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Lycopodium Clavatum:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Lycopodium Biotype and Hiperthyroidic

Please apologies for my medical english.

I suffer from hiperthyroid from five years. I've been in treatment since then with pills (metimazol).
The complete "cure" is a dosis of iodine 131 which will burn my thyroids through the years and then I would become hipothyroidic.
As I don't like this solution, I started an homeopathic treatment 6 months ago, where my homepathic doctor told me I was a Lycopodium, and it's because of that my illness. Since then I feel very very good. But the dosis I'm taking comparing with the dosis you are speaking are very high.
I started with six pills a day of Lycopodium 100cc. Every month, my doctor increase the dosis. Now I'm taking 50.000, 6 pills a day and the next pills are 100.000. Now I take 3 pills of metimazol and 6 pills of homepathy (lycopodium).
I have leaved 3 times the normal medication, but I felt in hiperthyroidic after a short time.
What are your thoughts about?
  IIIarcopolo on 2005-08-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
As a homeopath with 35+ years of experience .. the road you are taking is totally without reason.

STOP taking the metimazol.

Stop taking the Lycopodium.

Wait at least 2/3 weeks for conditions to settle and get a Classical homeopath to take the case on the conditions then prevailing.

Personally , as the condition is OVERactivity then I would use the glandular remedy
Pineal 6x twice a day for about a month and then STOP and wait 3 weeks to judge results.
walkin last decade
Iodum goes well with lycopodium.
saltOftheEarth last decade

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