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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

son fever

My 2.5 years son has repeatedly fever from last three months. Some time after one week some time after two weeks. After medication he become ok and again the same problem. Usualy fever continue for 2 to 3 days. This problem starts when he has diarrhea in last week of march. Now it is almost routine for last 3 months..follows as.....
1.digestion problem->2.green stool with some time loose motion, once or twice vomiting->3.fatigues for one day
->4.then followed by fever->medicine (if antibiotic given is seems ok from very next, if not then 3 to four days with other medicine)->ok -> gain follow from step 1.

Urine culture, routine and stool test has shown no infection except giardia lambia (kind of parasite. the said medicine by doctor has been given for giardia lambia.

And also from last three month he has not gain any weight. He is 2.5 years and only 12 kg weight he has.
[message edited by raviranjan on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 12:31:06 BST]
  raviranjan on 2012-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him the following medicine for atleast 4-6 weeks, hopefully be will be alright.

1. Kali Mur-6x
2. Ferrum Phos-6x
3. Calc.Phos-6x

Buy in powder form and mixed them and give him half teaspon after every 3 hours.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
i think his fever problem is related to his digestion problem because every when he has loose motion and /or vomiting very next day fever starts. I think may he ha snot proper treatment when he was infected and has diarrhea in march last week. Please can any one put some light on that.
[message edited by raviranjan on Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:03:59 BST]
raviranjan last decade
Thanks Dr mahfooz. I will try these medicines and hope for best
raviranjan last decade

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