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Lycopodium Clavatum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

how to use lycopodium CM

Dear Sir,
i am 34 years old
i have read about Lycopodium CM a lot but not know how to use it, means how many drops i can take in one dose and how many dose is suitable for me.
  sahirashh on 2012-04-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You should not be taking such a high potency at all, unless a homoeopath has specifically prescribed it for you. Even then it is highly unusual for such a high potency to be needed.

You should also not be self-prescribing as homoeopathic medicines have side effects if used incorrectly.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
sorry to say that i get your mail lately. i have taken 10 drops in some water after half hour of breakfast now what would i do. kindly guide me.
sahirashh last decade
Now just wait and see the result in coming days and report here if you develop any unwanted symptoms. May be nothing will happen to you but taking such a high dose of highest potency is very risky and should be avoided.
maraheem last decade
i have taken lyco 1m 10 drops two times in a day and now symptoms of impotecy, coldness of penis and loose erection appeared. dont know what to do.
jolly.2012 last decade
I am masturbating from the age of 14. Now I am 25 years old and facing some problems. My Penis does not get hard enough to have sex and premature ejaculation. I do had any sex with any girl. Now I fell scare to marry. Plz suggest my some remedies.
Md. Zahid last decade

Please make a thread just for you about
this. go to front page of forum and above
the first post see the button- Post New
Topic and click that and make your
own treatment thread.
simone717 last decade
which remedies should I use?
Md. Zahid last decade
If u use Lycopodium use in 1M 4 drops in 15 days gap
akt333 7 years ago

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