The ABC Homeopathy Forum
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes they were indeed giving out their real names. Many homoeopaths here identified themselves truthfully. Just as I do (well I give more information than just my real name).
I suppose they could have been pretending to be someone else, that is always a danger on the internet.
On other sites there have been instances where people fabricated their entire lives and careers. I remember one 'homoeopath' who it turned out had never seen a real live patient, who lived in his mother's basement and had no job or income. He had made quite a name for himself, all completely false. It turned out he was also secretly having people send him money for his advice, which got him banned - well many things got him banned. He was an obnoxious person who spent alot of time attacking any other homoeopath on the site, presumably because he felt threatened by them. People believed him though, right up until he didn't cure them. There seemed to be no end to the stream of people wanting to believe in him.
The internet IS the new wild west. Exactly that.
I suppose they could have been pretending to be someone else, that is always a danger on the internet.
On other sites there have been instances where people fabricated their entire lives and careers. I remember one 'homoeopath' who it turned out had never seen a real live patient, who lived in his mother's basement and had no job or income. He had made quite a name for himself, all completely false. It turned out he was also secretly having people send him money for his advice, which got him banned - well many things got him banned. He was an obnoxious person who spent alot of time attacking any other homoeopath on the site, presumably because he felt threatened by them. People believed him though, right up until he didn't cure them. There seemed to be no end to the stream of people wanting to believe in him.
The internet IS the new wild west. Exactly that.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi Simone
Glad to have you on this thread to act as a referee between the classical homeopath, David and me the non classical but widely read 'Joepath' who has a clean track record of having CURED many thousands of cases that the classical sect could not or would not cure for reasons best known to them, and them alone.
Thank you for your complement on my command of the English Language which I have studied long years ago and which I feel that I have mastered sufficiently, to enable me to gently put charlatans in their place. I have always maintained that I am open to correction as long as the corrector is able to prove that his viewpoint is more logical and correct than mine but this has not happened so far.
It is not my intention to have David accept my Joepathy as he is just beyond that level. What I do resent is the fact that he thinks that he and only he is the final arbiter of this precious Science of Homeopathy that has suffered so many drawbacks and vicissitudes throughout the past years, which in my opinion were all due to the stubborn mindset of the classical school
who would far rather prefer to let a patient suffer and even die to prove that it was not the prescriber who was at fault, as they insisted that it was the patient who was not following instructions or some such similar vague reason, simply because they were not able to see the 'wood for the trees'. It is this same mindset that was responsible for the stoppage of funding by the UK government to all the Homeopathic hospitals in England, a country where Homeopathy flourished long before drugs and allopathy were foisted on the unsuspecting public by BIG PHARMA.
You may like to read a few of my articles that were published in the local press in Sri Lanka on:
There is one other which I would like you to read by my cousin an ENT Surgeon on:
I consider that this Death of Homeopathy is due to the machinations of the classical sect who have so mismanaged their therapy all in the name of Hahnemann who would, I believe, be turning in his grave if only he could see how this science that he pioneered has developed to what it is today, a mess of one classical homeopath who is hell bent on cutting the grass from under the feet of his brother homeopath for various reasons, none of which are to CURE the patient but are more designed to rake in the revenue which can add up to $1000 per consultation, which I am aware is now being charged by the well known Homeopaths today in the US.
I feel strongly that while a reasonable fee should be charged by Homeopaths they should not prolong the agony of the suffering patient purely as a means to ensure a guaranteed inflow of revenue, as is happening today. This is due in my opinion, to the license given to the classical homeopath to use the classical diktat to 'Treat the totality of the symptoms presented by the patine with a single remedy' which I have disproved absolutely in the past with my Joepathy.
It is only when types like David dare to jump in on my posts on the ABC within a few minutes after posting by me and proceed to attack me and just refuse to accept a CURE even after the patient confirms it that I get irritated, and spend some time to refute his inanities. David is a good example on the ABC where he has been caught out by me on at least 2 occasions where he proceeded to vilify me even after the patient confirmed that she was CURED by my Joepathy.
His present conflict on this thread is symptomatic of his inability to see straight which I believe is due to some fundamental irregularity in his brain which has been aptly described by Boericke as follows on Lycopodium under Mind long before both he and I were even born. I do feel that I could not have described his case better. Incidentally this is Classical Homeopathy to which I owe my original introduction to this Science which I believe I have helped in some manner to add to and update with my Joepathy.
lyc.htm " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
Mind.--Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy, Extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Head strong and haughty when sick. Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables. Failing brain-power (Anac; Phos; Baryt). Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes. Sadness in morning on awaking.
I have on more than one occasion prescribed this remedy for him and only he can tell us whether or not he has used it, preferably in the Wet dose which I prescribed for him.
It seems to me that his latest bout with illness about which I was very concerned and even attempted to call him on his phone number which was not answered, is symptomatic of his abrupt ways and mindset. I would like to meet him to try to understand him as at the moment he considers me at the level of the proverbial red rag that a raging bull sees whenever I try to help a poster.
I hope that you realize that my involvement on the ABC and the other Homeopthic forums that
I often visit is not done with any ill will to those who vilify me and this includes David but others have tried and have failed miserably to oust me as I speak from the heart with all sincerity to anyone in the hope that I can change their mindset and hopefully cure the ailment presented by the patient.
All David has to do is NOT TO INTERFERE with my therapy and Peace with Reign.
Thank you for your blessings for my longevity.
