The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica the Miracle Remedy
i would like to place on record the many ailments for which i have used arnica as the remedy in various potencies during the past 20 years. this list is not complete as i have noted down only those cases that i could recollect.i prefer to use the wet dose where 1 drop or 3 globules are used in 400ml spring water which is succussed 4-6 times before each dose of 1 teaspoon in sipped.
daily use as a "tonic" 6c
wounds 30c-200c
substitute for morphine after major surgery 30c every 2-3 hours
jet lag 30c
lack of motor function of extremities in 82 year old 1m
mental degeneration in the aged 1m
chronic aches and pains 200c
insomnia 6c, 30c
eczema 6c
cellulitis 6c
angina 200c
chronic headache 6c, 30c
eases urine flow caused by bph (substitutes for drug hytrin) 30c
to control incontinence after turp 30c
internal haemorrhage and swelling in a haemophiliac after a fall 30c (bleeding from a wound ars alb 200c)
pimples, acne, blepharitis, rosacea 30c
bed sores 30c
nose bleed 200c
rheumatism and gout 30c
erectile dysfunction 6c
tonsillitis 200c
arresting hair loss and promoting growth 30c
i would like to place on record that i do not by any means claim that i was the first to use arnica as the remedy for these ailments.
i would like to request the classical and non classical homeopaths who may read this list to please remember that there are many ailments that my favourite remedy arnica can be used for which are not all recorded in their mm's.
♥ Joe De Livera on 2005-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
what of tablets can be put in water and successed as the ones i have are hard tablets do i need to get soft tablets as hard tablets dont seem to dissolve in water also joe mentioned globules are these hard or soft
whitts99 last decade
I would like you to get globules which will dissolve in water and follow my instructions to succuss them and sip a teaspoonful for your ailment.
If you would like to let me know what your ailment is, I may be able to advice you better.
Globules are usually 1-4mm in diameter and if can get them where you live you can use 3 globules 3mm or 2 if you get the 4mm.
If you would like to let me know what your ailment is, I may be able to advice you better.
Globules are usually 1-4mm in diameter and if can get them where you live you can use 3 globules 3mm or 2 if you get the 4mm.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
i cannot seem to get globules in the uk but can can get liquid form in all the potencies how many drops would i need, is 1 drop equal to 1 globule. i have a couple of ailments if you could advice the first is a sports injury to my upper leg a sprain i think , my second problem is i have brachydia a restig heart rate of 40 beats per minute probably due to exercising every day for the last 15 years i occassionly get the odd palpitation is there a remedy for this , would taking cactus grandifleurs daily help
whitts99 last decade
The liquid remedy which is usually in Ethanol is OK. All you need is just 1 drop in 400ml water.
You succuss the remedy in the water by hitting the plastic bottle hard on your palm and watch for the air bubbles which must fizzle from the bottom upwards.
Arnica 6 is the potency for sports injuries and I hope that you have been taking it as soon as you were injured. Dose is twice daily and you can take it for as long as you feel that it is doing you some good.
It is interesting that you have Brachycardia with a resting heart rate of 40 which is excellent. What is your BP ? I would also like to know how old you are and also if you continue with your sports or at least your daily exercise. This is very important for one who has conditioned the heart by sports, and this usually causes it to enlarge slightly. Hence the
I do wish that all sportsmen use Arnica 6c daily as this will help their bodies to recover quickly to face another day thereby improving their performance. I do not think that the Sports authorities will rule out the use of this remedy for athletes as it is definitely not a drug.
I do not think that you need to worry about the palpitation. Have you consulted any specialists about it ? The ultimate would be to get an ECG taken while you are having an attack and your heart rate and BP at that time recorded.
I believe that you will discover that it is only Paroxsymal Tachycardia which is a benign condition from which I too suffered from in my younger days. I am 76 now and do not have it anymore. My Tachycardia was clocked at 240 BPM which is very fast and my last 'attack' was in 1964 after a game of tennis singles.
I do get an occasional drop beat about once weekly even now and it is possible that my daily dose of Arnica 6c helps to keep my heart in condition with a BP of 1220/80 Pulse 65.
I had not thought of this aspect up to now, as I do remember that up to the time I started on my daily dose of Arnica in 1996, I used to get that odd flutter of my heart about twice weekly which would stop in a few seconds. However that is now history and I believe that I will add this discovery to my list of cures with Arnica above.
You succuss the remedy in the water by hitting the plastic bottle hard on your palm and watch for the air bubbles which must fizzle from the bottom upwards.
Arnica 6 is the potency for sports injuries and I hope that you have been taking it as soon as you were injured. Dose is twice daily and you can take it for as long as you feel that it is doing you some good.
