The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sweet sweat & Stool while urinating
My son, 5 month old has sweet smell esp around his neck. sleeps & eats less though he's healthy, by the grace of Allah.As for me, I'm 32 male. weak digestion is perpetual problem. for a month now, whenever I urinate, I feel like having stool do and sometimes I do too! situation becomes worse while urinating standing.
Controlling stool has also become a problem.
I have anal fissure that appears time to time.
tjalal on 2005-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sweet sweat is not the problem until your son is having any problem with sweat.
But u need proper medication along with proper diet control for u'r condition of digestive system.
But u need proper medication along with proper diet control for u'r condition of digestive system.
sapna last decade
thank you sapna.
any suggestions for my medication. I am doing weight training and therefore need a lot of protein and carbs. any suggestions there!
any suggestions for my medication. I am doing weight training and therefore need a lot of protein and carbs. any suggestions there!
tjalal last decade
For medication u've to describe other details what do u mean by weak digestion? and type of stool , is there pain during defaecation?, do u've constipation?why are u doing wt. training??what is u'r wt now and previously? and u'r health in general..
regarding diet,u can add fibres in form of vegetables,fruits etc.
regarding diet,u can add fibres in form of vegetables,fruits etc.
sapna last decade
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