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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Cat with diarrhea - advice please

I have a cat with diarrhea thats been going on for a month.

He doesn't strain when he goes
The diarrhea is mucousy and sometimes has blood in it - it is in large amounts.
Afterwards it sometimes continues to dribble out.

It seems to be painless and sometimes involuntary.

His appetite is increased yet he can't hold weight.

Sometimes there is gurgling in his tummy

He has gas which can clear a room.

He has a fear of going outside.

Im thinking arsenicum or aloe...what are your thoughts?
  starclipper on 2012-07-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi- go to free forum-

where vets can give you opinions.

Also on this site, Kadwa gives advice on
animals , but he is not on yet.
simone717 last decade
starclipper last decade
Why can I ask Gelsemium and not aloe or ARSENICUM? This is for my animal homeopathy course
starclipper last decade

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