The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Phosphorus dosage please help
Hello, I just joined this site today. I would like to ask about the dosage for phosphorus liquid 200c (which I already bought)I am a 46 yr old female, overweight 5'4, 200 lbs
1. panic attacks
2. depression
3. anxiety
4. fear of the dark
5. fearful thoughts
6. fear of ghosts, evil spirits
7. apphrension
8. fear of dying
9. fear of loved ones dying
10. fear of going insane
11. worrying about health
I took 4 drops in 1 teaspoon of water as stated on bottle, but I don't know if I need more or less? I have only used it twice (yesterday and today)
I would truly appreciate any and all help!
DAS1965 on 2012-04-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Who prescribed this for you? You should not be self-prescribing as homoeopathy can have serious and sometimes dangerous side effects.
Potency selection, and dosage, is based on the case taken. It is individualised according to the patient's sensitivity, the amount of tissue change (pathology) present, the amount of medical suppression in the patient's history (current and past), and even the patient's past history of reactions to homoeopathy.
For the most part, you should always take one dose only and wait 7-14 days before taking another dose. What normally happens is that the homoeopath would then assess the movement of symptoms throughout your case to see if the remedy has shifted things correctly, before giving any further doses. Depending on the response, you might take a further single dose but diluted more or less than before, or the homoeopath might insist you wait longer for more changes to occur. It is also possible that a new remedy would be needed.
Impatience when prescribing can be harmful, both to your health and to the progress of the treatment itself. Aggravations are common in homoeopathy, and the more you take the stronger and more painful those aggravations can be.
You must have the 'state' of phosphorous for it to help you. A simple list of symptoms without any qualifying features (what we call modalities) is not a recipe for success. Many many remedies might suit. Few of those symptoms are defined with the exactness that homoeopathy requires. For example the following symptoms are too general and lead to no specific remedy:
Panic attack
Fearful thoughts
Those should be culled out of the analysis straight away, or defined with much more detail.
The other symptoms can lead to quite a few remedies - Graphites, Carbo-veg, Arsensicum, Mancinella, Arg-nit - many more. They are common symptoms found in many remedies. The questions we need to ask are:
'What is in the dark that makes you fearful?'
'What is it about ghosts that scares you?'
'What are you afraid you or your loved ones will die from?'
'What do you do as a result of your fear and worry?'
'How do you cope with your fears and worries?'
'Describe exactly the experience of fear in all these situations.'
On top of this there are no generals mentioned, just a whole lot of mentals. Mental prescribing is very tricky, and requires a good understanding of the heirarchy of symptoms, and the repertory to translate patient expressions across into suitable rubrics. Any prescription should always be supported by general symptoms as well - food cravings and aversions, sleep, sensitivity to the weather, menstrual symptoms etc.
This is not to say Phosphorous might not help you. However there is no real proof from these symptoms to say one way or the other. So many remedies cover this general state - it could be any of them. We have over 5000 medicines in homoeopathy.
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Registered ATMS 5141
Potency selection, and dosage, is based on the case taken. It is individualised according to the patient's sensitivity, the amount of tissue change (pathology) present, the amount of medical suppression in the patient's history (current and past), and even the patient's past history of reactions to homoeopathy.
For the most part, you should always take one dose only and wait 7-14 days before taking another dose. What normally happens is that the homoeopath would then assess the movement of symptoms throughout your case to see if the remedy has shifted things correctly, before giving any further doses. Depending on the response, you might take a further single dose but diluted more or less than before, or the homoeopath might insist you wait longer for more changes to occur. It is also possible that a new remedy would be needed.
Impatience when prescribing can be harmful, both to your health and to the progress of the treatment itself. Aggravations are common in homoeopathy, and the more you take the stronger and more painful those aggravations can be.
You must have the 'state' of phosphorous for it to help you. A simple list of symptoms without any qualifying features (what we call modalities) is not a recipe for success. Many many remedies might suit. Few of those symptoms are defined with the exactness that homoeopathy requires. For example the following symptoms are too general and lead to no specific remedy:
Panic attack
Fearful thoughts
Those should be culled out of the analysis straight away, or defined with much more detail.
