The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Growth on vocal chords
My 25 yr old neice has an unusual problem. She used to suffer from frequent cough. The ENT told her that there was a small growth on her vocal chords. This happened due to frequent shouting. Even smoke causes her discomfort.She loves all sorts of food. Is a bit short tempered.
Can any medicine help her. Her ENT has told her to avoid smoky places and shouting which does help.
maya_hari on 2005-06-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Maya,
For proper homeopathic evaluation she would need to be here and answer many, many question-like what she feels-and only she can feel it.
Growths are sycotic and the main remedy is THUJA. Tell her to take the single dose of Thuja 1M--let me know after 2-3 weeks.
For proper homeopathic evaluation she would need to be here and answer many, many question-like what she feels-and only she can feel it.
Growths are sycotic and the main remedy is THUJA. Tell her to take the single dose of Thuja 1M--let me know after 2-3 weeks.
Astra2012 last decade
maya_hari last decade
Astra my niece took 6 doses on 6 consecutive days. She lost the paper i gave her and by mistake bought 6 doses instead of one. Anyway her problem had subsided. But being a short tempered person she shouted on someone a few days ago and the problem has aggravated a bit though not as much as before. She took the medicine a month before and 4 weeks have passed. Any suggestions???
maya_hari last decade
I came here only accidentally! (I have to find a way of not losing track here...)
If she is certain that Thuja worked then in case of relapsing=return of the symptoms-you increase the potency-not decrease it!(in fact giving the lower potency is used by some hom. to antidote!)
Make her try again thuja but 10M and 3 doses: morn-eve-morning. Give it 2-3 weeks.
If she is certain that Thuja worked then in case of relapsing=return of the symptoms-you increase the potency-not decrease it!(in fact giving the lower potency is used by some hom. to antidote!)
Make her try again thuja but 10M and 3 doses: morn-eve-morning. Give it 2-3 weeks.
Astra2012 last decade
I came here only accidentally! (I have to find a way of not losing track here...)
If she is certain that Thuja worked then in case of relapsing=return of the symptoms-you increase the potency-not decrease it!(in fact giving the lower potency is used by some hom. to antidote!)
Make her try again thuja but 10M and 3 doses: morn-eve-morning. Give it 2-3 weeks.
If she is certain that Thuja worked then in case of relapsing=return of the symptoms-you increase the potency-not decrease it!(in fact giving the lower potency is used by some hom. to antidote!)
Make her try again thuja but 10M and 3 doses: morn-eve-morning. Give it 2-3 weeks.
Astra2012 last decade
just to be sure: she should take thuja in 1.5 days- then watch symptoms in 2-3 weeks.
Astra2012 last decade
I thuja doesn't want to work now-let me know.
Astra2012 last decade
maya_hari last decade
Dear Astra, Just found out from my niece that the growth has gone and now she can even shout. Thanks for the medical advice. maya
maya_hari last decade
I am taking argentum nitricum 200 for last 8 weeks have little resppite from voice loss. Do you recommend Thuja. Did it work for you. I have vocal cord nodule
binu_india last decade
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