The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss please help.....
I am 27 yr old male . I had thick hair in my childhood . I loose 20 - 30 hair daily for last 10 to 12 yrs . I use anti dandruff shampoo everyday and if I don't use shampoo my scalp becomes oily and sticky and I loose even more hair . Now I have thin hair , just enough to cover my scalp but if I keep loosing hair like this , I will be bald in next 2 yrs time . Please help , please tell me if there is any homeopathy medicine to stop hairfall and induce growth of new hair ? please help ...krishnendu12das on 2012-01-09
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Try acid flour 200c single dose.after that try natrum mur 6x,5 tab twice daily for 15 days.Along with you can try Jaborandi Q mixed with Arnica Q with coconut oil and use it by external application.
Zahid)2 last decade
thanks Zahid sir for your reply . I will start taking these medicines from now .
Will these medicine induce growth of new hair also ?
and if not can you please prescribe some medicine because some areas in my scalp has very very thin hair now .
I take two cups of tea everyday and smoke 5 to 6 cigerattes .Does this have any bad effect ?
I have heard that homeopathy medicine does not work along with citric food .
What kind of food stuff should I avoid ?
Will these medicine induce growth of new hair also ?
and if not can you please prescribe some medicine because some areas in my scalp has very very thin hair now .
I take two cups of tea everyday and smoke 5 to 6 cigerattes .Does this have any bad effect ?
I have heard that homeopathy medicine does not work along with citric food .
What kind of food stuff should I avoid ?
krishnendu12das last decade
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