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Attn [Dr. Nawaz Khan] Suffering from Dark spots, Itchy Scalp and Fistula.

I am 27y, male, 65kgs, 5’7”.

I have the following problems:
(1) I have spots grown under the arms for 3 years. I have some circular marks under my arms. These spots appear abruptly and do not go away. At first the marks appear as fade marks. Slowly they become dark and grow in size. Marks are slightly bumpy and rough. The marks are not itchy at all.

(2) I have Itchy and Scaly Scalp condition for 12 years. My dad and elder brother also have same problem. My scalp itches when I am open to sun and my scalp is dirty. I scrape or rub as if to relieve itching. Then some kind of fluid comes out and becomes amber coagulated grains. When I use shampoo and rinse heavily to remove scales, huge amount of fluid comes out and my whole scalp is covered. This fluid dry up over time and become scales again. Scales are of the color white to off-white. My scalp and skin is very oily. I find grains in the root of hair. I am losing my hair slowly. I also find huge quantity of itchy earwax-like substance. When I remove those, they also release fluids.

(3) I have fistula. It bleeds. Sometimes it bleeds less sometimes more. Allopathic doctors suggested me to go under surgery. I didn’t agree.

In my childhood, I suffered an allergy-like problem. It started when I was 6months old. At first there were one or two vesicular rashes on my belly and chest. At first doctors thought those are chicken poxes. But soon they understood those are not poxes. Then there were more rashes. However, after some allopathic treatment, they were sunken and left black marks on my skin. Doctors predicted that this allergy will continue till my adolescence. Their prediction was correct. My allergy is gone completely when I was 12. In my childhood, my skin tone was very fair. But after 12 years of allergy, my tone became much darker.

Please let me know if you need any further and additional information about me.
[message edited by jmm.jmm on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 17:50:43 GMT]
[message edited by jmm.jmm on Mon, 09 Apr 2012 18:13:57 BST]
  jmm.jmm on 2012-03-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