The other symptoms can lead to quite a few remedies - Graphites, Carbo-veg, Arsensicum, Mancinella, Arg-nit - many more. They are common symptoms found in many remedies. The questions we need to ask are:
'What is in the dark that makes you fearful?'
'What is it about ghosts that scares you?'
'What are you afraid you or your loved ones will die from?'
'What do you do as a result of your fear and worry?'
'How do you cope with your fears and worries?'
'Describe exactly the experience of fear in all these situations.'
On top of this there are no generals mentioned, just a whole lot of mentals. Mental prescribing is very tricky, and requires a good understanding of the heirarchy of symptoms, and the repertory to translate patient expressions across into suitable rubrics. Any prescription should always be supported by general symptoms as well - food cravings and aversions, sleep, sensitivity to the weather, menstrual symptoms etc.
This is not to say Phosphorous might not help you. However there is no real proof from these symptoms to say one way or the other. So many remedies cover this general state - it could be any of them. We have over 5000 medicines in homoeopathy.
David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
Registered ATMS 5141
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'What is in the dark that makes you fearful?' answer: afraid of things that I can't see that will attack me
'What is it about ghosts that scares you?' answer: i have no control if they are around me, afraid they will attack me or do things to play tricks on me so that I go insane
'What are you afraid you or your loved ones will die from?' answer: that it will be a sudden death or accident and that they dont see how serious life is and that they aren't on guard enough
'What do you do as a result of your fear and worry?' - I cry or curl up in my bed
'How do you cope with your fears and worries?' - answer: i go to a psychiatrist, pray, read about anxiety help online, deep breathing, cry, talk to husband
'Describe exactly the experience of fear in all these situations.' answer: i start to feel like i am not here, that my mind isn't working correctly, that i am going to lose control and hurt myself or someone else (which I never have), i fear i will be institutionalized, my heart starts beating fast, i get dizzy, shaky, nervous, i feel i am going to have a heart attack or throw up.
No one prescibed the phosphorus, I used the grid/Remedy Finder a few times and it always came up as phosphorus.
I dislike:
hot weather
crowded rooms
alot of people talking at once
the news of people or animals being hurt/killed
'What is it about ghosts that scares you?' answer: i have no control if they are around me, afraid they will attack me or do things to play tricks on me so that I go insane
'What are you afraid you or your loved ones will die from?' answer: that it will be a sudden death or accident and that they dont see how serious life is and that they aren't on guard enough
'What do you do as a result of your fear and worry?' - I cry or curl up in my bed
'How do you cope with your fears and worries?' - answer: i go to a psychiatrist, pray, read about anxiety help online, deep breathing, cry, talk to husband
'Describe exactly the experience of fear in all these situations.' answer: i start to feel like i am not here, that my mind isn't working correctly, that i am going to lose control and hurt myself or someone else (which I never have), i fear i will be institutionalized, my heart starts beating fast, i get dizzy, shaky, nervous, i feel i am going to have a heart attack or throw up.
No one prescibed the phosphorus, I used the grid/Remedy Finder a few times and it always came up as phosphorus.
I dislike:
hot weather
crowded rooms
alot of people talking at once
the news of people or animals being hurt/killed
DAS1965 last decade
The Remedy Finder is only meant to be used for acutes, not for chronic situations. Chronic prescribing is very difficult and takes years to master. No computer system ever makes the right decision about chronic remedies (constitutional prescribing).
Even in the little bit you have given now, I cannot necessarily see phosphorous. Phosphorous is not so much afraid of things they cannot see, they have such vivid imaginations they see all sorts of things coming out of the corners. Control is not an issue at all for phosphorous, and insanity is not a strong theme(except in so much as they are common concerns for everyone). The panic attack itself has features I don't think Phos covers well enough, especially the issue with insanity - that would lead me into different areas I think. Phosphorous tends to be cold and likes the heat.
