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Looking for Constitutional remedy Page 4 of 5

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Please take only one dose of Nux Vomica 1M today.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for your advice!
I shall take it tomorrow morning first thing.
Wanted to confirm, 2-3 drops in 1/4 glass with mineral water shall constitue one dose?

Best regards!
believeranurag last decade
4 drops nicely mixed with a spoon in 1/4 glass of mineral water.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Sir,
Here are the details after Nux Vomica 1M on 5th Sept morning:
5th Sept: I felt like shot down completely. Sever sleepiness throughout the day; it was very hard to stay awake to pass the day. (I wish I could have taken it in the evening)
6th sept: Slept fine, but got up in morning around 5 am feeling cold in chest, sneezing in the morning, felt good in later part of the day, less sleepy this day.
7th sept: Feeling lethargic and sleepy as always with low energy.
8th Sept: Feeling very good in the morning with lots of energy, feeling tired and lethargic by end of the day.
9th Sept: Feeling very bad and low in energy, the old accidental injury seemed to surface up as right knee is paining and back at lower right is hurting a lot. There seemed to be a cyst or abscess inside which feels like a knot (Ghutali) when I touch.
10th Sept: Feeling good in terms of energy, but back and knee is hurting.
Overall my observation has been:
„»Stools are fine now (No unfinished feeling)
„»Improvement in restlessness of legs, less flatulent, but sour eructation, digestion still looks slow.
„»Lower right back and right knee hurting. (looks old injury flared up)
„»No change in my mouth condition: Inner cheeks are still swelled with ulcer in the middle.
„»Eye twitching, strained and irritation to bright light.
„»Feel cold in chest sometimes.

I request you to kindly further guide how to proceed.

believeranurag last decade
Please upload or email a pic of the 'Inner cheeks are still swelled with ulcer in the middle. '

What remedies have been taken for the last 3 days?
nawazkhan last decade
No remedy taken except the one adviced by you. I will try to send you photo.
believeranurag last decade
Ok, I'll wait for the pic. Inshallah.
nawazkhan last decade
Please find the images of my cheek, I have tried to circle the part, overall my cheeks and gums are swollen and tender, the left cheek ulcer is more than 9 months old now.
believeranurag last decade
Because of image size limitation, I couldn't post it here, I have sent you it through mail, kindly check.
believeranurag last decade
' the left cheek ulcer is more than 9 months old now.'

Please tell me more about the pain, swelling, bleeding and gums condition for the last 9 months? What have you been taking for this issue?

I've got your email and have checked the pics, thanks.
nawazkhan last decade
gums and ulcer doesn't bleed, also there is not much pain as such but strong sensation when I take first bite of some fruit like banana. The cheeks are constantly swelled, gums swell with some ulcerative feeling and heal. My cheek used to heal earlier by itself but now they have become indolent. Very rarely I also bite some part of my mouth while eating which becomes sore and ulcer like and heals in few days which pains.I also develop pimples on my face very frequently and sometimes on back which heals in some time. My skin is also very sensitive, I don't wear watch, any chain or even my wedding ring as it all gives me rashes.

Regarding the treatment: I have tried Vitamin-B, Metrogil, honey, raw milk etc. no effect.
I observed that coffee aggravates it so I haven't taken coffee for past 6 months. I keep fast on tuesdays when I don't take any salt, this doesn't affect also. For past one week I have cut down sweets to almost zero level and tea only one time to observe if it helps, so far no change. Thats what I could remember as of now, if I haven't touched any point kindly let me know, I will be happy to put up. Thank you very much and GOD BLESS YOU!!
[message edited by believeranurag on Tue, 11 Sep 2012 16:17:18 BST]
believeranurag last decade

Please take one dose of Lycopodium 1M asap.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
I have taken 1 dose today, shall report you updates in few days.
Many thanks for your kind wishes!
believeranurag last decade

Please post your symptoms by the end of tomorrow.
nawazkhan last decade
No change! Absolutely no change felt in these 2 days, physically or mentally except I felt aggravation of my back pain this morning, for which I wished to take some pain killer but could manage without it, but this could be because of wrong posture of sleeping last night due to mosquitos.
believeranurag last decade
'No change!'
Sometimes the above is good.
So, what did you take for meals for the last couple of days?
Did your mouth condition got any worse after eating?
nawazkhan last decade
I have been taking regular traditional meal like lauki (bottle gaurd) roti last night, no coffee, tea and outside food.
'Did your mouth condition got any worse after eating?'
No, I haven't felt as such for normal food but certain things like coffee or spices do aggravate them. I always feel irritating in my mouth unless I do proper kulla (mouth wash) or brush after taking something.
believeranurag last decade
Thanks, Please take one dose of Merc Sol 1M, 4 drops mixed in 1/4 glass of mineral water.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
I have never taken Merc Sol before, though I respect your diagnosis and would definitely follow it; just request you to reconsider shouldn’t we try with Merc Sol lower potency first like 30 or 200, else it will be my third 1M medicine within 12 days duration.
Waiting for your reply.
Best regards!
believeranurag last decade
Please do not worry at all. Only 1m will work for you at this time as you have been taking a lot of remedies in the past.

You must put your full trust in our creator and keep remembering/thanking at all times.
nawazkhan last decade
Still haven't got hold of Merc sol as not available in local market in 1M. From yesterday I started having throat infection, with ulcer (red with white base) at the lobe of throat. No fever but feeling very weak.
believeranurag last decade
Please take Alumen 3X, 3 times a day, for 3 days.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks for your reply! I tried searching all stores here, no body keeps Alumen in any potency. I was looking at online options wherein I found Reckweg-india doing online service, I found following potencies in dilutions on their site Alumen 6,30,200,1M,10M. Please let me know if any of these would serve the purpose? Meanwhile I had been having Tonsilat tablets from SBL, which has reduced the ulcer at lobe but still some constriction feeling at throat, my other physical symptoms like cheek ulcer etc. is still the same.
believeranurag last decade
Let's go for Alumen 6C.

Also, take a daily dose of Mag Phos 200C, for 3 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Finally I have found and ordered Alumen 3x at http://www.schwabeindia.com, I expect it to arrive in one week. I started Magphos 200 daily dose from yesterday, I developed some headache yesterday evening which got OK after night sleep but today after second dose I have developed very sevre headache, which was so bursting I had to take Tynol (pain reliever) still there but manageable. Surprisingly My throat constriction got cleared after first dose itself.
believeranurag last decade
Please relax and pray more....
nawazkhan last decade

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