It is interesting that you have Brachycardia with a resting heart rate of 40 which is excellent. What is your BP ? I would also like to know how old you are and also if you continue with your sports or at least your daily exercise. This is very important for one who has conditioned the heart by sports, and this usually causes it to enlarge slightly. Hence the
I do wish that all sportsmen use Arnica 6c daily as this will help their bodies to recover quickly to face another day thereby improving their performance. I do not think that the Sports authorities will rule out the use of this remedy for athletes as it is definitely not a drug.
I do not think that you need to worry about the palpitation. Have you consulted any specialists about it ? The ultimate would be to get an ECG taken while you are having an attack and your heart rate and BP at that time recorded.
I believe that you will discover that it is only Paroxsymal Tachycardia which is a benign condition from which I too suffered from in my younger days. I am 76 now and do not have it anymore. My Tachycardia was clocked at 240 BPM which is very fast and my last 'attack' was in 1964 after a game of tennis singles.
I do get an occasional drop beat about once weekly even now and it is possible that my daily dose of Arnica 6c helps to keep my heart in condition with a BP of 1220/80 Pulse 65.
I had not thought of this aspect up to now, as I do remember that up to the time I started on my daily dose of Arnica in 1996, I used to get that odd flutter of my heart about twice weekly which would stop in a few seconds. However that is now history and I believe that I will add this discovery to my list of cures with Arnica above.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I am on day four after beginning the arnica protocal that you recommend for hair loss.
I just wanted to report that I have noticed that my hair seems healthier. My skin has improved too, even during my period which is the worst time of the month for my skin.
I have been losing my hair since I was 22 years old - after a very traumatic surgery which forever altered my hormones.
I am very encouraged by what I see so far. Thanks!
I am on day four after beginning the arnica protocal that you recommend for hair loss.
I just wanted to report that I have noticed that my hair seems healthier. My skin has improved too, even during my period which is the worst time of the month for my skin.
I have been losing my hair since I was 22 years old - after a very traumatic surgery which forever altered my hormones.
I am very encouraged by what I see so far. Thanks!
jentoun last decade
Thank you for your tribute to Arnica. However I do not think that in just 4 days on the therapy, you could have had any benefit for your hair from this remedy. Any benefits from Arnica for your hair will be long term and will be visible in about 2 months although you may observe that any hair loss reduces in about a month.
The first observation that anyone who takes Arnica 6 will observe overnight is the depth of their sleep pattern when they will remember that they slept very deeply and may even have had to be woken up by someone or by an alarm. One would then notice that there is a feeling of zest on the day after, which is not imagination and this continues as long as one takes this remedy, hopefully for the rest of one' life. This unfortunately clashes with the viewpoint of the classical school of Homeopaths who prefer to use a remedy only when essential. I have begged to differ and as a result attracted a lot of flak as you would perhaps have seen on this forum and on another, which was stopped by other members of this forum who rushed to my defense.
You comments on your skin tone during your period is also interesting and it would be nice if you can please report on your sleep pattern and any other difference you discover in your daily routine.
Where do you live ? How old are you ?
The first observation that anyone who takes Arnica 6 will observe overnight is the depth of their sleep pattern when they will remember that they slept very deeply and may even have had to be woken up by someone or by an alarm. One would then notice that there is a feeling of zest on the day after, which is not imagination and this continues as long as one takes this remedy, hopefully for the rest of one' life. This unfortunately clashes with the viewpoint of the classical school of Homeopaths who prefer to use a remedy only when essential. I have begged to differ and as a result attracted a lot of flak as you would perhaps have seen on this forum and on another, which was stopped by other members of this forum who rushed to my defense.
You comments on your skin tone during your period is also interesting and it would be nice if you can please report on your sleep pattern and any other difference you discover in your daily routine.
Where do you live ? How old are you ?
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I live in America and I am 34 years old.
Ordinarily I would agree with you in that four days is a very short time to judge results but keep in mind that the hair shaft contains the most rapidly dividing cells in the whole body. I have learned over the years dealing with hair loss that when hormonal balance is achieved it can have a very sudden dramatic change on the quality of hair. I said quality not quantity. To increase the quantity, that takes time.
The fundamental underlying cause of hair loss is a result of the lack of adequate blood flow to the hair shaft. This is precipatated by DHT which produces this process. Arnica must surmount this problem. This was why I also suggested fluoric acid as well since I have seen in multiple texts that it relieves the congestion of blood to the head. I might try your procedure for arnica with fluoric acid in the future. Right now I am looking for something proven for my hair loss.
I will keep you posted with any results I achieve. Thanks again.
I live in America and I am 34 years old.
Ordinarily I would agree with you in that four days is a very short time to judge results but keep in mind that the hair shaft contains the most rapidly dividing cells in the whole body. I have learned over the years dealing with hair loss that when hormonal balance is achieved it can have a very sudden dramatic change on the quality of hair. I said quality not quantity. To increase the quantity, that takes time.
