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Psorinum: Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: Professional Constitutional Kit #2: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sulphur and Psorinum: dosage frequency ?


I am on a long term treatment with Sulphur 1M and Prosinum 1M. I wanted your suggestions regarding the appropriate dosage frequency.

Currently, I am alternating Sulphur and Psorinum every other month roughly. For example, SUL in Jan, PSOR in Feb, again SUL in March, and so on. Just want to give each remedy enough time to exhaust its action before planting another dose.

I am taking PSOR as a complement to SUL. Shud I move the PSOR dosage nearer to SUL, say SUL on 1 MAY and PSOR on 15 MAY or something ?

If you need any further info, just let me know. I am a male, around 32 yrs old.

  ranaknight on 2012-05-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Is someone supervising this
simone717 last decade
Yes that would be my question too. Who is supervising this? Those are dangerous potencies and remedies to be using so often without proper assessment.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi, yes Sulphur had been advised to me by a practicing homeopath. I added Psorinum because I didn't get much leverage from SULPH alone.

I didn't start with 1M from the very start. Had started with 200C. I will say I have taken 3-4 dosages so far of SUL 200C, and maybe 3 doses of PSOR 200C. Right now, I am just at the first dose of SUL 1M.

If these dosages seem too frequent, what would be more suitable frequency ?

Also, I would like to know at what interval should PSOR be administered if taken to augment SUL ?

ranaknight last decade
I am sure Brisbane homeopath will
comment on this. but for now, remedies
are not taken this way. You take one
remedy and take it thru potencies if it
is having an effect. If it is and the effect
ends then you take another dose same
potency to make sure, and then perhaps
go UP in potency or if it has been doing
nothing, then go to another remedy.

So if you did not get much effect from
sulph then what effect did you get
from the psorinum? You should be
taking one or the other and having it
supervised by the homeopath.
simone717 last decade
The homoeopath should be supervising this if he is prescribing. It is impossible for us to know what you should do - no-one here has taken your case or knows anything about your history or pathology.

You should be seeing benefits from the first dose of any remedy. Repeating mechanically without proper assessment of the effect of each dose is dangerous. There is no such thing as mechanical dosing in homoeopathy, everything is individualised on the basis of the specific patient and their reactions.

Every dose you take changes something. Taking the same remedy over and over without knowing what changes were made, might mean you will get side effects or other negative consequences. Your homoeopath needs to be more involved in this.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
you should consult the doctor to understand whether the remedy is really required
hporwal last decade
You should not .
If you want for skin itching then follow this.

When sulphur fail.

Psorinum 1m every 15 days 4 drops for 2 months. Total 16 drop 4×4
Natrim sulp 6x pills 4 times per day approx for 6 months or one month after itching of skin go

It is for last when everyhing fail.
6x 6c are used for long time because it remain in systm upto 2 days

30c for problem happen only for some time can be used daily upto one week.

200c once in week for most of case. Not with sulphur .youcan use it daily but not more than 15 days.

Usually 1m used for once in month 15 days once because its effect will more than 15 days some times for years.

Take care
msdfan 8 years ago
Please I need your help urgently. I was in India 2 years ago and a Doctor prescribed me Psorinum 200 liquid dilution for itching and burning on my testicles and penis. It worked very well initially. Six months later, the same Doctor gave me the same 200 liquid dilution Psorinum. This time it gave me diarrhea and it made the itching and burning 1000 times worse. Plus open sores between my legs and sharp pain in my legs and arms, body aches and sharp pains all over my body. Blisters on my testicles and very, very bad itching. I am depressed and cannot get out of bed. Very tired, losing weight, and my temples are sinking in. Also red spots on my body and they go to black in 15 to 20 days. Sometimes sharp pain in my head and my left wrist and I can’t sleep until 6 or 7 am and I sleep all day and awake again all night. I came back to Canada a year ago and a homeopathic doctor prescribed for me chelidonium ch 200ch and 200ch Silicea. It helped a little bit.

Note: This trouble all started in 1955 in Vancouver, BC. I was sick with gonorrhea. It was untreated. After that I was sick with itching and burning on my testicles and penis, hot urine. I think the doctor gave me mercury and it was a very hot feeling. In 1958, the itching, burning, and discharge after urinating was so bad that the doctor gave me a circumcision, but it didn’t help much. The only thing I know is that I was sick with Gonorrhea and it was went untreated in 1955.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I urgently need help.
Airtee 8 years ago
Psorinum is not at all a choice of remedy of choice for one who has history of Gonorrhoea and genital disorders. So, it has taken a wrog route. However, you may take single dose of 3 -4 pills of Coffea cruda 200c (an antidote) first and wait for at least 1 month for your original problem to settle to a level.

Then either consult a competant Homeopath locally or post your health details freshly on this forum. Some doctor would help.
DrKulkarni 8 years ago
After taking Coffea Cruda on the advice of DrKulkarni -- 2 1/2 months, my condition has improved by 70% than before taking Coffea Cruda. Thank you the advice. I have less itch and burn on my male private areas (penis and testicles). I am still getting real red skin and itch and burn from my kneecaps to my feet and from elbows down to wrists (forearms). Sometimes the skin gets really red. There is spotting, before the spots were red and black after Coffea the spots stay brown. Advice how to continue?
[message edited by Airtee on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 07:09:56 UTC]
[message edited by Airtee on Tue, 24 Jan 2017 07:13:59 UTC]
Airtee 8 years ago
Click dr k's name and send him an email with your link or thread title and user name.

He is not taking new cases and also we are not getting response alerts ,
So he probably will not see your response unless you notify him .
simone717 8 years ago

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