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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

urticaria ?

Hello everyone,

I believe I was suffering from urticaria since the last few weeks. It appears regardless day or night. It can disappear within hour. I seriously have no idea why I was hit by urticaria! & I am wondering if this urticaria got any thing to do with sexual intercourse? What should I do in order to get rid of this urticaria??

Please advise.
  depress on 2005-07-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You could try Urtica urens 6x twice a day for 10 days .

Where is it located, if it is sexually connected could be a different kettle of fish.
walkin last decade
There must be some reason for urticari.do u have any disease or just uricaria.if no other symptom then follow walkin.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Wakin & Saj,

Thanks for comments.

I’m really not sure how on earth I got this urticaria. But I suspect that if the disease is actually caused by the drug which I have been using for several years i.e. RHINOCORT AQUA. Yes, I am suffering nasal problem since I was child. It never cure. I will have to use nasal spray like Affrin, Rhinocort etc to control the problem.

Kindly look at the side effects of the product, by searching it from google web. Keyword used : rhinocort aqua + urticaria.

The urticaria I got usually spread across my whole body. I can get it on my hands (near elbow), legs, stomach, and sometimes even face! Before the swelling appear on my body, I am usually “pre-notified” by having an itchy feeling on the upcoming affected area. Yesterday it came out again during night time. But the swelling somehow disappear within half an hour.

Now, I have been stopped using RHINOCORT these few days. I use Affrin as a replacement instead. I will monitor closely the situation. Hope my assumption toward RHINOCORT is the root cause for urticaria is true. Or can it really be other reason I got urticaria e.g. unprotected intimation?

Sigh! I wonder how long I still have to suffer, before urticaria completely wiped out from my body.

depress last decade
ANY drug used for long periods can cause problems!!.

Applies to homeopathic remedies as well!.
walkin last decade

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