The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Treatment for chronic Hepatitis C and enlarged spleen
I am 58 years old male. wheatish in complexion. Medium height and build.Suffering from Hepatitis C and diabetes foe the 7 years. both these diseases were diagnosed simultaneously. I am taciturn and gloomy by nature. Have undergone Interferon treatment twice. It became negative after first treatment but relapsed after 6 months.since then I have undergone homeopathic treatments as well as Unani treatments. Since about two years have enlarged spleen and fatty live with some inflammation. My mouth remains dry most of the time even when my sugar level is normal. Taking Emyrl 2mg to keep sugar under control. Since diagnosis of enlarged spleen, have ravenous hunger and dont feel satisfied even after full meal. Get up at night to satisfy my hunger, Crave for sweet things. Feel body pain quite often, especially after getting up in the morning or afternoon siesta. Dont feel any pain in the stomach or spleen or any other organ.Generally have no digestive disorder except gases and frequent urination.My weight is going down and so is my girth. My skin remains dry and looks devoid of blood. Please suggest some homeopathic treatment.saleem53 on 2012-05-15
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dear patient, if you are living in Pakistan then please start to take HR-2 ( a product of Masud Lab.Lahore) I found it very useful for Hepatitis. Take fifty drops per dose three times a day and note changes report after atleast2 weeks.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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