nawazkhan last decade
1. ID: jmm.jmm.
2. Age: 27.
3. Sex: Male.
4. Marital Status: Unmarried.
5. Weight: 65kgs.
6. Height: 5’7”.
7. Country: Bangladesh.
8. Climate: Tropical, Humid.
9. Family Background:
10. Educational Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Literature.
11. Nature of Work (What do I do for living): Student. Occasional tuitions.
12. List of Complaints:
a. I have spots grown under the arms for 3 years. I have some circular marks under my arms. These spots appear abruptly and do not go away. At first the marks appear as fade marks. Slowly they become dark and grow in size. Marks are slightly bumpy and rough. The marks are not itchy at all. It is growing bigger day by day. It is growing bigger day by day.
b. I have Itchy and Scaly Scalp condition for 12 years. My dad and elder brother also have same problem. My scalp itches when I am open to sun and my scalp is dirty. I scrape or rub as if to relieve itching. Then some kind of fluid comes out and becomes amber coagulated grains. When I use shampoo and rinse heavily to remove scales, huge amount of fluid comes out and my whole scalp is covered. This fluid dry up over time and become scales again. Scales are of the color white to off-white. My scalp and skin is very oily. I find grains in the root of hair. I am losing my hair slowly. I also find huge quantity of itchy earwax-like substance. When I remove those, they also release fluids.
c. I have fistula for 4 years. It bleeds. Sometimes it bleeds less sometimes more. Allopathic doctors suggested me to go under surgery. I didn’t agree.
d. In my childhood, I suffered an allergy-like problem. It started when I was 6months old. At first there were one or two vesicular rashes on my belly and chest. At first doctors thought those are chicken poxes. But soon they understood those are not poxes. Then there were more rashes. However, after some allopathic treatment, they were sunken and left black marks on my skin. Doctors predicted that this allergy will continue till my adolescence. Their prediction was correct. My allergy is gone completely when I was 12. In my childhood, my skin tone was very fair. But after 12 years of allergy, my tone became much darker.
13. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint:
a. Dark Spots: 3 years
b. Itchy Scalp: 12 years
c. Fistula: 4 years
14. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)
a. Dark Spot: No particular time. It is growing bigger day by day.
b. Itchy Scalp: When sun is up, Hot weather.
c. Fistula: Unchanged.
15. Amelioration (Decreases)
a. Dark Spot: No particular time.
b. Itchy Scalp: .
c. Fistula: Unchanged.
16. Location of the disease
a. Dark Spot: Under the arm (Not armpit).
b. Itchy Scalp: Scalp. Ear hole.
c. Fistula: Near the anus.
17. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
a. Dark Spot: Both side.
b. Itchy Scalp: whole scalp.
c. Fistula:
18. Current and previous medicines you are taking or took in the past?
a. Dark Spot: Allopathic
b. Itchy Scalp: Allopathic
c. Fistula: Homeopathic (don’t know the names)
19. Name of foods which increase your problem
a. Dark Spot: No particular food.
b. Itchy Scalp: Beef, Eggplant, Shrimp, Duck, and so on.
c. Fistula: Beef, Ripen banana.
20. Diabetic/Non-diabetic: Non-diabetic.
21. Blood Pressure:
22. Color of the Secretions/Discharges
a. Urine: White. Yellow (when water drank less)
b. Stool: Blackish brown.
c. Sputum: Smoke white.
d. Saliva: White.
23. Desire for Sweets/Sour/Salt: Salt.
24. Thirst: Very much.
25. Sweating: Huge (Head and torso).
26. Tongue and Taste: Reddish. Tastes sweet.
27. Likes/Craves/Dislikes for food:
a. Desires: Sweet, Ice-cream, Fruit.
b. Craves: Meat, Egg, Milk.
c. Aversion: Bitter food.
28. Mind/Behavior:
a. My memory is very weak. I forget frequently numbers and words.
b. I always make mistakes while writing, reading and talking.
c. Frequently worry about: My mental functioning, Money, Making decisions.
d. Frequently fear about: Evil, Impending Illness.
e. Easily angered, Feelings of guilty, Very messy, Reckless, Stubborn, Indifferent, Lack of confidence, Too generous.
f. Overly trusting.
g. I am very critical to others.
h. I am less critical to myself.
29. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not.
Introvert, Unable to speak publicly,
30. Anger/Irritability/Hurry/Impatience and so on.
a. Easily angered
b. Very irritable
c. Not hurry, not impatient.
d. I am overly sensitive to criticism and seeing others to suffer.
e. When I am upset, I rage and curse.
31. Love/Affection: Love and affectionate.
32. One situation that had a big effect on you?
a. When I was a child, my father made me detached with my mother. That made me helpless and fearful.
b. My father did not supply me any money for my study. I had a feeling of extremely helplessness and very sad.
c. I fell in love with a girl who did not respond. That broke my heart.
Although I eventually recovered from those incidents, they put deeply sad impact on my mind which I still bear.
33. How did that feel like? Sad and heart-broken.
34. What sensation do you experience in that situation? Helpless, Fearful, heart-broken
35. What exactly is happening? I always feel sad.
36. How do you feel? Inconsolable.
37. How does this affect you? I generally talk when talked to.
38. How does it feel like? Despair of recovery.
39. What comes to your mind? Morose/Gloom, Sad.
40. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?
jmm.jmm last decade
'31. Love/Affection: Love and affectionate. '

Please give details.
nawazkhan last decade
31. Love/Affection:
I love some people who are generous. And, I am affectionate
to whom who shows unconditional affection to me. I do not have
general love and affection to anybody. My love and affection
grows to somebody who shows some sign of love and affection to
me. And when I am disturbed by a loved/affectionate one, I
give up him/her.
[message edited by jmm.jmm on Tue, 10 Apr 2012 14:47:25 BST]

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

jmm.jmm last decade
Please hold your horses.
nawazkhan last decade
'circular marks under my arms. '
Please upload some pics of the effected areas.

What is the color of pus from fistula? Any itching, burning or constipation?
nawazkhan last decade
(a) Color of pus: watery blood.
(b) Itching: Yes. rarely.
(c) Burning: No.
(d) Constipation: No.

