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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile Dysfunction

Hello to all Homoeopathic Doctors,

I hope, and am sure some one will help me to solve my issue, which is getting serious day by day.

I have 3 Children and married for 8 years now, I had great sex life, was able to perform 4 or more times in one day, but suddenly from last six/ seven months, I am facing this erection problem.
It is getting hard to get erection but then just before I want to enter I loose all, this becoming very embarrassing.

If some better day I maintain erection then my Duration of sex is also decreased allot around more or less 1 minute some time.

I struggle to get erection now a days and if I get it it is not maintainable for sex.

I went to see my GP doctor and he suggested it may be because of some depression or sometime if someone loses erection once, this feeling alone make it hard to carry on sexual activity for a while. But now this is happening for last many months.

I was always overweight.
Below is my details:
Age 34
Waist: 44 inch
Weight: 115 kg
Height: 5 feet 11 inch

My blood pressure is mostly normal.
Only other thing is terrible itching around Testicles and groins, Mostly in night when I try to relax.

I hope some one will help me in this embarrassing situation.

Thanks and wasallam

Sohail from UK.
[message edited by sohailkhan on Tue, 27 Mar 2012 20:07:02 BST]
  sohailkhan on 2012-03-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I just search for remedy using this website with entering symptoms and suggestion came up for Phosphoricum Acidum.

what some doctor can suggest for this. and what potency.

should I order this and from where in UK.
I am in desperation, pls advise.
sohailkhan last decade
Please take Acid Phos-30 five drops per dose thrice a day after meal also use Ashwagandha-Q (20 drops per dose thrice a day.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks very Much Doctor Sahib,
May Allah bless you for this service.

I ordered these medicines as you prescribes, and should get them by tomorrow.

Please advise both doses to be taken at same time after meal. and how long after meal.

Also Please advise for how long I carry on taking these doses.

Thanks and Regards
[message edited by sohailkhan on Wed, 28 Mar 2012 10:55:01 BST]
sohailkhan last decade
Dr Mahfooz Sahib Sallam,

I received my prescription yesterday, and started taking doses as you suggested.

Please reply to my previous query i.e.

Please advise both doses to be taken at same time after meal. and how long after meal.

Also Please advise for how long I carry on taking these doses.

Thanks and Regards
sohailkhan last decade

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