You have to know what symptoms should be given preference over others, what makes a symptom peculiar, what symptoms go together to form a 'super-symptom', what symptoms are explainable (and therefore discounted), which rubric best suits the symptom and what other rubrics might need to be looked at (containing a slightly different collection of remedies). And the main step, the most important one, is putting all the important symptoms together into a single picture, what we call a 'state' or the 'totality'. This is something that is created by threading the individual symptoms together into something bigger. To cure, you match the state of the patient, to the state of the remedy, not just the symptoms. Its often a job and a half, to be sure.
What might your state be here? It is hard to know from so little information. Case-taking for a chronic case normally takes me 2 hours of conversation. To collect 10-20 pages is not unusual. Obviously there is not enough here to know what remedy you are.
Loss of control
Not being on guard
Being attacked
Things that can't be seen
Feel I am not here
Going to hurt someone else
Those seem like important access points to get closer to the heart of things. They don't really suggest phosphorous at this point, but who knows?
Even in the little bit you have given now, I cannot necessarily see phosphorous. Phosphorous is not so much afraid of things they cannot see, they have such vivid imaginations they see all sorts of things coming out of the corners. Control is not an issue at all for phosphorous, and insanity is not a strong theme(except in so much as they are common concerns for everyone). The panic attack itself has features I don't think Phos covers well enough, especially the issue with insanity - that would lead me into different areas I think. Phosphorous tends to be cold and likes the heat.
You have to know what symptoms should be given preference over others, what makes a symptom peculiar, what symptoms go together to form a 'super-symptom', what symptoms are explainable (and therefore discounted), which rubric best suits the symptom and what other rubrics might need to be looked at (containing a slightly different collection of remedies). And the main step, the most important one, is putting all the important symptoms together into a single picture, what we call a 'state' or the 'totality'. This is something that is created by threading the individual symptoms together into something bigger. To cure, you match the state of the patient, to the state of the remedy, not just the symptoms. Its often a job and a half, to be sure.
What might your state be here? It is hard to know from so little information. Case-taking for a chronic case normally takes me 2 hours of conversation. To collect 10-20 pages is not unusual. Obviously there is not enough here to know what remedy you are.
Loss of control
Not being on guard
Being attacked
Things that can't be seen
Feel I am not here
Going to hurt someone else
Those seem like important access points to get closer to the heart of things. They don't really suggest phosphorous at this point, but who knows?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
you should not be self-prescribing as homoeopathy can have serious and sometimes dangerous side effects. --- i dont think i agree with this statement, this is just to scare...there is no such thing as serious and sometimes dangerous side effects with homeopathy, it is against the principle of homeopathy itself...there are no side effects it is a promise, please dont try to scare the public...period
sunfield00 9 years ago
Well you can disagree with it if you like, but the unfortunate truth is that homoeopathy is powerful, and dangerous in the hands of people who do not know how to use it correctly. Nothing that can perform the miracles homoeopathy can, can be harmless. 'What a substance can cause it can cure' - the basis of homoeopathy, and within this one principle can be seen the truth.
The principles of homoeopathy are very clear, and many of them are devoted to minimizing the harm that inappropriate treatment can do. The great Dr. Kent himself warns us in his Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy to be wary of how we give the medicines, or we could cause them permanent, possibly fatal harm.
We have seen many people on this forum report harm from incorrect use of homoeopathy. I have seen it many times in my own clinic. Homoeopaths all around the world have reported such cases. In fact part of my professional practice frequently involved trying to correct the damage done by poorly trained prescribers (or self prescribers).
I WANT to scare people - into NOT taking prescribing into their own hands for chronic complaints. The risk is too great and people should be educated as to what those risks are. That is our responsibility as health professionals.
The principles of homoeopathy are very clear, and many of them are devoted to minimizing the harm that inappropriate treatment can do. The great Dr. Kent himself warns us in his Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy to be wary of how we give the medicines, or we could cause them permanent, possibly fatal harm.
We have seen many people on this forum report harm from incorrect use of homoeopathy. I have seen it many times in my own clinic. Homoeopaths all around the world have reported such cases. In fact part of my professional practice frequently involved trying to correct the damage done by poorly trained prescribers (or self prescribers).
I WANT to scare people - into NOT taking prescribing into their own hands for chronic complaints. The risk is too great and people should be educated as to what those risks are. That is our responsibility as health professionals.
♡ Evocationer 9 years ago
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