The ABC Homeopathy Forum
2-yo twins: nearly no hearing, glue ear, enlarged adenoids + tonsils. ANY HELP?
Identical twins are 25months and have suffered from enlarged tonsils and adenoids for some time, possibly 1.5 year. A recent tympanometry (hearing) test showed that they hear nearly nothing. They have liquid in the ears. The next step is adenoids removal + grommets. It does not solve the problem though.Eating (chewing) difficult for at least a year. Most of the things they eat is blended or requires little chewing. Otherwise they dont swallow and keep in the mouth for ages, pointing to the ears/tonsils, showing pain.
Difficult pregnancy, suspected twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
(twin2 stopped growing at 22th week; started to grow a bit later on; I was nearly forced to be delievered at 28weeks. Said no.). I suffered from fungus infections, candida, strep, indigestion and finally the salts from the bile that were released to the blood. This possibly triggered an early delivery.
Started by T1(twin1) at 35 weeks. C-section because T1 was coming with his feet instead of head.
T2 was born with umbilical cord around neck and his arm. This (my guess) could explain his poor growth.
T1: birth weight 5.5pounds
T2: birth weight 3.8 pounds
T1 & T2 did not keep the body temp in the first few weeks (below 36). Fluctuacting blood sugars. Jaundice for 2.5 months.
Breastfed with a formula top-up. Switched to goat's formula after eczema at T2.
Slow weight gain for the first 5 months. So slow it was on the edge of acceptance but never weight loss. Very stressful.
Lots of gases, difficulty with their digestion.
Stopped breastfeeding at 10 (T1) and 12 (T2) months.
NOT vaccinated at all.
T1 & T2
Tonsilitis at 10months. Antibiotics.
Supplemented later by priobiotics.
MY IMPRESSION: all problems continue from this.
antibiotics 19-20 months for an ear infection. did not clear the fluids in
the ear.
They eat home-cooked soups and meals, porridge (with 12h soak oats + buckwheat), meat, green smoothies (raw leafy greens + banana+apples), cooked vegs, free range eggs (moslty yolks), some bread (rarely), goat's milk + cheese, cottage cheese + some regular cheese (little). pasta 1-2 x month. Mostly potatoes, buckwheat, some meat, lentils, peas, vegs.
T1 has more problems with ears/hearing than T2
Fluid in both ears.
Does not hear, so does not speak. Only some sounds.
Horrible large adenoids (endoscop) and tonsilities.
Cannot swallow/chew. Complains about pain.
WORSE: damp, humid weather
(rains) or wind (even when sunny)
BETETR: cold weather + sun
Well built.
Weight above avr for his age.
Tall for his age.
Reasonably healthy looking kid.
Strong, brown hair.
Good complexion.
Dark circles under eyes
Osteopath says: his lower part of the body often blocked.
Observer. Thinker.
Explores by touch & mouth. Loves to touch and put everything to mouth.
Interested in observing animals, nature.
Loves to sleep.
Not resistant to pain (cries easily when hit/bumped etc).
Moves slowly.
Attracted to bread, pasta, pancakes, etc. (eating and also touching , squeezing it)
Attracted to sour taste sometimes
Fit. Likes to climb, jump, dance and move around.
Likes being cuddled.
Since 6 months loves to hang his head down. He forces me to help him in this. Now does it to himself.
Fluid in both ears.
Does not hear, so does not speak. Only some sounds.
Horrible large adenoids (endoscop) and tonsilities.
Cannot swallow/chew. Complains about pain. But less than T1,
WORSE: damp, humid weather
(rains) or wind (even when sunny)
BETETR: cold weather + sun
Born with his head down.
Osteopath says: his upper part of the body often blocked.
Feet point outside (not straight) pretty badly.
Very lean.
Weight nearly below the lowest limit for his age. Now 22pounds.
Tall for his age.
Small head (smaller than T1)
Good complexion.
Dark circles under eyes
Horrible eczema at 7months. Improved only after switching to goat's milk formula (impr in a few days).
Dry skin.
Doear. Jumping. Acting. Like a wild cat.
Explores by vision and direct action.
Sleeps little and not deep.
Resistant to pain (cries only when sth really painful)
Moves fast.
Attracted to sour/sharp tastes.
Very Fit. Likes to climb, jump, dance and move around. Very fast. A kid that nearly never sits still.
Does not like being cuddled.
Since 6 months loves to hang his head down. He forces me to help him in this. Now does it to himself.
food elimination
aloe drops
osteopathic manipulation
aromatherapy blends around the ears + other inside
feet massage (reflexology)
currently on probiotics (special formulation) against candida.
Can somebody help?
Many thanks.
Eluska on 2012-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give them three doses of Calcarea Carb 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 1 drop in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 1 drop in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
♡ kadwa last decade
As suggested by Dr Kadwa I gave calc carb 200c. The 1st dose was given 9 days ago.
Twins have become worse, developed even more enlarged tonsils, stopped swallowing (have to blend nearly everything) got cough, sneezy nose, etc.
In meantime my another child (pre-schooler) got ill.
As of today twins seem to have either Scarlet fever (high fever, >= 39.5C =103F) or step throat (pus on tonsils) + a rash. Rash feels like a sand paper, mainly neck, behind the ears, check and groin area. Fever first then rash, which could suggest scarlet fever.
In addiiton twin2 (T2) has been hugely constipated all the time. I gave him glycerine suppositories
3 days ago as nothing else helped. It caused the bowel movement but he has been still in pain. He has eatne little only.
What to do now? My pre-schooler responded well to Belladonna 30C.
What do I need to do with twins?
As suggested by Dr Kadwa I gave calc carb 200c. The 1st dose was given 9 days ago.
Twins have become worse, developed even more enlarged tonsils, stopped swallowing (have to blend nearly everything) got cough, sneezy nose, etc.
In meantime my another child (pre-schooler) got ill.
As of today twins seem to have either Scarlet fever (high fever, >= 39.5C =103F) or step throat (pus on tonsils) + a rash. Rash feels like a sand paper, mainly neck, behind the ears, check and groin area. Fever first then rash, which could suggest scarlet fever.
In addiiton twin2 (T2) has been hugely constipated all the time. I gave him glycerine suppositories
3 days ago as nothing else helped. It caused the bowel movement but he has been still in pain. He has eatne little only.
What to do now? My pre-schooler responded well to Belladonna 30C.
What do I need to do with twins?
Eluska last decade
Please give them a single dose of Lachesis 200. Please repeat the remedy after 12 hours on need.
♡ kadwa last decade
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