Kind Regards
Glad to have you on this thread to act as a referee between the classical homeopath, David and me the non classical but widely read 'Joepath' who has a clean track record of having CURED many thousands of cases that the classical sect could not or would not cure for reasons best known to them, and them alone.
Thank you for your complement on my command of the English Language which I have studied long years ago and which I feel that I have mastered sufficiently, to enable me to gently put charlatans in their place. I have always maintained that I am open to correction as long as the corrector is able to prove that his viewpoint is more logical and correct than mine but this has not happened so far.
It is not my intention to have David accept my Joepathy as he is just beyond that level. What I do resent is the fact that he thinks that he and only he is the final arbiter of this precious Science of Homeopathy that has suffered so many drawbacks and vicissitudes throughout the past years, which in my opinion were all due to the stubborn mindset of the classical school
who would far rather prefer to let a patient suffer and even die to prove that it was not the prescriber who was at fault, as they insisted that it was the patient who was not following instructions or some such similar vague reason, simply because they were not able to see the 'wood for the trees'. It is this same mindset that was responsible for the stoppage of funding by the UK government to all the Homeopathic hospitals in England, a country where Homeopathy flourished long before drugs and allopathy were foisted on the unsuspecting public by BIG PHARMA.
You may like to read a few of my articles that were published in the local press in Sri Lanka on:
There is one other which I would like you to read by my cousin an ENT Surgeon on:
I consider that this Death of Homeopathy is due to the machinations of the classical sect who have so mismanaged their therapy all in the name of Hahnemann who would, I believe, be turning in his grave if only he could see how this science that he pioneered has developed to what it is today, a mess of one classical homeopath who is hell bent on cutting the grass from under the feet of his brother homeopath for various reasons, none of which are to CURE the patient but are more designed to rake in the revenue which can add up to $1000 per consultation, which I am aware is now being charged by the well known Homeopaths today in the US.
I feel strongly that while a reasonable fee should be charged by Homeopaths they should not prolong the agony of the suffering patient purely as a means to ensure a guaranteed inflow of revenue, as is happening today. This is due in my opinion, to the license given to the classical homeopath to use the classical diktat to 'Treat the totality of the symptoms presented by the patine with a single remedy' which I have disproved absolutely in the past with my Joepathy.
It is only when types like David dare to jump in on my posts on the ABC within a few minutes after posting by me and proceed to attack me and just refuse to accept a CURE even after the patient confirms it that I get irritated, and spend some time to refute his inanities. David is a good example on the ABC where he has been caught out by me on at least 2 occasions where he proceeded to vilify me even after the patient confirmed that she was CURED by my Joepathy.
His present conflict on this thread is symptomatic of his inability to see straight which I believe is due to some fundamental irregularity in his brain which has been aptly described by Boericke as follows on Lycopodium under Mind long before both he and I were even born. I do feel that I could not have described his case better. Incidentally this is Classical Homeopathy to which I owe my original introduction to this Science which I believe I have helped in some manner to add to and update with my Joepathy.
lyc.htm " rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">
Mind.--Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy, Extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things. Head strong and haughty when sick. Loss of self-confidence. Hurried when eating. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Apprehensive. Weak memory, confused thoughts; spells or writes wrong words and syllables. Failing brain-power (Anac; Phos; Baryt). Cannot bear to see anything new. Cannot read what he writes. Sadness in morning on awaking.
I have on more than one occasion prescribed this remedy for him and only he can tell us whether or not he has used it, preferably in the Wet dose which I prescribed for him.
It seems to me that his latest bout with illness about which I was very concerned and even attempted to call him on his phone number which was not answered, is symptomatic of his abrupt ways and mindset. I would like to meet him to try to understand him as at the moment he considers me at the level of the proverbial red rag that a raging bull sees whenever I try to help a poster.
I hope that you realize that my involvement on the ABC and the other Homeopthic forums that
I often visit is not done with any ill will to those who vilify me and this includes David but others have tried and have failed miserably to oust me as I speak from the heart with all sincerity to anyone in the hope that I can change their mindset and hopefully cure the ailment presented by the patient.
All David has to do is NOT TO INTERFERE with my therapy and Peace with Reign.
Thank you for your blessings for my longevity.
Kind Regards
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I can see where the anger from classical homeopaths to this modern 'allopathic remedy prescription' method is coming from. It is the ego thing of 'we created this medicine and now you taint it with this allopathic quick fix approach which medicine system we are so against etc etc, aswell as fooling people into believing this method is homeopathy and so on... I understand this.
If I were a classical homeopath I dont think I would defend against it like some people do. It is small minded and primitive. Defending against it isnt going to do any good. Not going to lead anywhere or change anything. Pseudohomeopaths or how they are called are going to keep existing no matter what you do. And so will different methods of prescribing homeopathic remedies continue appearing. Because it is a natural process. Evolutionary science. We were programmed this way to try and better whatever can be bettered. In an attempt to heighten the chances of our survival as a species.
so, get used to it?
[message edited by starface on Sat, 07 Apr 2012 01:08:34 BST]
If I were a classical homeopath I dont think I would defend against it like some people do. It is small minded and primitive. Defending against it isnt going to do any good. Not going to lead anywhere or change anything. Pseudohomeopaths or how they are called are going to keep existing no matter what you do. And so will different methods of prescribing homeopathic remedies continue appearing. Because it is a natural process. Evolutionary science. We were programmed this way to try and better whatever can be bettered. In an attempt to heighten the chances of our survival as a species.
so, get used to it?
[message edited by starface on Sat, 07 Apr 2012 01:08:34 BST]
starface last decade
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