(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)

jmm.jmm last decade
My hair is falling radically. My scalp is visible when my hair is not combed well. Besides, itching and scale formation is a problem. This is what I am very disturbed by.

a. I have spots grown under the arms for 3 years. I have some circular marks under my arms. These spots appear abruptly and do not go away. At first the marks appear as fade marks. Slowly they become dark and grow in size. Marks are slightly bumpy and rough. The marks are not itchy at all. It is growing bigger day by day. It is growing bigger day by day.
[message edited by jmm.jmm on Fri, 13 Apr 2012 18:33:29 BST]
jmm.jmm last decade

Please take Arsenicum Album 200C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 2 times a day, for 3 days.

Report after 3 days.

Also, get hold of Berberis Vulgaris Q.
Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
(1) Spots under the arm are totally unchanged.

(2) Itchiness of scalp seems to be improved a very very tiny bit. Fluid generation, hair-fall and scale-formation is unchanged.

(3) Fistula was dormant for almost years now (for the medication I took previously). So it can also be said to be unchanged. Since it is dormant now, it is not my concern now.

I took some allopathic Vitamin supplements(may be 1 or 2 pills). Did that disrupt the actions of homeopathic medication? If yes, what to do now?
[message edited by jmm.jmm on Mon, 23 Apr 2012 11:38:30 BST]
jmm.jmm last decade
Please report on time.

'Did that disrupt the actions of homeopathic medication?'

'Also, get hold of Berberis Vulgaris Q. '
How are we doing here?
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir,

With due respect I would like to let you know that, I started both Arsenicum Album 200C and Berberis Vulgaris Q on same date. 20/04/2012 evening.

I took 6 doses(2 times a day) of Arsenicum Album 200C and 9 doses(3 times a day) of Berberis Vulgaris Q.
Was my timing ok?

Berberis Vulgaris Q is working on my emotional imbalances. I think my memory is working a slight well.

jmm.jmm last decade
I never asked you to start taking BV Q.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir,

Ok. But why did you mentioned the name?

It made me think that I should take this.

jmm.jmm last decade
''Also, get hold of Berberis Vulgaris Q. '

You were just asked to purchase, not start taking it. I never gave any dosage instructions.

'Ok. But why did you mentioned the name? '
To buy for later use.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir,

I am very much sorry.

What to do next?

jmm.jmm last decade
Hi, Not a problem.

So, let's revisit your symptoms carefully and take steps on time to get well soon, inshallah.

Please give your complete symptoms, mental and all physical as of today.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear sir,
I apologize for being late in my reply. I could not contact you regularly because of my Honors final examination. In addition to that, since I am not very good in operating computer/internet, I was taking help from my elder brother and he has become very busy with his own work. So please forgive and help me.

The current status of my mental and physical health is described as follows:

1. ID: jmm.jmm.
2. Age: 27.
3. Sex: Male.
4. Marital Status: Unmarried.
5. Weight: 67kgs.
6. Height: 5’7”.
7. Country: Bangladesh.
8. Climate: Tropical, Humid.
9. Family Background:
10. Educational Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Literature.
11. Nature of Work (What do I do for living): Student. Occasional tuition.
12. List of Complaints:
a. I have spots grown under the arms for 3 years. I have some circular marks under my arms. These spots appear abruptly and do not go away. At first the marks appear as fade marks. Slowly they become dark and grow in size. Marks are slightly bumpy and rough. The marks are not itchy at all. It is growing bigger day by day. It is growing bigger day by day.
b. I have Itchy and Scaly Scalp condition for 12 years. My dad and elder brother also have same problem. My scalp itches when I am open to sun and my scalp is dirty. I scrape or rub as if to relieve itching. Then some kind of fluid comes out and becomes amber coagulated grains. When I use shampoo and rinse heavily to remove scales, huge amount of fluid comes out and my whole scalp is covered. This fluid dry up over time and become scales again. Scales are of the color white to off-white. My scalp and skin is very oily. I find grains in the root of hair. I am losing my hair quickly. I also find huge quantity of itchy earwax-like substance. When I remove those, they also release fluids,have dandruff.I find few pimple and huge granule like sugar granule in scalp.sometimes I feel pain in root of hairs.
c. I have fistula for 4 years. It bleeds. Sometimes it bleeds less sometimes more which keep the anus wet always.Because of bad smell I feel uncomfortable to say my prayer. Allopathic doctors suggested me to go under surgery. I didn’t agree.
d. In my childhood, I suffered an allergy-like problem. It started when I was 6months old. At first there were one or two vesicular rashes on my belly and chest. At first doctors thought those are chicken poxes. But soon they understood those are not poxes. Then there were more rashes. However, after some allopathic treatment, they were sunken and left black marks on my skin. Doctors predicted that this allergy will continue till my adolescence. Their prediction was correct. My allergy is gone completely when I was 12. In my childhood, my skin tone was very fair. But after 12 years of allergy, my tone became much darker.
13. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint:
a. Dark Spots: 3 years
b. Itchy Scalp: 12 years
c. Fistula: 4 years
14. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)
a. Dark Spot: No particular time. It is growing bigger day by day.
b. Itchy Scalp: When sun is up, Hot weather.
c. Fistula: Unchanged.
15. Amelioration (Decreases)
a. Dark Spot: No particular time.
b. Itchy Scalp: .
c. Fistula: Unchanged.
16. Location of the disease
a. Dark Spot: Under the arm (Not armpit).
b. Itchy Scalp: Scalp. Ear hole.
c. Fistula: Near the anus.
17. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
a. Dark Spot: Both side.
b. Itchy Scalp: whole scalp.
c. Fistula:Left side
18. Current and previous medicines you are taking or took in the past?
Arsenicum Album 200C, Berberis Vulgaris Q, 19. Name of foods which increase your problem
a. Dark Spot: No particular food.
b. Itchy Scalp: Beef, Eggplant, Shrimp, Duck, and so on.
c. Fistula: Beef, Ripen banana,Shrimp,egg plant.
20. Diabetic/Non-diabetic: Non-diabetic.
21. Blood Pressure:low
22. Color of the Secretions/Discharges
a. Urine: White. Yellow (when water drank less)
b. Stool: Blackish brown.
c. Sputum: Smoke white.If I have cough,sometimes it contains blackish substance
d. Saliva: White.
23. Desire for Sweets/Sour/Salt: Salt.
24. Thirst: Very much.
25. Sweating: Huge (Head and torso).
26. Tongue and Taste: Reddish. Tastes sweet.
27. Likes/Craves/Dislikes for food:
a. Desires: Sweet, Ice-cream, Fruit.
b. Craves: Meat, Egg, Milk.
c. Aversion: Bitter food.
28. Mind/Behavior:
a. My memory is very weak. I forget frequently numbers and words.
b. I always make mistakes while writing, reading and talking.
c. Frequently worry about: My mental functioning, Money, Making decisions,future,illness.
d. Frequently fear about: Evil, Impending Illness.
e. Easily angered, Feelings of guilty, Very messy, Reckless, Stubborn, Indifferent, Lack of confidence, Too generous.
f. Overly trusting.
g. I am very critical to others.
h. I am less critical to myself.
29. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not.
Introvert, Unable to speak publicly,
30. Anger/Irritability/Hurry/Impatience and so on.
a. Easily angered
b. Very irritable
c. Not hurry, not impatient.
d. I am overly sensitive to criticism and seeing others to suffer.
e. When I am upset, I rage and curse.
31. Love/Affection: Love and affectionate.
32. One situation that had a big effect on you?
a. When I was a child, my father made me detached with my mother. That made me helpless and fearful.
b. My father did not supply me any money for my study. I had a feeling of extremely helplessness and very sad.I still feel the uncertainty of shelter.
c. I fell in love with a girl who did not respond. That broke my heart once.
I eventually recovered from those incidents.
33. How did that feel like? Sad and heart-broken.
34. What sensation do you experience in that situation? Helpless,heart-broken
35. What exactly is happening? I always feel sad.
36. How do you feel? Inconsolable,I am indifferent to the world.I do not feel any attraction to anything of the world.
37. How does this affect you? I generally talk when talked to.
38. How does it feel like? Despair of recovery.
39. What comes to your mind? Morose/Gloom, Sad.
40. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

[message edited by jmm.jmm on Mon, 11 Jun 2012 17:42:18 BST]
jmm.jmm last decade
'Arsenicum Album 200C, Berberis Vulgaris Q, '

When and how did you take the above remedies?
nawazkhan last decade
As per your previous prescription.

Please see your previous posts in the thread.
jmm.jmm last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.