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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hypothyroid, adrenal fatigue help please!

I am a 33 year old male. I have a history of methampetamine abuse that lasted 5-6 years and has been in remission for 1 year.
I have a hypothyroid condition and have been on Levothyroxin 2-3 years. The dosage I take now is 100mcg. I am currently on Vyvanse salts for ADHD. I still get tired easily and get my extremities cold fast. I also had my gallbladder removed due to gallstones in Feb/2010. Even before having my gallbladder removed I suffered with poor food digestion and excess flatulence, abdominal pain and distention due to the air trapped in my intestines. I made the mistake for years of taking extra fiber to keep my digestive track clean and in doing so, I believe I messed up my digestive motility.
Currently, my symptons are:
Difficulty concentrating
Cold extremities
Get tired easily
Out of breath with excercise quickly
NO libido
left arm tingle and goosebumps
feeling on left hemisphere of the brain
Digestion is slow
Poor kidney function
Constant pain in the upper abdominal area, like air is permanently trapped
Morning erections are now infrequent
Difficulty maintaining erection
Difficulty with vision recently
Feeling that bowel has not complety emptied after a bowel movement.
Excess green mucus/phlem that I have to cough up in the mornings
Difficulty sweating
Lack of focus
Inability to follow on goal
Difficulty memorizing info and studying
Feeling that water and raw juice goes through digestive system but not excreted via urine. For example, I drank a beet juice and did not urinate any of it, instead it was excreted via a bowel movement 2 days after.

I took Natrum Mur 200c, 5 drops first thing in the morning for 5 days. Natrum Mur was SO helpful. Before taking this medicine I could not have a solid bowel movement, after eating I would go straight to the bathroom but after taking Natrum Mur I now have normal bowel movements most of the time.

Thank you for your help,
  jszuniga on 2012-07-29
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