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Inner ear pain. Sensitivity to sound 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Inner ear pain. Sensitivity to sound

Hi All,

I have been suffering from this problem from almost 4 years.

I feel pain in my ear while speaking on phone or listening to music. This pain has become severe last week, when I attended a conference call. I experience mild head-ache along with this.

I consulted a doctor, he did some tests and said my inner ear is sensitive and it has the problem.

He prescribed vitamin tablets and some other for 3 months. But they are making me feel giddy.

Is there any solution for this problem in Homeopathy ?
  kiran_87_reddy on 2012-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Kiran,

I suggest you to take Asarum Europaeum 30c 5 pills twice a day with 12 hrs gap for six days & stop. Watch the action for 15 days.
Kindly report back the condition after 15 days.
daktersaab last decade
'Sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body 'is a guiding symptom Theridion. Please take this medicine in 30th potency five drops per dose thrice a day and note changes and report after 3 days.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks for the replies.

I am very much worried that this would be turn to a hearing problem ? Can some tell me if there is potential risk of hearing problem ?
kiran_87_reddy last decade
No there is no such risk but follow only one doctor who ever you want to.
Do not make 'do kashti ki sawari'. It is dangerous.
Keep your doctor updated with the development.
daktersaab last decade

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