The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Suspected Gastritis/Ulcer - Need HELP!
I have been suffering from very intense stomach and throat burning with bloating and a 'ball' feeling under my right ribs for 6 weeks. I have tied various PPI's and had many tests done. Nothing has been helping. I'm booked for an endoscopy, but not for weeks from now.Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd be happy to give more details!
kristine888 on 2012-05-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
More details:
My tongue has had a white/yellow coating throughout this flare up.
I don't drink and eat a good diet. Mostly bland food at the moment to try and help the constant burning/gnawing.
I quit smoking a few months ago, but still use nicotine replacement therapy. I am slowly weaning off of this.
I follow all the suggestions for GERD including not eating close to bedtime, raising the head of the bed, etc.
My tongue has had a white/yellow coating throughout this flare up.
I don't drink and eat a good diet. Mostly bland food at the moment to try and help the constant burning/gnawing.
I quit smoking a few months ago, but still use nicotine replacement therapy. I am slowly weaning off of this.
I follow all the suggestions for GERD including not eating close to bedtime, raising the head of the bed, etc.
kristine888 last decade
Alternative therapies I've already tried:
Slippery Elm (helps a little for a short time)
Probiotics (seems to make bloating worse)
Mastic Gum (haven't noticed any benefit yet)
Coconut Water (helps a little)
Drinking lots of water (even water makes the burning worse)
Slippery Elm (helps a little for a short time)
Probiotics (seems to make bloating worse)
Mastic Gum (haven't noticed any benefit yet)
Coconut Water (helps a little)
Drinking lots of water (even water makes the burning worse)
kristine888 last decade
Kris tine. Stop drinking tea coffee and milk. Stop eating rice. Take nat phos 6x after each meal after thirty mins. If it is really bad in the mornings eat about 7 grains of raw rice with two glasses of water. Acidity is caused by constipation. Eat more sweet guavas. U will hopefully be fine within a few days
[message edited by santinosharma on Sat, 26 May 2012 20:59:59 BST]
[message edited by santinosharma on Sat, 26 May 2012 20:59:59 BST]
santinosharma last decade
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