The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hair loss
male 24 yr live in up wt.60kg. I m single. Having problem since last 6 yr. non diabetic like spicy & having very low thirst. Toung white test nnrmal. i hav lost my maximum hair from my crown my hair are too much thin & brittle . I feel shy when some one comment on my hair fall & this affect my confidence level. From the ye 2005-2007 i had use many type of gel, colours, and do every thing for styling my hair. Problem aggrevet in middle of summer & winter. & generally after bath. I have a bad habbit of masturbation. My father and grand fathe has hair fall as usual age. Above mentioned yr have acne probelm. I have use sulpher and lycopodium but no result now i am using acid flour 30 & kali sulph 6x. Please help me.(This post contains an image. To view the image, please log on.)
zameer on 2012-07-13
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