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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

back pain near the left shoulder blade

I have pain between the shoulder blades near the left shoulder blade. It seems radiating outward from a point. It becomes worse and continues increasing slowly when I sit straight in front of my computer for typing work. It gets better after lying down or sleep. Please help me if someone know a suitable remedy for the ailmen. I shall be grateful.
  NM Razi on 2005-07-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try Bryonia 30 every three hours till the pain becomes much lesser.Once significant improvement is there, stop taking the remedy.

rajivprasad last decade
thank you very much, Rajiv. I will try.
NM Razi
NM Razi last decade
It is possible that the pain is referred from the Liver, if so you will need one of the range of liver remedies.
If it was the liver , laying down would give the liver more room.
orumbe last decade

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