The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Physical Stamina booster & Body Growth
Dear Concern,I am Sheryl,30 Male, 5'8' weight 63kg,
i am doing body building.
kindly suggest me any medicine to increase strength and physical power and stamina,
and also suggest for body Growth
Dr. Mahfooz suggested me 'Avena Sitva-Q'
is these below mentioned medicine is good
(a)5phos (6x Biochemical salt)
(b) Alfa Indo Malt
i shall be really very thankful to you for this act of kind.
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Sheryl Chauhan on 2012-07-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there-
You have to remember the the homeopathy medicines---
are--- medicines. They are to be taken if you are ill or
Of course if you are bodybuilding you have to eat enough
and eat the right kinds of food. Otherwise, if you feel
you are 'weak' in some area of your health put your case
on here ( fill out a form from a Nawazkhan post) Remember
when you take things, even the Avena ( you don't keep taking
them bc they are to boost your vital force to work correctly)
Once that is working, the remedy can be overdosing you and
you will start to 'prove' the remedy-develop the symptoms
the remedy 'cures'. Even the cell salts are to be taken
and then given a break of a week or two ( IF you need them)
You have to remember the the homeopathy medicines---
are--- medicines. They are to be taken if you are ill or
Of course if you are bodybuilding you have to eat enough
and eat the right kinds of food. Otherwise, if you feel
you are 'weak' in some area of your health put your case
on here ( fill out a form from a Nawazkhan post) Remember
when you take things, even the Avena ( you don't keep taking
them bc they are to boost your vital force to work correctly)
Once that is working, the remedy can be overdosing you and
you will start to 'prove' the remedy-develop the symptoms
the remedy 'cures'. Even the cell salts are to be taken
and then given a break of a week or two ( IF you need them)
♡ simone717 last decade
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