty bad and the skin was really broken on my legs and arms. In October, I ceased working and went on a holiday where I met an iridologist and homeopathic practitioner who blew my mind with the things she told me and my husband. She told me to stop eating dairy, any greasy foods and coffee and prescribed me a daily schedule of remedies to last 2 months. These are
1)Rhus tox
2)Psorinum and 10 drops of liquid(avena sativa, melissa, ignatia, kalium phosph.) after breakfast and afternoon tea.
3)Dulcamara and a tablet(Lycopodium) before lunch and dinner.
4)Urtica after lunch and dinner
5)Podophyllum at times 930 & 1800
6)Kalium Bromat at times 1100 & 2000
She also told me it would get a little worse at the end and then get better.
I´ve been taking the course for 1 month now. I´m eating a vegan diet and drinking a fresh green juice once or twice a day. I do confess to a small amount of dark(70%) chocolate(almost vegan!) on occasion and keeping the timetable perfect everyday hasn´t been easy. But I´m doing my best. So after all that background, here is my present dilemma. My skin has improved dramatically as far as the eczema is concerned though it is still not perfect, but I´ve developed an allergy to my sweat. I live in Brisbane which is very warm and getting warmer and just taking a walk around the block or 20 minutes of yoga has me running to a cold shower to try and calm down the irritation. I was wondering if there´s anything more I should try or perhaps anything less?
  susran on 2011-11-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It seems to me that your homeopath has overloaded you with everything in the book in the hope that something will click.

If you suffer from Eczema you will benefit from my therapy which has helped hundreds of cases one of them chronic for over 80 years and was cured in a week. The patient is 95 and it seems to us that he is progressing nicely thanks to the remedy, Arnica in the Wet dose that I prescribed.

The remedy for your Eczema is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose which is made up as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid Dilution in Alcohol in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Take a capful of the remedy water twice daily and also apply the water on your lesions as often as possible.

You should observe some improvement in your condition on about the third day into this therapy.

Please report your response on the third day.

It is understood that you will not take any other drug while using the Arnica therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thankyou for your prompt response. I just have a few more questions, I'm new to all this...

If I stop taking the course I'm on, is there a 'withholding' period before I take a new treatment?

And is it possible that she's overloaded me for a reason? She mentioned that my colon was almost at a complete standstill and my right kidney was very sensitive after a few too many years of living in abundance.

I realise I should probably be asking her these questions, but I'm interested in a different opinion - I just don't want to keep changing approaches. But I could do with a bit of excercise too!
[message edited by susran on Tue, 29 Nov 2011 06:00:10 GMT]
susran last decade
You are the patient and I have given you the benefit of my experience and have prescribed the remedy which I feel should help you.

It is up to you to take it or leave it.
Joe De Livera last decade
I'm not trying to help you diagnose anything here, but what you are describing sounds like cholinergic urticaria.

Cholinergic urticaria is a reaction to heat, more specifically sweating. This is commonly caused by an increase in overall body temperature (both external and internal). This can come from exercising (sometimes referred to as exercised-induced urticaria), exposure to hot water, eating foods that are spicy and raise the body temperature to produce sweat, stress, anger, even blushing. This is also commonly referred to as 'heat hives'.

Cholinergic urticaria is pretty common. It can help while you are continuing the treatment plan that you are using to journal everything for a couple of weeks. Document everything that you are doing and eating and at what times. This can help you pinpoint problematic triggers to avoid later, which in most cases is the best treatment for cholinergic urticaria.
Happy2Help last decade
To Happy

My diagnosis of the patient's rash is Contact Dermatitis and I noticed that I had failed to advise her to ensure that she did not come into contact with the 'strong chemicals (bleach etc)' she was constantly using, if she desired to be cured.

The therapy I prescribed has been used by many patients, who presented very chronic Eczema from which they had suffered for a lifetime and they were often very surprised at the speed of their cure when the lesions dried out in 3 days.

I cannot guarantee this same progress of cure for this patient but it should not take too long to do so, if she uses my 'Joepathy' which incidentally is not recorded in any of the classical Homeopathic texts.

This is the reason why this therapy qualifies for the term Joepathy.
Joe De Livera last decade
To Dr Joe

I hope you do not think I was trying to attack your experience. I was amongst other things wanting to know how long I should leave in between treatments.

As well, I was trying to clarify my myriad symptoms because I believe that contact dermatitis runs far deeper than the skin, and previous skin treatments haven´t solved the whole problem.

I will try the Arnica solution as well but only after finishing my initial treatment - if symptoms persist.

The practitioner I met was wanting to fix the whole problem. I'm not sure if she got the treatment perfect, but is there a train of thought in homeopathy that sometimes, your body must work through reactions in order to fully heal. Because she mentioned that it would get a little worse before it got better.

To Happy,

The symptoms of Cholinergic urticaria are exactly what I´ve been going through. There have been other times in my life where my skin has had similar reactions, but certainly not to the same extent. And I guess it´s just one in a series of domino reactions.

I was wondering if the Urtica I´ve been taking after meals might be a cause of such a pronounced reaction. I assume that it is somehow related to the condition from it´s name but clearly I am no doctor. If I dropped it from the routine - would it matter? Should I just be drinking a lot more water. Or should my body be going through this for the while?(I think it might be related to gluten as well, I´ve been a little in denial)

With all these wacky reactions, journaling is something I should definitely get into the habit of!
susran last decade

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