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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Urticaria ? 5 month old daughter.

Hi there,

My daughter is 5.5 months old, since about 8 weeks she is suffering from some kind of allergy. Her lower legs gets swollen, become red and then she gets these bumps that look like mosquito bite bumps whitish whelts with red halo around it. She cries terribly when the whole allergy process starts and stops crying only when i give her a dose of benedryl (Anti-histamine). We have done certain blood tests here to check for liver profile, food allergies,nature allergies, the results of which seem good enough. Her doctor is not able to determine the cause of the allergy. Please help.
  Priyataurus on 2005-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,

I am suffering the same symptom like your daughter too!! I also have no idea what is going on on my body, as I just go it last week!
depress last decade
Please try Apis 30 3 pills dissolved in water (about a quarter cup) & just give the baby a teaspoonful. You may give it 3 times a day for 2 days & watch for the results. Please keep us updated. apis is very good for allergies, mosquito bites.
willway last decade
If it is worse in the heat of
bed or just heat and also gets worse with washing, Sulphur is the medicine.

It it is red, Belladonna-30 will work. Belladonna works on children very well.

Recently I tried Juglans Regia on many die hard cases of urticaria with great success.

Read the thread on Juglans tree.
kuldeep last decade
Hi everybody,
yeah i think i should try Apis. I hv been giving her Ars Alb 1 a day. I live in bloomington,IL and hv no way of getting these medicines easily. so will order today and might get it in a week or so.
Will keep posted.

Hi depress,
U could try a doing a few observations:
a) whether u get the rashes when it gets warm/hot or cold
b) whether u get it when u appy some kind of pressure on the area.
c) are the rashes localised to one part of body or spread all over at different places on the body.
d) do the rashes come immediately or after several/few hours.
Take care.
Priyataurus last decade
Hi Priyataurus,

a) whether u get the rashes when it gets warm/hot or cold

b) whether u get it when u appy some kind of pressure on the area.

c) are the rashes localised to one part of body or spread all over at different places on the body.
The bump can spread across different place.

d) do the rashes come immediately or after several/few hours.

so, how is your daughterÂ’s progress now? Can this urticaria be cured permanently?
depress last decade
Hi depress,

Your symptoms are quite similar to my daughter's.
You will have to observe your symptoms more closely and keep track of when and how the rashes come, how long they stay and what you do to make them go away--in terms of medicines, anti-histamines etc., Because urticaria is of many types so it is very important to determine the exact way your rashes behave.
As far as my knowledge goes as of now-- urticaria prevails sometimes upto few months, or few years or can extend even upto several years; don't know for sure if it will go away and how soon.
I am trying to keep the room as cool as possible for her so that she does not get the rashes and even when i carry her i try to carry her in a way that would apply least possible pressure on her lower legs. Even when i her bathe her i try to keep the water as lukewarm as possible.
this is the only way i can see as of now to keep her away from the rashes and the medicines; she is just too young for too many experiments with medicines. But i trust homeopathy remedies the most. so will continue to workout with homeopathy until i find a solution for the problem. And i hope i find a solution as quickly as possible because when winter is here, she will have to put with the heat in the house, warm water and warm clothes!!!!!

I hv given Apis to my daughter but she does not seem to have any effect with that. I am going to try Dulcamera next and see if that helps.
Priyataurus last decade

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