The fundamental underlying cause of hair loss is a result of the lack of adequate blood flow to the hair shaft. This is precipatated by DHT which produces this process. Arnica must surmount this problem. This was why I also suggested fluoric acid as well since I have seen in multiple texts that it relieves the congestion of blood to the head. I might try your procedure for arnica with fluoric acid in the future. Right now I am looking for something proven for my hair loss.
I will keep you posted with any results I achieve. Thanks again.
jentoun last decade
I can see that you are more knowledgeable about Human Biology that I am. As you may know I am not qualified in Homeopathy but have been an ardent follower of this science for over 30 years.
I have always known that Arnica works by promoting the flow of blood in the capillaries and it is no wonder that it promotes the growth of hair which I discovered quite accidentally on my own scalp when I first started to take it daily to help my prostate which was gradually constricting the urine flow. I was treating it with Arnica for 6 years but was eventually forced to have a Retropubic Prostatectomy in 2002.
I am glad that you have undertaken to use Fluoric Acid (30c?) to verify if it will help by relieving the congestion of blood to the head. But then again it may antidote Arnica which I know works excellently alone to reduce hair loss and promote growth. It will however be interesting to know the result of your experiment but I would suggest that you delay the Fluor Acid for 2 months when you will be able to evaluate the full effect that Arnica has on your hair and then proceed with the next stage of your experiment.
Thank you for your cooperation.
I can see that you are more knowledgeable about Human Biology that I am. As you may know I am not qualified in Homeopathy but have been an ardent follower of this science for over 30 years.
I have always known that Arnica works by promoting the flow of blood in the capillaries and it is no wonder that it promotes the growth of hair which I discovered quite accidentally on my own scalp when I first started to take it daily to help my prostate which was gradually constricting the urine flow. I was treating it with Arnica for 6 years but was eventually forced to have a Retropubic Prostatectomy in 2002.
I am glad that you have undertaken to use Fluoric Acid (30c?) to verify if it will help by relieving the congestion of blood to the head. But then again it may antidote Arnica which I know works excellently alone to reduce hair loss and promote growth. It will however be interesting to know the result of your experiment but I would suggest that you delay the Fluor Acid for 2 months when you will be able to evaluate the full effect that Arnica has on your hair and then proceed with the next stage of your experiment.
Thank you for your cooperation.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
I'd like to add my 2 pence also. I have been taking the Arnica 30c for eczema (see the "reduced perspiration" thread) and after just 2 months I have almost no eczema left at all. I was on Graphites for 2 years! Then I tried other remedys. The Arnica has definitely worked quite well. I still have dry skin but not with the yellow thickening that was so incapacitating via its stiffening of my hand. I also have BHP (enlarged prostate) and low blood pressure. The Arnica seems to have a positive effect on these conditions as well - I don't get vertigo much any more and my prostatic fluid emmissions durung urination have all but stopped. Thanks Joe De Livera for this suggestion. I spoke with one Homeopath in my neighborhood (UK) and she was surprised but pleased with my results. She is a research scientist who has a special interest in Homeopathy.
Pradyumna last decade
hi joe....
i am the same rahul who came to you for help regarding the bladder neck problem...
joe, the position now is that i have got rid of the prostate infection and other infections.,..don go frequently..but very poor flow. urologist says that i was wrongly operated for a stricture and the exact problem was narrow bladder neck..due to which i keep having infections...he has me on extended release capsules...which he asks me to eat forever...till i complete my family..
i want to ask the following:
- will i have fine married life or STDs may occur.
- i dont want to take these allopathic medicines for long. any remedy. is arnica 30c the option. how do i take it?
- i have white discharge in urine smtimes. no pain no irritaion...but urine leaks out every now and then,, drops..
i have started yoga...doing breath exercises..
what do i do next...
i will win over this problem..just need ur help.
i am the same rahul who came to you for help regarding the bladder neck problem...
joe, the position now is that i have got rid of the prostate infection and other infections.,..don go frequently..but very poor flow. urologist says that i was wrongly operated for a stricture and the exact problem was narrow bladder neck..due to which i keep having infections...he has me on extended release capsules...which he asks me to eat forever...till i complete my family..
i want to ask the following:
- will i have fine married life or STDs may occur.
- i dont want to take these allopathic medicines for long. any remedy. is arnica 30c the option. how do i take it?
- i have white discharge in urine smtimes. no pain no irritaion...but urine leaks out every now and then,, drops..
i have started yoga...doing breath exercises..
what do i do next...
i will win over this problem..just need ur help.
rahulbh last decade
I am delighted that someone who used Arnica for Eczema confirmed for the first time on this forum that it has helped to successfully eradicate this ailment. You will see that it will do so premanently as I have discovered from a few cases that I have treated in Sri Lanka.
This is the reason why I have gone to so much effort to promote my 'discoveries' on this and other forums and if you have read some of the posts on this forum last week you would have read how I was vilified by some homeopaths for having dared to deviate from their narrow classical methods of diagnosis which I do not subscribe to. I have always maintained that it is the proof of the pudding that is the acid test of whether or not my methods work successfully and your case proves that there is in fact some method in my madness.
You have also confirmed that Arnica has also helped your BPH. I first used it quite accidentally for my own BPH in 1996 but I was compelled to have surgery in 2002 for my prostate as the Arnica could not help any more as it was too enlarged. It was this happy encounter with Arnica that enabled me to discover how it also helped other ailments which I collected in my post on this thread.
You mentioned low BP. How low is yours ? Mine is 120/80 Pulse 65 at age 76. I believe I owe this to my using Arnica daily.
Please spread the word about the amazing curative aspects of Arnica to your friends especially Homeopaths who would perhaps never been taught of the many uses of this wondrous remedy.
Thank you for confirming about Arnica on this forum and I do hope that this will catch the attention of others who are members.
May I suggest that you copy your post on a separate thread to ensure that others who read it will also take note that Arnica has helped you and can also help others who suffer from the same ailments that both you and I have suffered from, in the past.
This is the reason why I have gone to so much effort to promote my 'discoveries' on this and other forums and if you have read some of the posts on this forum last week you would have read how I was vilified by some homeopaths for having dared to deviate from their narrow classical methods of diagnosis which I do not subscribe to. I have always maintained that it is the proof of the pudding that is the acid test of whether or not my methods work successfully and your case proves that there is in fact some method in my madness.
You have also confirmed that Arnica has also helped your BPH. I first used it quite accidentally for my own BPH in 1996 but I was compelled to have surgery in 2002 for my prostate as the Arnica could not help any more as it was too enlarged. It was this happy encounter with Arnica that enabled me to discover how it also helped other ailments which I collected in my post on this thread.
You mentioned low BP. How low is yours ? Mine is 120/80 Pulse 65 at age 76. I believe I owe this to my using Arnica daily.
Please spread the word about the amazing curative aspects of Arnica to your friends especially Homeopaths who would perhaps never been taught of the many uses of this wondrous remedy.
Thank you for confirming about Arnica on this forum and I do hope that this will catch the attention of others who are members.
May I suggest that you copy your post on a separate thread to ensure that others who read it will also take note that Arnica has helped you and can also help others who suffer from the same ailments that both you and I have suffered from, in the past.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
If I remember correctly you are the person from Bangladesh who sent me the Xray copies of your Bladder neck by email.
I am glad that I was able to perrsuade you to see another Urologist and as I expected he has informed you that some ham handed uro has messed up your case. I do feel sad that he has done so as this can affect your future life. If you lived in the US you would have been able to collect a few million Dollars in damages.
It just will not do for you to take drugs for the rest of your life and I would like to repeat my suggestion that you use Arnica 30c twice daily in the wet dose and sip 1 teaspoonful twice daily. I believe I told you how to make this solution but you can read about how to make this wet dose in other threads where I have often repeated it.
Please keep my informed what your response it to Arnica 30c
I am glad that I was able to perrsuade you to see another Urologist and as I expected he has informed you that some ham handed uro has messed up your case. I do feel sad that he has done so as this can affect your future life. If you lived in the US you would have been able to collect a few million Dollars in damages.
It just will not do for you to take drugs for the rest of your life and I would like to repeat my suggestion that you use Arnica 30c twice daily in the wet dose and sip 1 teaspoonful twice daily. I believe I told you how to make this solution but you can read about how to make this wet dose in other threads where I have often repeated it.
Please keep my informed what your response it to Arnica 30c
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
hi my bp is around 125 0ver 82 but can vary depending when i take it but is always within the safe range i am 37 by the way , interesting to know you get the odd flutter this is what i sometimes geti ca only tell because i use a heart rate monitor when exercising . is arnica 6 c better for sports ijuries as i have got the 30c and 200c hard tablet will 6c give better results and is there a general remedy for heart flutters . will arnica 30c successed in water be good for keeping blood pressure stable or will the 6c do just as good a job. look forward to a reply
whitts99 last decade
I have used Arnica 6c succussed for many months after I was converted to the wet dose from the dry globules I have taken since 1996 nightly. I have recently changed to 30c wet dose and find that it seems to be marginally better especially if I have been exercising during the day.
You may start with the 6c wet dose method and sip a teaspoonful of the remedy after succussing the bottle about 4 times.
There is no doubt that Arnica will help you to sleep deeply and this is perhaps the reason for the feeling of wellness that it promotes the day after.
You may start with the 6c wet dose method and sip a teaspoonful of the remedy after succussing the bottle about 4 times.
There is no doubt that Arnica will help you to sleep deeply and this is perhaps the reason for the feeling of wellness that it promotes the day after.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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